General Discussion

General DiscussionI started playing Tiny and most of games i feel really irritated

I started playing Tiny and most of games i feel really irritated in General Discussion

    May be I don't understand how this hero should be used.

    He has quite strong procast, may be can oneshot some heroes with avalanche+toss+etherial blade, but you need fast dagger aganim and etherial and level advantage.

    What I think may be you need get midas as fast as possible and then try to farm this items quick.

    But without that oneshot-procast... those punches 1,5 seconds per one with terribly slow animation to deal 200-300 damage... makes me feel angry in game fights after I used all spells.

    There were cases when I left 100 hp to heroes after procast, and after that just could't kill them.

    Once I tried to gang templar assasin and after avalanche + toss she got like 50hp, she turned on refraction and ... killled me with full hp. It was not enough attack speed and spells cooldown time to get refraction down.

    And that one the most annoying example.

    Someone can explain me proper game role, game style, or teamfight strategy, and itembuild for this hero?


      Ok a paragraph in and you say etheral should be a pickup. No wonder your irritated, watch some pro games and watch how they build and optimize tiny to his full potential. I can assure you etheral is not something you should be thinking about when playing tiny


        Build to compensate your weakness: shitty as and kiteable. Go for AS itens like butterfly (if you need the evasion), assault(armor and good push item) or manta, then make sure you aren't being kited around on teamfights

        EB in theory is godlike (lots of agi + amplify for av+toss) but i think butterfly outclass it in most aspects

        Aghs is the best item to build 1st. I dont build midas or drums because i think treads + mw + point booster is enough to participate on teambattles and push, and your gameplay really changes when you buy aghanim.. so i build it as fast as possible

        If you buy a dagger you will be relying too much on pickoffs, it is a snowball item and it really shines when there are multiple heroes that will die for ava+toss combo. I don't think it is the safest choice

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          I tried different itembuilds.

          I liked mjolnir aghamin and assault cuirass (as much as I enjoyed playing Tiny at all), but anyway it was not enough burst damage.

          May be manta is good for Tiny.

          Also I feel hard to farm as I never got dominator or vladimir, and using procast to farm creep packs very quick leaves you without mana even with arcana boots


            You are farming too slow because you are delaying aghanim too much


              So, aghanim is likely best core item, but I wonder do you mean to skip dagger?

              In all games this was my first "serious" item


                If you buy a dagger you will be relying too much on pickoffs, it is a snowball item and it really shines when there are multiple heroes that will die for ava+toss combo. I don't think it is the safest choice


                  i think you should get dagger only if you are mid, and/or have some level and gold advantage.
                  and it is situational, whats the point in getting dagger on tiny if you are lvl 8 and enemy sven is lvl 11.
                  you would rather want to rush aghs.


                    Dagger is definitely a snowball item on tiny, if you plan to do lots of fighting early drums are definitely not bad before going for aghs. Aghs is hands down the most impactful core item on tiny and should be built as soon as possible.


                      Tip: buy qblade after aghs (or before)

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        Dont get eblade on tiny, I always pick tiny if im going mid, if your vs a lot of squishy supports you can rush dagger for fast pick offs. but I usually go ganking carry tiny, I rush bottle and go for phase boots good in fight to chase and get out from being blocked and can gank without losing too much farm mid, also phase boots let you get close fast to cambo off perfectly.

                        If your safe lane you would want to go treads followed by drums and aghs. AC is a very good item for tiny as it fixes 2 of his problems, attack speed and armor, also makes you hit like a truck.

                        BKB alot of time is a need item as he is strth and if not stopped attacking cleave will kill entire enemy team. after aghs ac bkb you can buy mjolnir, daedlus or mkb if needed.

                        I done mask of madness on tiny and rarelly got panished for it as life steal of such big right click is very good but need to becarefull. Buterfly and manta also good on him. One of my biggest problems with tiny is that i focus too much on killing enemy heroes and not farming and sometimes fall back,Tiny needs a lot of items and can do crazy things like taking all rax in a less then 2 min.

               this should be your item build most o thegames, dont need to be exact but some what like.

                        harvard graduate

                          If you cant handle losing the attack speed: Treads - Drums / Yasha - Aghs - Hyperstone - AC - BKB/Manta - Crit - Satanic/Heart.

                          There is a reason why Tiny is mostly played with Io since he just buffs the hell out of Tiny. As you are in "Normal Skill" its probably easier to ask someone to pick Ogre Magi and give you bloodlust. Should be fairly easy then.

                          Btw, blink is nowhere near a core item. If your team has a Mirana that hits the arrows or other long range initiation you can probably get away with a blink but I feel like drums / yasha is stronger before aghs.


                            Two ways to play tiny.
                            Position 1.
                            PT -> Drums (optional) -> Aghs -> BKB/Manta/AC (choose order according to the situation) -> Daedalus.
                            With this build you still have enough burst to 1 shot supports with your combo (it deals around 1k damage), but aghs will speed up your farming A LOT, which means that if you can't kill people with your combo you will still be able to farm and you will do it fast.
                            Since you're playing carry role you should focus on farming before anything else.
                            Position 2.
                            Mana boots -> Blink -> Forcestaff (optional) -> Dagon/Eblade/Shivas. No bkb - the whole point of this build is to burst people down asap so you can start a fight 4v5.
                            With this build you rely on getting pickoffs and snowballing. Your farm will be slow, but who needs farm when you can kill heroes anyways. It's an all-or-nothing type of build, if you get a good start you will be unstoppable, if you don't then you will fall behind with no way to recover and probably lose.


                              @oleksandr "who needs farm..." What a logic


                                I don't think you understood the tone of that sentence, but who needs a sarcasm detector, anyways. In fact, who needs a brain anyways.

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  You need to explain to him in mentaly rtarded ways, he dsnt understand that killing heroes is getting money which is farm, and while u doing this could have a harder carry farming up while space is created.
                                  TONY IS AWESOME


                                    I find Dagon on Tiny being utter garbage.


                                      "What a logic"

                                      Indeed, grammar mistakes hardly compliment sarcasm.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        You don't need to always get dagger, dagger is situational. It's like TA, too many people assume dagger is core when there are better items. Yasha is a sick pick up on tiny too for a manta or s&y later.


                                          i'm playing tiny pretty often (200 games) and realized that his greatest strenght is his pure dmg. combined with his and 2nd. skill.
                                          Try to get Bottle(700g), boots (450g) and instant blink dagger (2k) within 15 mins. After you get them you can easily gank and farm. My favorite build right now after the first items is yasha, since you gain attackspeed,movement and the possibility of manta style in lategame.
                                          after my yasha i go for aghanis and farm the shit out of the creeps and heroes.

                                          just learn to last hit with him, which is pretty easy if you get reminded of his early attackdmg.