General Discussion

General DiscussionHow I play TA on position 1 (as a carry)

How I play TA on position 1 (as a carry) in General Discussion

    Hey guys!

    Here to post and share a link to a game of position 1 TA and how effectively this hero can farm if left uncontested.
    A lot of people dont realize, but TA as a carry is a decent hero, obviously it's not very mainstream but a 6slotted TA is a truely terrifying thing to go up against, and this build aims to get you there as quickly as possible.

    I wont go into detail in this post on how it's done, I'll just leave the link to the game in specific and you can give your thoughts on it.


      i was spectating that game through grasz. idk, why do you build sange instead of completing manta?
      Btw I feel that mom is quite good when you're behind as TA as a cheap "go big or go home/rapier-like" item. What's your opinion on this?


        I dont like buying a manta for no reason. Puts you at a manacost issue, gives less farmspeed than SY, costs more and doesn't always make you stronger in a fight than SY.

        People underestimate SY, especially if you intend to buy a skadi.

        MoM is a great recoveryitem, it is essentially the poor mans rapier as you said.


          Waga, did you recently watch sing sing stream? Cuz ur medusa and ta make me think of sing sing. something there magical.


            In the sense that both of us know MoM farms extremely fast?

            THICC BABY SHUM

              So you sell it later on?


                Hmkay, I get the manta thing. Now there's another thing, what do you think about blink into orchid, have you ever tried that one? ~2 years ago a friend of mine had a very successful run with that build but I'm wondering if it's worth a shot with all these xp/gold changes turning dagger less useful as it's easier to come back from snowballing where the item is the most useful.


                  Blink into orchid doesn't really have any strong peak. Getting your blink early means you farm slow compared to ordinary drums yasha build, but you can fight decently. If your team doesn't fight with you, you fall behind and get outcarried.

                  Once you finish your orchid, it should be 20+ minutes into the game and people will have BKB timings or euls, countering your silence effectively.


                    Yep, legit answers. Thanks.

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      btw waga, how do u have such huge winrate vs sing sing? does he troll vs you, or youjust outplay him?


                        I think I just tryhard even more vs him.

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          last question, are you planning to be in ti 5?


                            "So you sell it later on?"
                            Well I imagine it is much like a Hand of Midas. For certain heroes it would grant you gold and experience much faster than HoM for sure.

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              What about mealstorm, it farms rlly fast and can be build into mjolnir. Wouldet that be a bit better as you dont lose 800 gold not having to sell it?


                                maelstrom doesn't give you movement speed, doesn't give you that much attack speed and doesn't grant you lifesteal and is more costly. mom on ta is wayyy better.

                                PINGU NIDEPIGU

                                  @Waga are you going to be playing for any teams soon?

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    mealstom makes aue dmg for faster farming and dsnt make you take more dmg, and is not active half of time.


                                      Great stuff @Waga! I think more people need to watch this / your stream to understand when to fight and when to farm. That crazy gpm game proved just how strong TA can be.

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        waga, dont forget to use your buttterfly


                                          I can't find any carry who's not dangerous once left alone on safe lane for the first 12 mn and get a kill with mirana arrow.

                                          mom clearly made u farm faster tough once you get it.


                                            TA is strong in the safe lane for several reasons - able to crush most offlaners single handledly, able to clear the wave and chip at the tower, and has the option of pushing out the wave and farming the jungle like AM does, ensuring her GPM is constantly ahead of the opponent's carry. Scales decently with farm, able to join fights, pick off or split push depending on how she itemizes. Overall it's more of a surprise that we don't see her in the safe lane more often.


                                            i tried almost the exact same build as waga in the safe lane previously (MoM/SnY/Butterfly/Daedalus, what a coincidence!), but i think that deso synergizes too well with psi blade's interaction though, MoM is nice but doesnt have the sharp peak Deso gives you nor the farming prowess. Perhaps both in tandem and sacking the lifesteal, using MoM as an alternative to yasha?

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                                nah u were playing with decent players (ogre, mirana) against 2 shitty inflated euro mmr players who mains meepo and im going to assume you were mid against followerloserru who is a meepo picker and hes not even good with meepo.

                                                if you played against a half decent team with radiants lineup, you'd have urn charges thrown at you and legion + bat + blood would farm duel damage from you since you bought MoM which gets you instakilled (even if u dont use MoM, u'll still die because enjoy that wasted item slot)

                                                even if you win with grasz who is also inflated and carried 99% of the times, u still faced players who got no idea what to do on other heroes besides meepo


                                                  ^he was safelane not mid


                                                    the guy named lol his english reminds my of smone.. hmm could it be wave? x))))

                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                      really interesting and unorthodox build, but if your plan was to AFK farm in jungle then why not Midas first instead of MoM?


                                                        ^ It's the same idea as with MoM Dusa lane -> jungle rotations imo


                                                          @Zenith "MoM is nice but doesnt have the sharp peak Deso gives you nor the farming prowess."
                                                          The second part of that statement is utterly wrong, I would argue that MoM is THE best farming item in the game for its cost, without contest. It even gives you faster farming than a midas would even with the 190g from using midas.

