General Discussion

General DiscussionCalling out players who are in top 100 Most Matches Played (AMA requ...

Calling out players who are in top 100 Most Matches Played (AMA request style) in General Discussion

    Just wanted to ask how many games you play in a day? And about your life, does your parent just let you do your thing?


      is it hard for u to estimate??
      just take 1 month.., scroll to: 30 days ago
      count pages, multiply by 20 and divide by 30
      or just %page%*2/3
      ~12 each day is played counting 1 last month
      *so hard*

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        I want to interact with them and ask questions. Not to estimate (◕‿-)

        Welt aus Eis

          They don't post here, they're too busy spamming games in 2k bracket

          Welt aus Eis

            I mean come on the guy has 10k games and sub 50% winrate, it's like studying for 10 years and failing a 2nd grade math test

            Game is hard!

              It's not that hard you know....

              also, german parents usually don't give a fuck.

              Sister Fister

                I'm 44th, I hate any social interaction outside my house.


                  @666 MMR

                  I Just have a headache by looking to your slark games
                  keep it up bro make my brain melt


                    Seriously, how can you stand playing one hero 6000 times? Does it not get boring?


                      6000 slark games... wtf


                        I have 4000 games played and I thought I was way up there

                        @ the 6000 slark games guy. How does your brain not go numb from the boredom

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          lol spamming slark, omfg sad sheit

                          u must have a sad life 2, wanna be my friend? :)


                            ur all morons


                              @666 MMR

                              right after you got into top 100. Do you feel like it is always a race in rankings? and also if you dont mind from what country do you live in?


                                i have arround 1000 games
                                And im one of the best players in the world, but im on a 3,5k body...


                                  how do you guys like get money/food?


                                    Full time job and having a lot of games isn't really hard to do.


                                      the reasons why people play vary a lot, not a question just a statement

                                      Bot Tyrone

                                        you are kidding right? your total game time (not time spent on client, but actual match time) is 170 days + 3 hours, that is 4083 hours. First game was 20th april in 2012, lets say that is 1000 days. Spending ~4 hours/day on average across that kind of period is ridiculous mate, to say that its "not really hard to do" is pretty scary tbh. Its not something to be proud of, that is actually pretty fucked up.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          @Casual - lol?


                                            Is it pretty fucked up? Everyone has their hobbies, dota2 happens to be mine. Its not something either that I force myself to do, I have just played a lot of games over a very long period of time.

                                            Bot Tyrone

                                              Hobby =/= addiction

                                              an average of 4 hours a day (this is game time as well, on average you have spent 6 hours on the client each day) over a period of almost 3 years is crazy. If we assumed that all your matches were of equal length, that is 6 games/day.

                                              I don't see how you can look at those numbers and shrug it off by calling it a hobby

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                hello arsehole! got some math for you!

                                                havoc badger has played a total of 6119 matches.He has been online for 170 days,or 4080 hours, implying that he has been online for approximately some figure below an hour

                                                let us compare this to my statistics.

                                                I have played a total of 710 games, and have been online for 21 days or about 660 hours, and guess what douche, the average also comes some change below an hour.

                                                let us consider your statistics. You have been online for a grand total of 56 hours, and have played 90 games. The average time per game for you is more than that of havoc badger and me, at about one and a half hour per game.

                                                So,tell me, who is messed up again?

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                Bot Tyrone

                                                  are you retarded?

                                                  Never have I said anything about game length, why the fuck would I, or anyone care about that? I'm talking about the amount of time he is spending on dota using the amount of time that he has spent in matches (4083 hours), and on the client as well (6000 something, obviously this includes his game time as well), compared to the date of his first match. (game time)/(age of account) = game time/day..

                                                  170 x 24 (yes, believe it or not, there are 24 hours in a day) = 4080. I mean even with your "statistics", if he had played 6119 games with 5220 hours of game time, that would indicate that his average game was less than an hour.

                                                  I don't even know what to say tbh

                                                  -reading comprehension 0/10
                                                  -logic 0/10
                                                  -math 0/10

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                                    game time 6100(DoTA) + 200(change)=6300.
                                                    age of account:1114 days
                                                    hours per day: 6300/1114= 5.4 hours a day.
                                                    ^these are stats of a person who has a well established source of income, a respectable standing in a society that does not condemn gaming (relatively of course) and a very established reputation as a gamer.
                                                    game time 1200 hours (it dont show the precious hours wasted on warframe unfortunately.)
                                                    age of account 450 days
                                                    hours per day: a 2.6666 (hail satan) hours a day.

