General Discussion

General DiscussionBattle of Central Europe S3: Register today for totally free and figh...

Battle of Central Europe S3: Register today for totally free and fight with pro teams for the 30.000$ prize pool! in General Discussion
Defend Yourself

    Only 1,5 week left from the registration phase and we deleted the registration fees, so now you can register into the league totally free!

    We registered some teams into the leauge as you can see here, but if you cant your team please re-register at the “Register” menu:

    Now its your turn to take a part from the 3. season with 30.000$ prize pool and Pro Teams!

    Good luck everyone!


      so you're gonna keep the fee money already gathered?

      Defend Yourself

        Benao, yes but if u want payback i can grant u i dont mind.....
        BTW ask Szotyi to get his ass to Skype at lest once and accept my contact cuz all info will be there!


          no im just asking... idk if he cares


            oh boy, here we go again


              Can someone explain why all this hate ?


                @Frankie We paid to get into the tournament and now it's totally free to enter so....whats the point.


                  Last season the shedule was delayed at least 2-3 times and not just by days. Then half of the registered teams were deleted... That was the point Guiri said lets just forget this.
                  Now we tried to register for the new season, but the rules were unclear, and the admins were not willing to answer until you pay the registration fee. I paid the money then it became free to register :D

                  (i see the admin said above, that he can pay it back so its cool, but still "funny")

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  NextStep ®

                    They need to hire a better web developer.
                    The site looks so......

                    Defend Yourself

                      Ur registration not deleted, but we need reply from another registrations if they still interested to play or not, dont want to defwin 80 games


                        Yeah to be honest you have to get your admin together if you want your tournament to succeed if you need help there are loads of peoples/casters willing to help out. Many tournaments have gone offline or been blacklisted cause the admin didn't have his shit together and people got pissed off.

                        Somethings to consider...

                        > Rules need to be clear.
                        > Staff need to be available.
                        > Rules need to be kept, no exceptions.
                        > Pay your winners on time etc.

                        ....if things are tight and you don't have the time I can give you a hand if you need me to.


                          Qualifying Rounds: November 8-9
                          Main Event: November 10 – 26

                          Keep it in mind that we're gonna play this weekend :)


                            ill join the game tonight so u can inv me to the in game team thingie


                              :D im rdy :p


                                so we win 1st match and we play BBC.
                                actually first 2

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  its good. imagine the rep we get by defeating them :). we just get confirmation of how good we are


                                    for the ones playing

                                    2. Schedule


                                    – Day 1, 17:00 CET – Round 1 (Round of 128) BO1
                                    – Day 1, 18:00 CET – Round 1 (Round of 64) BO1
                                    – Day 1, 19:00 CET – Round 2 (Round of 32) BO1
                                    – Day 1, 20:00 CET – Round 3 (Round of 16) BO3

                                    The first 8 placed team go through to the Main Event and playing with the 8 invited teams!


                                      1st game ez

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        Shout out to you guys for actually been online and willing to play. It was fun to play two normal games after the usual shitty pubs, even though the second was kinda failure.

                                        PS.: I didn't get back the registry fee :D


                                          Well that team won in the end I think, it was my bad I never thought they would pick brewmaster and that was my first pick :( so I never banned it. Still was good fun and we should do it again sometime.


                                            well the 2nd team 2-0'd BBC as well, they were pretty good.

                                            also our 2nd draft sucked


                                              Which team did you lose to?


                                                we couldve fixed it with safelane drow vs puck and commander carry or even lanaya carry and commander vs panda mid.
                                                heck even drow mid vs panda i wouldve won and lanata safelane solo vs puck wouldve worked too

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  team was called BUHLO (russians)
                                                  this guy was in their team, im sure u know him


                                                    Ye cema :D


                                                      16:08 - Szotyi3: lol that focken buhlo is now a sponsored team and renamed as vega?!