General Discussion

General DiscussionIf I'm always in normal skill at unranked, will I expect to have a <3...

If I'm always in normal skill at unranked, will I expect to have a <3000 MMR even if I played a perfect 10 game calibration?? in General Discussion

    Perfect meaning won the majority of the games with high kda ratio and hero damage, good last hitting and denies etc.

    This is my "smurf" account but I noticed that even if I'm at normal skill, the players I encountered have good skills already unlike the 1st few games I played when I started DotA when we are all naive. I'm lvl 11 here btw

    I also have another account: where I have 2-6 record but its on the Very high skill - high skill mark...I think this is at lvl 8. What does this mean? Why is this on very high when I have constant losses...

    If you were me, what account should I continue? If I'm always in normal skill at unranked, will I expect to have a <3000 MMR even if I played a perfect 10 game calibration??

    Anyone? TIA.


      Doesnt matter. Keep playin'.


        haha. nice! Anyone? TIA.


          It will not matter.

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            Calibration won't matter so much, if u play normal bracket u will get low mmr. You play on better bracket on the other account because you played better in the games on this acc, and if u keep playing like you did in this new acc, you will get a better mmr than the other acc.
            Don't expect to get ranked high though, as all higher ranks are tagged as "Very high", and if ur getting "high" games still, you have a lot to improve.

            Low Expectations

              Unranked and ranked dont share ur "MM number" I play normal unranked and v.h ranked.

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                But if u have never played ranked, it still depends on the level of the games u played on unranked previously

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                  I get 4,5k+ even losing all calibration games in new accs, and this can only be explained by unranked games mattering


                    Are you FlyyQ or the other guy smurf ? (forgot his name).


                      The calibration is just a final check to see if the hidden MMR you have from unranked will hold up. If you don't perform dramatically differently (ie 20 + KDR) its just going to give you close to the same MMR as your hidden MMR.

                      Your unranked (hidden) MMR is going to depend on what heroes you played. Your best hero is probably 1,500 MMR or more above your worst hero. If you play your best hero for a lot of games you will be set at that MMR. If you play your worst hero, you will be set at that MMR. I have moved up as high as 4.2k MMR and as low as 2.8k MMR depending on what I have been playing recently. If I played exclusively my very best and very worst heroes the gap would be even larger.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        @relentless. I doubt that is true for everyone. Surely playing your worst hero will not drop your mmr from 4.2k to 2.8k. I understand that different heroes has different intricacies related to them however it usually shouldn't be the most important factor whether you win or lose. Most of the times what separate 3k to 4k is basic decision making and that shouldn't change and isn't dependent so much on what hero you are playing..


                          Calibration games are just like normal ranked games, except you can get / lose up to 100 mmr per game instead of 24-26. So in theory, if you play perfectly during calibration games, it's possible to get 1000 mmr above your non-ranked mmr.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            @Shivers basic decision making is completely different for different types of heroes. Typically people who are good at carries are terrible supports and vis versa. This becomes less true for the best players in the world, but even for them they would easily have 1k MMR less with their worst hero vs their best.

                            And I am not saying my best is 4.2k and my worst is 2.8k... that's just the actual range over which I have played for this account alone. If I played visage every game I would probably lose 30 or 40 games in a row before I really started to be worth my score. If I played Zues or PL and really tried hard to win I would win 90% of games for the next 30 or 40 games. I know because I have done this on other accounts. I have actually played about 8,000 games of dota. On those heroes you perfectly practice you can be vastly superior to those you have only a vague idea of how to play and have barely tried out.

                            It's not a matter of how good you could be if you put in hundreds of games on a hero. It's a question of Right Now for the next game, how good are you? If you play your worst hero at your average MMR you will suck. That is why you lose so many games on some heroes and win so many on others. Your individual hero stats will be nowhere near the community averages for your worst and best heroes.

                            That familiarity, that practice affects everything in the game. It changes your reaction speed, your lasthitting, changes your map awareness, changes your decision making. On the hero you know inside and out every aspect of your game is easier, faster, almost automatic. On the hero you have only seen others play you are constantly stopping to think about what to do and how. Watch a replay of yourself on a bad hero and see all the hesitation and confused clicks.


                            Anyway the point is, if you want to have a high MMR on a new account then just play your best heroes and nothing else in unranked. When you calibrate you will be far higher.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
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                              კომენტარი წაიშალა
                              My dawg

                                lmfao if u cant reach very high within 3 games on ur smurf ur doin it wrong


                                  i got to agree with free gucci^


                                    my 2.8k mmr friend made a smurf and is playing so easy in very high.
                                    so i guess if roll my face over the keyboard, i could still play in very high on a new account.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!