General Discussion

General DiscussionCrimson Guard

Crimson Guard in General Discussion

    When is this item ever a good pick-up, I've never really even thought about picking it up over something like a Mec


      you negate 50 damage for 9 seconds

      pretty good for teamfights
      works like a charm for heroes like Axe, Bristleback, Centaur, Doom, Alchemist, Elder Titan and others since the mek mana cost nerf.


        50 physical damage reduction, so good against a lot of right click damage
        Pretty much if they have a team full of heroes like Sniper, Drow Ranger, Luna, Anti-Mage, Juggernaut, etc
        And good on any hero that already picks up a vanguard usually


          Probably the worst item to have 2 of on a given team. I think it needs a buff, it's a little weak overall.


            I think a good buff for it would be to also prevent 100% of crits in the duration it lasts, I think that would give the item a lot more of potential as a pickup against heroes hitting really hard. Of course the crit block would only be active on the item holder and not the full team.

            For example, if PA was targeting you and you activate CG then PA can only hit you with her dmg -50 and wouldn't crit you once, but if PA moved to your teammate then it's just the standard -50 on every attack, or maybe a chance to block crits for teamates

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              can crimson guard used against jugg ulti? blocking its phys damage to reduce the damage?

              THICC BABY SHUM

                I think it would only block jumps in between juggs ult

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                Dire Wolf

                  Dude crimson guard is amazing when you fight right clickers. You're team will annhilate all the PA, wk, sniper, drow pickers with just this one item.

                  But it's not so good that you should grab it on anyone who wouldn't normally build vanguard. That means it's limited to guys like axe, bristle, centuar. But if you build a vanguard you should definitely finish crimson guard.

                  आप गे क्यों

                    its a meh item. Eg, oh i didnt get crimson guard this round. meh, who cares.

                    Only hero it is worth buy one is bristleback. its too costly on heroes needs to farm their blink first to be effective. And by the time they can afford to buy crimson guard, usually past the 25 min mark. Its already pass the effective time period.

                    Crimson guard is a good pickup against right clickers eg, pa etc but by 25 mins, if they have not been feeding. they will usually have a core item or 2 out. Negating 50 dmg isnt nearly worth the cost.

                    Most of the time i have to choose between it and blademail
                    Blademail > Crimson guard

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      I say it's perfect for heroes vs PL, Naga, and any range carry hero. I get it on phoenix some times, and it gives my team a block which is nice.


                        It blocks each hit, including the ones in between. Counters him pretty hard.

                        bum farto

                          Kidades is right, Crimson basically is a physical counter to Juggers ult, you do next to no damage even with Sceptre.

                          Ples Mercy

                            Well i wouldn't say next to no, but if every hit gets procced and you have the active on you only do around half damage on omnislash, so yeah that is a big deal.

                            bum farto

                              1. There is no proc, active is 100% protect, and high proc chance on non-active which still is pretty high.
                              2. Hero that get crimson are usually tanky with high base HP or armor which again negates a lot of juggers damage output in slash
                              3. Active gives you plus two armor.
                              4. Heros like axe take about 100-120 damage a slash from juggernaut with active crimson and call.
                              5. Any suppports that are easily killed should probably have a ghost sceptre.

                     crimson protects a team where ghost sceptres aren't viable. It does damage but a very reduced amount. Somewhere in this game I ulted the axe with active crimson to dodge RP and it did absolutely nothing.

                              (fyi, axe call works in omnislash to call jugger after ult to prevent spin, e.g. if you call when the ult is almost over as soon as the ult finishes he will immediately be in "called" positioning allowing stuns to be thrown for lockdown.)

                              Dire Wolf

                                I don't see why you wouldn't finish it on any vanguard hero but the question is on what other heroes to go for it. Is it every worth getting on spectre? Some people like vanguard on spec. Or another str hero like dragon knight or legion commander? I'm thinking no.


                                  i think a good buff for it would be that u were invulnerable to physical and magical damage for 20minutes.
                                  mongols pls.