General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat if competitive dota had half-time?

What if competitive dota had half-time? in General Discussion

    Juz sayin'


      They do, tactical pause.


        interesting. i guess most games dont last long enough to warrant such a custom but perhaps if games passes an hour mark they could take a couple of minutes off.

        i guess it throws people out of rhythm and thats quite important in dota, but i like the idea. 5 minutes off after 1h mark.


          The issue is games with half times have a set amount of time.

          Dota does not.


            ^ Well, yes and no, for example a Tennis match can be infinite (longest is Isner-Mahute with over 11 hours)


              Like xan and Concede said, Dota doesn't have a standard amount of time. I like xan's idea of a couple minutes off after an hour, but I wouldn't want it because my mind and hands wont be as "warm" so to speak, as they were prior to the pause.


                ahaha yes and swap sides after half time :D

                Von Darkmoor

                  Wit.Hin_T AHHAHAHAH xD xD

                  Perhaps a 30 min pause for 5 min, take a piss a quick dump or discuss tactics ;)

                  Polkadot Piranha

                    Anything that isn't best of 1 does have half-time. Just saying.


                      You can discuss tactics anytime. This is not football , 5 players are sitting next to each other and can say anything and everyone will hear it. IMO, this is not needed. at least with set time or something. Don't want to have that pause in mid-fight because 1 hour has ended.