General Discussion

General Discussionbloodstone on medusa?

bloodstone on medusa? in General Discussion

    so Ive been trying to get better with medusa and I noticed the top ranked player with her always gets bloodstone an item that Ive felt is shit on medusa for a long time... can someone explain why its good? I mean i see its the most cost effective source of hp/ehp but it give you no early dmg or stats


      Its not good for that money better buy full skadi


        ya tell that to the top ranked medusa player over 800 games played way beyond my or your lvl ive seen him make bloodstone sange and yasha before lol..... commen sense would tell you that isnt optimal way of building the hero but maybe he knows somthing i dont


          Doesn`t mean he is good if he is top1 dusa on dotabuff rankings. He play normal games and he is stacking so he is really not a player you want to learn from. Probably he is fine but nothing special and his item build is wrong.


            Watch this guy: or this one

            Fuck that top1 ranking `bloodstone` rofl

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              the guy who is rated #1 with dusa messes around on the hero a lot, like a month ago he went deffusal+S&Y every game. also don't get indoctrinated into the rapier every game cult. yes it can win unwinnable games and end a close game in 2 minutes, but it will also make you throw EZ wins away.

              you should try not getting manta and linken's as much as you do. they are both pretty cost ineffective, linkens gives bad stats for the price and is only good against heroes like beast master and lina. the manta active isn't even worth using if the other team has a few AOEs, since the active costs 165 mana its basically like nukeing your self for just over 400 damage (less mana means less blocked by spell shield).

              try getting MoM instead of HoD also.


                Bloodstone medusa is super legit if the enemy team is light on disables. It is the best item in terms of hp and mana regen, it makes you tanky as fuck and as a safelane carry you can get it pretty fast. The logic behind it is that you become pretty hard to control due to tankyness and enemy lack of cc, forcing the enemy to either focus you down leaving your teammates free or to focus your teammates leaving you free to use your ult and control the fight.

                Edit: Your gpm is really low for dusa so I wouldn't go for bloodstone if I were you. Try to speed up your farming and improving your efficiency.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  Garbage item for the price. Doesn't provide that much in EHP when you consider that it provides 0 DPS and an unnecessary amount of regen, the only real benefit is that you respawn faster.

                  Linkens while providing less EHP, will block a spell which gives you a better shot at getting your ultimate off (you might get caught out with a long range disable + whatever follow up) + a little extra DPS. If disables weren't a problem, then just get Skadi which provides you with almost double the EHP of bloodstone. Manta is another decent item in this situation as well. Just don't start with 2 of any of these items, you generally need to pick up 1 and then go for a DPS item.


                    why is my gpm so low somtimes when i have such high cs? not farming well enough early i guess?


                      @Terrible: "Doesn't provide that much in EHP when you consider that it provides 0 DPS and an unnecessary amount of regen" LMAO. Dude please think before you talk.
                      Ath: 250~ lh in a 50-60 mins game isn't high at all. Unless you're fighting non-stop you should aim at for 7+ last hits per minute, specially with someone like medusa who farms really fast once she gets some levels.


                        waste of a slot

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Bloodstone is an extremely sub-optimal item on Medusa. If you're going for a late-game build from the start, Linken's first or Yasha first will give you much better scaling through the game.
                          If you're considering Bloodstone as your core tank item, Skadi will do this job several times better.
                          If you're considering Bloodstone as mana sustain and shield's HP coverage, Guinsoo is incomparably better.

                          It's just the hero is so good, almost every possible bullshit build is working on her.


                            well alot of those games are non stop fighting i mean its low lvl mmr ppl dont exactly wait around for the dusa to farm up but yea i could work on it forsure


                              Also I just tried blood stone in a match one thing I think that might be over looked is that you can just keep the soul booster as your main hp and regen item and then rush dps. in my game I made soul booster and then just rushed Daedalus manta and then finished my bloodstone later. I have to say this item made me very tanky, it allowed me to tank a doom with scepter....


                                def i think its all situational

                                SWAG DRAGON

                                  mask of madness + bkb early game = more enjoyable / win. can replace mask of madness later
                                  MoM works really well if u have damage enchancing heroes on ur team like VS/sladar etc
                                  no ones going to be hitting u while ur ulting = great for mom times
                                  MoM move speed also allows u to position easily to stun those running / looking away

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    level 11 medusa w/STR treads has 2.3k p.EHP m.EHP
                                    -bloodstone = 3.6EHP (total) - 68 DPS
                                    -skadi = 4880 p.EHP | 4258 m.EHP - 104 DPS

                                    Sure there is a gold difference, but its not enough to make bloodstone the better choice of the two. For regen you can just start up with bottle/aquila which are both pretty solid items to pick up earlier on (not necessarily both).

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    kanye went to uni

                                      one of my terrible ideas that my friends flamed me for was to build arcanes on medusa ... it helps team, helps you tank (esp with the mana shield change), gives you mana to spam snake, you dont do real damage early anyway ... why not? my friends think its terrible though so i've never tried it ... what do you guys think?

                                      i mean, if arcane boots is considered acceptable for safe lane naga then surely it'd be okay for medusa?

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        it powers up your laning phase as long as u drop the item when u receive your snake.


                                          Rod of Atos is the most cost effective tank item on Medusa and it provides a way to actually kill people.


                                            Try Dagon!


                                              ^^I am always tempted to try it, but then there is this little voice in my head that goes "Rod of Atos on dusa, you tarted" and then I don't get it.


                                                Gives ton of survivability if enemy doesn't have NYX, etc.
                                                However, is it optimal? In some rare occasions it can be decent, but usually not.

                                                (These rare occasions may be when enemy doesnt have many spells than proccs linkens, but then again you got hexes and such later in the game. These occasions are also when enemy has manadrain spells, which will render Bloodstone unworthy as it doesn't increase your survivability/dmg for its cost.)