                                                    ^These stats are of a final year student in a country that systematically weeds out anything that is not studies.

                                                    how is it wrong? i Don't geddit.


                                                      An addiction dosnt have to be something negative

                                                      Bot Tyrone

                                                        Yes, because everything is linear. Given your previous response, did you mean final year of pre-school? The thought that you even passed primary school is hardly believable at this point.

                                                        @sir, I don't think that there is anything wrong with playing dota/other games a lot. Even though in its nature its not negative, I would argue that it could be in excessive amounts, which is the case here.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          This thread is actually quite fascinating. I had a problem with this game, a massive problem (I was an addict). I was addicted to wanting to get better, to be the best at an online computer game that it had an effect on every part of my life. I joined a team to be competitive to take my game to another level and that just made my addiction worse. Every bad game I had I felt I had let my team down so I read more threads, I watched more streams and played more games to improve. My turning point was playing a game against one of the best teams in my region in a tournament and they just owned us so hard.

                                                          This made me realise how far off I was from being excellent and made me stop the game completely for 4 months. In that time I realised how much it had influenced all facets of my life. I would spend entire weekends playing Dota (work full time 8-6 during week) just to feed my need to improve.

                                                          I came back to the game because I missed playing it, this time though its social. I have a team with 4 mates of mine and we play together alot, we are really average just like me and we play to enjoy the game and each others online banter. What I am saying is that I also thought it was a hobby and that I wanted to get really good at my hobby. Its not though, this game can be an addiction and people should be wary. The 5K MMR dream that is so often spoken about on this forum is a cancer! Its fellow players telling others they aren't good enough to play/discuss/contribute to a game that is a free for all to play. Playing 5 hours a day is fine if you are playing this game as an income or you want it to be, then good for you (I applaud you). This is just a game though gents and ladies, remember that.

                                                          And dont get addicted like I did. Casual is also correct that in this case I agree that the addiction is not seen as positive. The definition of addiction ties in with a dependence, dependence on a computer game to me is unhealthy.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            Havoc Badger has played for 174d 13h 19m. Converting that to minutes is (174 * 24 + 13) * 60 + 19 = 251359 minutes. He has 6520 games played so 251359 / 6520 = 38.55 or ~38.5 minutes per game.

                                                            His first game was on April 20, 2012, which 930 days have elapsed since then. 6520 / 930 = 7.01 or ~7 games per day.

                                                            7 games per day * 38.5 minutes per game = 4.49 or ~4.5 hours per day.


                                                            4.5 hours a day is not a lot. Say you work 8 to 5, rest for 3 hours, eat dinner at 8 pm, play until midnight. But that doesn't have to be the everyday schedule like you guys think it is, you can have a day off and sit on the game all day say 12 hours and that would take up ~3 work days. Or say you have Saturday/Sunday off and play 24 hours on Saturday; you just played every day for what seems like "6 days" even though you are only playing once a week.

                                                            I hardly call that addictive or unhealthy. That is only when you let the game get in the way of real life priorities such as work, relationships, school, etc.

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              Methinks playing ~31.7 hours a week (almost as much as a job) WILL get in the way of your work, relationships, school, etc.

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                Casual, i think you are just projecting your own insecurities on others. most probably in YOUR life playing a lot is "unhealthy" given YOUR life circumstances. Not everyone has the same life conditions. Some people can really afford "burning" their time in things you consider "waste of time" or even unhealthy. Being able to do so is actually a luxury from my point of view.

                                                                Dont get me wrong i completely understand your point of view because thats how most people view it. But if you think about it, every minute you spend enjoying something is not wasted time. You dont have to be a tour the france winner to justify your joy in riding with your bike in the city or somewhere in nature everyday for several hours.


                                                                  Not that I think either is particularly healthy but the average TV viewing per day in the UK is over 4hrs (see link)

                                                                  I think everyone would be better off watching less TV/playing less computer games but the idea that it isn't possible to have a healthy life/full-time job *and* play a few hours a day isn't true.