                                                          That is also the main reason that I pick it up, it's true deso gives a peak, but who needs to peak early if you simply have more items than the opponents?


                                                            @Lol I was safelane, playing carry as stated in the title. I'd prefer people to watch the video instead of assuming how it goes.
                                                            And MoM resulting in you getting farmed for DMG is another assumption, assuming that I will get caught by multiple enemy heroes while I'm in the jungle farming. That would be result of bad mapawareness, not bad itemization.


                                                              so you're the reason i see noob dusas everywhere going mom and losing the game in 15-20 min?


                                                                if i you bought MoM on ta, i'd put an offensive ward in ur jungle and tell blood, legion and bat to come with me and wait for you to use your mask of madness to stack up duel dmg

                                                                too bad u played against 2 inflated euros


                                                                  what do you think of the "two shadowblade build followed by blink and force staff" on TA?

                                                                  seems pretty good to me since i had really good kda and high hero dmg despite playing with 1 bot (PL), 2 retards in a stack and an acc buyer.

                                                                  Insight plz?


                                                                    you wouldn't get this much space in a normal game, your team sort of won the game 4v5 by the time you finished farming.


                                                                      I tried ur medusa and won 5 out of 5 on my main and 1 out of 1 in this acc so i will surely try this today

                                                                      Welt aus Eis

                                                                        I love you wave

                                                                        Flat is Justice!

                                                                          everytime i pick dusa, theres are am/invokers counterpicks now Q_Q


                                                                            @Lol i bet that ur not even 0.1% skilled as waga now stfu


                                                                              Hey guys, Lol here!

                                                                              I think Waga is a far superior player and should've won at least 3 internationals, I completely agree upon which his new and unique TA build where he chose SnY over Manta against Skywrath and Viper is simply amazing and outstanding. Not to mention Mask of Madness is a great choice against heroes that can burn his refraction combined with Bloodseeker's amplified damage. Is it just me or did Radiant team fear the legendary Waga's TA by not buying Urn? Yikes! That is just amazing.
                                                                              I personally think Waga is extremely underrated and possibly one of the best, if not the bestest player ever. His opponents weren't bad and I'm pretty sure Waga isn't trying to attract more 3ks to his fanbase by stomping inflated Euros who perform "4kish" on other heroes.

                                                                              Godspeed, dear friend.

                                                                              Game is hard!

                                                                                Wave actually thinks he's better than waga. Hurry call fox news.

                                                                                Welt aus Eis

                                                                                  I love you wave [2]

                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    I rarely mute people but I have Grasz muted because he is just that retarded but if even he ends the game at 12-4-5 as Storm against a SWM, then Radiant were probably the biggest fucking morons in existence. Also I didn't watch the game so can't say much but everybody can farm while their team is winning. You should instead do a video of you going against a very hard dual/trilane and still carrying the game in the end.

                                                                                    Ded Kazarepku

                                                                                      Against radiant pick item build on TA is not the best. As before were noticed, there were sky viper and siker. What problems did they have on killing such TA? mom is realy good at farming, but in faster death too. Silence, concussive, rupture... viper strike?.. Traps were good, and map control too, but why they didnt use smoke? BTW storm do the whole game, his gpm during the game was bigger enough than the others and its while playing 4vs5


                                                                                        Ancient lore tells us that wave got his name because he is always salty, just like the seas.


                                                                                          I'm perplexed by how you can think MoM makes you an easier target. You are cycling the jungle, putting you far away from harms way, and also allowing you to look at the minimap a lot more as you´re just farming junglecreeps anyway.
                                                                                          If people are ganking you, dont be alone. It's not that hard, TA traps everywhere reveals anything that is not a smoke gank, and just looking at the other 2 lanes should make it obvious if a gank comes.


                                                                                            MoM is an excellent item in pubs because pubbies won't punish you for it in general. Of course like everything else in Dota you still have to take the enemy hero composition into consideration etc.


                                                                                              I honestly haven't tried TA except for maybe 2-3 times, playing mid, and failed horribly. After watching the above posted game, I decided to give it a try and it worked better than I had anticipated, given that there were many high-armor targets.

                                                                                              I really really like this TA method against the generic builds I've seen on her. Blink into deso (which is what I've seen most) seems to work if you rely on kills as your form of farm, but the MoM build seems to allow for farming as well as melting heroes.

                                                                                              As a side note, it seems interesting that TA probably benefits from MoM more so than any hero because of the fact that, although it amplifies damage by 30%, refraction completely nullifies a source of damage 6 times.


                                                                                                "As a side note, it seems interesting that TA probably benefits from MoM more so than any hero because of the fact that, although it amplifies damage by 30%, refraction completely nullifies a source of damage 6 times."

                                                                                                great point.. but watch out for urn.


                                                                                                  TA, in a respect, seems like the "carry" version of Visage in the way they both have counters on a skill that reduce a source, and so suffers the same weakness. Heroes like veno, bristle, and anyone else that ticks damage quickly or can release damage sources quickly seem to counter both very well.


                                                                                                    blink into deso is quite awful most games
                                                                                                    you can farm + hero kill with other builds too

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