General Discussion

General DiscussionSilencer carry, is it good?

Silencer carry, is it good? in General Discussion

    Title says it all, thanks for any comments or advice

      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა



          If you want to lose and enjoy getting reported then by all means go silencer carry

            i just lose a game w/ enemy play as silencer carry, he's quite terrible carry
            even our tanker can't tank --

              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                With that logic why don't you make him a support? Because you know, he doesn't items to use his ulti.


                  IDK about as a real carry, since he doesn't have any way of flash farming or that much late game damage against people with BKBs, but he is super strong as a semi carry since utility items also give him an ass ton of damage.


                    I've lost too many games with Lina and Silencer carry in my team. Unless it's some AR or SD, don't bother to carry with him. Any carry with bkb wipes the floor with him.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      What does a carry sliencer usually want to be 6 slotted with ?


                        i hate silencer more then any other hero, wish he was deleted, his ult is retarded.


                          ^that's why you fight when it's on cd?

                          go kill urself

                            ^ thats why you get refresher

                            thats also hardly ever practical


                              Yes silencer carry is good. if u are good


                                I think he's good in a core role, like mid or something. He just feels underwhelming as a support - no gank potential, ulti countered by BKB, no real disables. But with farm he can get an early Agh's or something and be scary.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Silencer carry is nasty but you sort of need to snowball cus he needs that int. You need to secure a few kills before all the enemy carries get bkbs.

                                  I usually go treads, null talisman or bracer or urn, force staff (you can get blink instead but I like staff), hex/orchid/shivas. Shivas helps you survive physical dps a lot better and has the awesome slow, hex is obviously the best item here with the stats and hex but also the most expensive, orchid is all offensive based but really good if you're fighting a bunch of casters like storm, qop, outworld. Orchid is also pretty easy to build and will help you farm a lot cus just one oblivion staff is enough regen to auto cast glaives. Drums is pretty good too. After you get one of those big three items it's kind of up to you whether to grab team fight utility with refresher or aghs or keep going right click dmg with another hex/orchid/shivas.

                                  Six slotted I'd probably want treads, hex, shivas, orchid, aghs, refresher. Swap bkb for hex/shivas/orchid if you need it.

                                  "ulti countered by BKB"

                                  Not really. It's usually for locking down supports so they can't get their big initiation off like earthshaker, tide and sand king. Those guys almost never have enough money for blinks and bkbs. I just don't like him as a support cus he's better with items.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    He is not a good P1 carry, but in terms of damage dealt - he is just a bit lower than Outworld Devourer. Taking in account the utility he gives, I say that he is a better pick than OD all the time. He is very good as a mid\P2 hero against enemies that have high magic resistance and\or armor, because glaves, same as arcane orb on OD, are pure damage. Late game you can easily have 200 pure damage on your right click which is huge.

                                    Also if you get an orchid malevolence, you can ez kill squishy heroes with orchid + last word + curse of the silent + 3-4 glaves combo. This also works great against carries without manta style and that don't have their bkb yet (linkens you can break by force staff, which is core on silencer), as they will be disarmed for 7 seconds.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      Mid he is only good at raping viper.

                                      Epic Sax Guy

                                        " but if ur against a GYRO or some carry that doesnt care about silences its not great!"

                                        Wait what? Gyro doesn't care about being silenced? He has no output without his skills.

                                        Carlton will raep your ass

                                          Silencer is one of the few intelligence heroes with a good rightclick thanks to Glaives and his natural damage increase though objects which gives intelligence + intelligence steal though enemy kills. Its great against Agility heroes because the Pure damage of Glaives ignores their fuckton of armor and obliterates squishy supports. His ultimate is awesome.

                                          Still, IMHO isn't a carry, but a semi-carry. Any BKB heroe ignore the Glaives damage because it doesn't pierce Magic Inmunity. If the enemy buys Buttlerfly, MKB gives almost nothing to Silencer except raw damage and a bit of AS. Silencer himself is squishy, don't have an escape mechanism or a damage reduction ability.

                                          Unity Chan

                                            just me but silencer can b a semi carry i guess i had a game once where i had to play a support and as the game goes on i litterally killed a drow fully farmed a np fully farmed and thus giving them a blow job with many stunners in thier team too had about 40ints? i think

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              hex, orchid, shevas, mek, trads, refresher if needed, aghs if they have wk or something.


                                                #2 or #3.

                                                You lack the ability to dish out the DPS of a true carry but you provide enough utility and rightclick to be a powerful initiator/de-initiator semi carry.

                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                  Also forestaff rlly good on him, and agree with humdinger, and if you think about it he can right click harder then anyone with his stacks, he can get unlimeted dmg.

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    "Mid he is only good at raping viper." Pudge, Tiny and almost every melee hero says hi.

                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      also picked to say bye to wk.

                                                      iTz SLammi

                                                        i used to do mid/dps silencer build before the aghs update got added for him.

                                                        He is my all-time fav hero, but majority of games now its much better to get a force then go aghs-refresher to win the teamfights.

                                                        Before aghs, id go force then sheep to refresher or even ethereal:

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          iTz SLammi, tryhard, mask of madness in pubs. also such long game. but srsly, even sing sing said that mom is best item in the game.

                                                          iTz SLammi

                                                            the MoM was the last item i bought lol, it was like last set of rax fk it i just need to attack faster.

                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                              Love that item have like over 60% with it)

                                                              Von Darkmoor

                                                                Threads, Lothar, Refresher and your pretty much set to go also needs a lot of kills passive osv osv osv... Works pretty good anyways decent KÄRRY!!! Best thing is to start of as support/semi support and transition into carry after some passive int.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  I think the only real downside to a silencer carry is lack of tower dmg, not bkb counter. Bkb doesn't last *that* long and you can nuke down a support or something else instead. But he is not going to crush towers like a more physical scaling dps hero would.

                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                    dont needto just crush a tower, yo can do it slowwly even if yo want in slow motion back wards or with pause in between, after killing enemy team. for hero to be good it dsnt have to wrek towers.

                                                                    go kill urself

                                                                      plenty of carries arent tower killers (spec, ember, etc all have lower damage output on towers)

                                                                      keep in mind that with refresher u can ulti make someone bkb and then ulti again, wasting their bkb. does great work vs heros like spectre and ember as it happens


                                                                        If you were going to go carry silencer, an early level advantage is your best bet I'd say. He needs to show up to fights and cast his nukes to snowball. Atos is an amazing early pickup on him.


                                                                          I run him as carry, but you need to get a fast aghs to even start doing anything, i usually go midas>aghs>refresher and by then you should be able to get a lot of int from your ult and ksing, afterwards, you can either go guinsoo or shiva's.. i'd recommend getting guinsoo since it'll give you a disable to just right click people down. You can get an atos if you can't get a midas, that helps with your int and doing damage since you can slow when people try to run.