General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich do you think are potentially the strongest heroes in the game?

Which do you think are potentially the strongest heroes in the game? in General Discussion

    Assuming you could play the hero to its 'maximum'. For example controlling every Meepo with the precision of one hero instead of five. And I don't mean in a 1v1 setting, more like a whole game and their ability to make their team win.

    I actually think Rubick would be the top if not among the top few. The guy would technically be able to handle any situation if he always stole the correct spell.

    Welt aus Eis

      Ember. Imagine using sleight on 10 units and using chains exactly on the correct targets
      Also dodging all sorts of things with sleight and ult

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Uh, Naga Siren? To control fights, provide isolation against a magic immuned target, and free setups.

        Game is hard!


          So many times i just facepalm and wondered why i didn't use ice wall instead of tornado for example. If you play a very perfect invoker, i think that would be the most OP shit there is.

          Arek Akashi
            კომენტარი წაიშალა

              Meepo! Rotate all 5 meepos back and forth from fountain. Probably need 300 APM to do this well.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                ^ This, i think it would be a trend that the potentially strongest heroes would be too the heroes with the highest skill level cap if i'm not wrong


                  Meepo i guess


                    Just imagine how fun it would be to have meepo with aghs getting played by 5 players communicating.

                    I mean, I think it'd be utter broken, but the amout of fun would be truemdoslly.

                    gotto make it happen, howboys



                      dota 1 days where we shared ctrl :')

                      Anthem Blue Cross

                        Oracle is the best hero


                          Invoker or anti


                            a well played invoker > all


                              ^ so true..

                              Dire Wolf

                                Doesn't it have to be invoker? You have a spell for every situation, only limited by how fast you can click and how fast your brain works to react to stuff.

                                After that I think it's still void. If you are a prefect player you will always have a ton of farm and get amazing ults off.

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  LOL Well played Tinker>All


                                    L-Lina! B-because yes!

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      lina is hot

                                      i hate trash 4 stack

                                        it's storm spirit...
                                        people are way too underestimating storm spirit ultimate.

                                        what if storm spirit manage to evade all spells/attacks using ultimate

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          what if back track could evade everything, ohh wait it fucking can


                                            Every hero has their strengths, and excels in different situations, which is why dotabuff offers matchup statistics. Many think earth spirit is OP in the right hands, but he falls short against physical carries, yet excels at distance control and crowd control (kick clock out of cogs, silence nukers, etc). Terrorblade is great for units that turn your damage against single targets, or any walking health tank (Spectre with 22% passive return, blade mail, pudge, wk.) yet fails against aoe stuns and nukes. OD Has great illusion hero control and mana control, as his orb and ulty destroy the two respectively, but is exceptionally squishy. Sven is good against bunched up heroes, yet falls short in single combat. Many of these strengths and weaknesses can be intuited from matchup data, but the hero is always completely situational. This is captains mode and draft are great for distinguishing good pickers and those who can see a situation clearly.

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!