General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Visage so underused?

Why is Visage so underused? in General Discussion

    The hero is really really strong due to his gank potential and dps I mean if u get a urn no1 can really stand up to u anymore (with ult). In teamfights with right positioning he can do a lot. What do you guys think?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      More than %80 of the playerbase play this game for fun so they will pick whatever they want without caring about the game and to be honest Visage is one boring motherf*cker.

      NextStep ®

        Plus, it's such an ugly hero.


          Because he's boring as fuck and he has a higher skill floor than most heroes. Also he's most effective in trilanes, which only exist in the highest brackets.


            coz micro,
            every micro hero is underused

            THICC BABY SHUM

              trilanes exist even in 2k mmrs lol just bad once lmao
              like zeus invoker void lol


                Hard to play. 1 misplay can cost too much and suddenly you're underleveled and underfarmed feeding their whole team. as if it wasnt enough you also feed the birds :)


                  and yeah he's so fucking boring, its like playing viper/razor but without going crazy

                  Dire Wolf

                    He's somewhat difficult. He's not as fun to play as ogre magi or carrys.


                      his gank potential
                      rly ?




                          its good if u play 3v3 and kill, else it gets rly fuckin boring in notime


                            I guess familiars can fly over trees so stunning the enemy with follow up of team could mean a kill right? Iam thinking of bot and top. I can't agree with the hero being boring I had fun playing it. Though I agree he is is not easy to play


                              Tis one of the most fun and badass heroes in the game, what are you even talking about?
                              Boring? And smashing two buttons for 1 hour straight on that bullshit rng heroes is fun, huh?
                              Ugly? One of the most quality models in the game, look at that fat abomination or that plastic cat lady and tell me how Visage is ugly.


                                So what


                                  Great support as long as your opponent's team doesn't have a way to output a lot of physical aoe and kill your birds if they even get close. Soul assumption is probably the strongest low cd nuke in the game all things considered.


                                    visage is rly antifun. You gotta not make ur birds attack randomly so that they retain the dmg bonus.

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      yup, bad hero, yet played in pros for no reason.


                                        Lost people.


                                          If a hero is among the hardest to use effectively, very few people are going to use them. Except Invoker, who has a notorious reputation, both in difficulty and potential power.


                                            Not only is he difficult to play, but he's a hero that has a very small niche because of the fact that he's so easily countered. Any hero that has multiple damage ticks in one ability, or can spam one ability a lot (Bristle) and thereby melt his cloak, and then he has a really low base armor and the lowest (10%) Magic resistance in game.

                                            Now that there are public hero rankings, I feel kind of compelled to watch VP.Polar games and analyze the kinds of situations in which visage is not only acceptable, but works.

                                            A game that had a great use of Visage and Beast Master in tandem with Tinker -
                                            (Speeding up tinker farm and mobility by allowing teleporting to summons)


                                              Ugly ass hero, can't really tell what he is. Like some goofy ass gargoyle, give him a cosmetic change and bet he would get a little more play.


                                                Cause the dota 2 players are:
                                                -90% a 1000-2500 MMR
                                                They cant use it.

                                                Primordial Soup

                                                  So fucking slow this Hero.

                                                  Miku Plays

                                                    i dont have micro skills ... so i dont play visage, but if i ever play him i wont get his ult.

                                                    He's an A-star student, y...

                                                      I'm within top 15 diamond 10 visage players with 500+ games on the hero and here is a list of reasons:

                                                      1) VERY level dependant and CANNOT jungle (cores will RARELY give you lane to get 6). As a result, 10+ minute lvl 6 is VERY COMMON.

                                                      2) Mostly useless if the enemy team has any form of PHYSICAL AOE (about half of the heroes in the game currently have).

                                                      3) NO COUNTERPUSH

                                                      4) CANNOT HARD SUPPORT (yet 90% of people think so, leading to 4 core 1 visage lineups where the chance of losing is well above 90% cause visage IS USELESS WITHOUT ITEMS)

                                                      5) Very lackluster in the LANING PHASE, low armor, magic resistance, cant ZONE OUT offlaners

                                                      6) NO ESCAPE, NO DIRECT STUN, VERY SQUISHY before levels in cloak, often leading to EXCESSIVE FEEDING or NO IMPACT cause joining engagements is too dangerous, especially pre-6

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        Very level dependent -
                                                        very teammate oriented - need lots of dps to feed nuke
                                                        Mana issues -
                                                        any kind of physical damage flak, bristle spikes own you
                                                        Lots of clicking - "harder" hero to use
                                                        People want you to support but he is semi core - needs aghs etc.. over mech


                                                          would you like to see a good visage game?



                                                            i posted some very high skill match cause some ppl going to say " that build only work against newbs "

                                                            you can go support.
                                                            you can go semi carry ranged dps.
                                                            you can go tank.

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              Thx for the info guys I got more insight about the hero. Lavexis the matches are impressing well done


                                                                o h m y g o d shaddow blade.
                                                                Why would you waste gold on that, better buy BoT, smoke familiars, go farm with your hero and tp when you find victims. You can drop your whole team where you want that way.
                                                                And no "tank", please, Visage is like the most vulnerable hero in the game, with shitty passive that tries to compensate for that and fails (but you can tank creeps with that, oh well...), and slow as wolves of icewrack.

                                                                Primordial Soup

                                                                  Visage got me out of normal skill.


                                                                    Easy to play hard to master. As with a lot of heroes like this people fail pretty hard with him and either you don't level the ult and under use him massively or you level the ult and just end up feeding bird or standing still in fights cause you're not comfortable playing the hero.

                                                                    He does take time to get good with and as a lot of people have mentioned above he can be rough if your team are absolute idiots as Visage is quite slow to get around so it can be quite easy to get caught out, and honestly he does thrive on a better team. While I don't agree in the slightest with the shdowblade, an orb effect can be quite handy on Visage I usually prefer the Mjolnir as I use the active charges on my birds and which does really work well if you can micro them properly.

                                                                    My advice is to take your time with the hero and maybe use one bird or none till you've come to grips with the hero.


                                                                      Needs skill+is support. Killer combo.

                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!