                                                                  I 100% would prefer my children to play computer games over watching telly.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    I am home from work by 6PM so speand the 6-7 hours before bed to eat, watch stuff, exercise, play games. It is completely possible to play 2-3 games a night and still have time to do other things, it all depends how you manage your time, and if you're filling your day with stuff to do.


                                                                      I spent 8 hours a day playing before my prelims half a decade back, scored bottom of the cohort for the prelims itself, and still pulled 6 As for the actual A levels

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                      Bot Tyrone

                                                                        I really don't know what kind of mental gymnastics are going on here, but 4.5 hours per day IS A LOT. If you are working full time, that is a large portion of the rest of your day gone, its not an impossible amount, but it is definitely impacting the other aspects of your life. If I played 4.5 hours today - that wouldn't be a big deal. If I played that much each day for 2 days, that isn't unreasonable. But to keep that up for a week? eh, but then for what, almost 3 years? How can you think that this is normal? If you had any holidays or social events (which I hope is not an unreasonable assumption for someone working full time to engage in over a ~3 year period), then there might be some days where you can't play at all, and he has managed to cover those hours and still reach ~4.5 hours per day (using your numbers of game time), that doesn't include time spent on the client, waiting for games, trading or any other dota related activities.

                                                                        Spending 12 hours playing dota in 1 day may not be of concern if its extremely uncommon, but what you fail to realise is that we aren't talking about a single day, or a week, or a month, this is an extremely long period of time with some very high numbers. We aren't talking about linear numbers here either, each additional minute spent is increasingly concerning, especially with such a long window.

                                                                        @n7k1, Expressing concern at someone that is spending on average what, 4-5 hours per day at a minimum (so that doesn't include other dota related activities including wait time) over ~3 year period is considered abnormal now? Really? This has nothing to do with "burning time", I don't consider dota to be a waste of time either, I do think that spending excessive amounts of time on dota is unhealthy.

                                                                        @Rocket, what makes you think that applies in this situation? What constitutes watching TV, your link doesn't seem to provide any real information about how they collected their data. Was it a self-report? Was it just data about how long tvs were switched on compared to the number of people in a certain region? I imagine that such a figure would only exist if the TV was on in the background, so while you might intensely pay attention to it for a proportion of those hours, a lot of it will be just in the background with not much if any attention paid to it.

                                                                        Unlike that, Dota actually requires a lot of focus, you can't really multi-task or have it on in the background.

                                                                        @Zenoth, yes, you may have done that, but realise that we are not talking about 1 week, we are talking about almost 3 years, and that is significant

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                        Sōu ka

                                                                          it seems to be your problem rather than theirs
                                                                          you dont know them and you dont know what their life is like

                                                                          who are you to fucking judge them anyway

                                                                          people thinking that what they are doing is so fucking meaningful just because it's not tv or computer related
                                                                          nobody actually fucking cares


                                                                            I'm legitimately so happy I'm addicted to Dota. It's so much better for me than my WoW addiction, which was an 80hr/week habit.

                                                                            And I'm definitely addicted. I play about 25hrs/week in an "ideal" week. That's a lot. But I still find time to do a full time job (with an hour commute each way fml), hang out with my girlfriend, run an RPG every other week, and exercise. I kind of wish I had some more time to devote to writing (my other hobby) but I get to be social when I play Dota so that probably won't happen.

                                                                            Everyone's addicted to something. It's sort of how people work.


                                                                              Chinese say 4 hours of Dota a day is still acceptable, but you have to consider on taking a break!


                                                                                I play 3-4 games on week days then go do something else, the fact that I have a lot of hours played is that I have had the game significantly longer than most people. I don't play excessive amounts of dota (though I have) and I have other things during the day/night that occupy my attentions.

                                                                                Honestly most of my weekday hours come from Saturday which is when my SO works till about 11PM so I have a lot of time to myself which I will split between house work or construction, and Dota2.

                                                                                Low Expectations

                                                                                  Lold, I am in 10th percentile in my med school which happens to be (together with Law school) the most difficult and time consuming programme. Still I dont give a fuck and play like 4-5h every day go party at least once every 2 weeks while managing to study because I manage my time well.
                                                                                  Just because "Casual" sucks at managing his time doenst mean we all do


                                                                                    @Havoc: Couple of thousand more and you will achieve that famous elite level (10000 hours). :)


                                                                                      by 10th percentile do u mean top 10th

                                                                                      Low Expectations
                                                                                        კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!