General Discussion

General DiscussionGames to watch...

Games to watch... in General Discussion
bum farto

    Last couple minutes of these games are worth the watch and stuff like this is becoming more common for me, very stressful clutch games but it's starting to get funner and less stressful for me again which is nice after a week of playing on tilt.

      Wow, XPM tells nothing. You're amazing :D


        Meh cbf looking now but looking at the stats (similar tower damage and gpm on both teams) I can tell they were both very close games which could have went either ways.


          Definetly going to check them out.

          Here's another one of those fucked up games you could won if you just played a bit better.
          From my point of view, not worth watching. Cause I'm sad as I'm very confident I could won this game if I just played better.
          #Tired #Gaming


            Havoc soo good

            however got annoyed by watching kotl not mana leak WK, but instead just continously rightclick him or whatever at around 48:00, when he had like 167mana.

            Respawned cause of that shit.

            GG ;)

            bum farto

              I was yelling in the mic constantly for him to use mana leak on the WK! It was annoying me but he's 3.* K so I dunno what I was expecting :P

              AM game was their fault the Void game was a Chrono on the medusa then a lucky mjolinir proc on the PL our throne had 100 +/- hp

              I am actually starting to enjoy playing hard carries in stacks cause while I like offlaning or supporting it always discourages me when we lose cause our carry is too farm focused or not farmed enough etc. I am starting to play some mids even and taking on roles I usually avoid.

              bum farto

                Kudos to tonks as well she pulled her weight very well those two games and I am usually pretty hard on her when she doesn't but she pulled through #proud


                  Wanted to make a thread about this game so I'll just post here instead, as It's been a really long time I didn't had an ancient race.


                  Really close as our ancient went down to 8hp. We kind of won the early game but our spectre tried to go radiance without brown boots and just never finished it, slark went brown boot into skadi (no bottle even when he was mid), so it was kind of hard to keep the snowball especially when I fed him once really stupidly.

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    2 butterflies and helbert no mkb ezy win))


                      I'll watch the void game when I get time. Sounds exciting.

                      I've also swapped a bit to more carry farm-orianted heroes, which I find fun myself.

                      Need some work though

                      Low Expectations

                        Fuck you puck pickers everywhere you are cancer and I hate you all


                          what happened to havoc badger's giving opinions therad

                          Hatsune Miku


                            hello TT.TT why u do dis

                            Game is hard!

                              looks to me like random trash games.

                              bum farto

                                @murs it was removed due to trolling and griefers which is the main reason I don't bother to help out peeps anymore, gone and moved to

                                ....shame though would have been nice if we could have fixed this forum instead of moving.

                                bum farto

                                  @murs I will as in passing say that I have always though highly of you as a player and there are a lot of people on this forum that feel the same way. In some ways I wish people like you, swiftending, relentless etc would have hung around more to keep the forum from falling in children's hands.

