General Discussion

General DiscussionBest way to deal with Anti-game and AFK?

Best way to deal with Anti-game and AFK? in General Discussion

    So my hot streak got destroyed by a guy who constantly afk'd feeding the opposition and another who decided during game that he has had enough of playing and started using Timbersaw to cut trees, how do you guys deal with this kind of BS?


      when the match is over and you are back in the main menu click. 'find match'


        move on and dont let that person get to you, you're probably not going to be matched up with him again, and if you want to be sure, just play a different game mode.

        go kill urself

          anti-gamer rofl


            So no amount of pretty please and sugar lumps on top will work, fair enough


              Pick a hero that can get them killed, then get them killed.

              kanye went to uni

                well i mean given that you were on a win streak obviously griefers aren't a huge problem for you

                Kamado Kun

                  help timbersaw cut the goddam trees, you dont see his cause is good? what the fuck you want? destroy ancient? pffff


                    I've had "stop being toxic" work once...though after the game the two guys called each other every name in the book...and a couple new ones...

                    WTF IS DIS

                      laughed so hard

                      me, government hooker



                          Rework your music playlist for the next match, at least thats what i do.


                            Can't do shit about them. Lost 3 games in the last 2 days thx to abbandons. Can happen.

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              This is why m trying to get 5 stack.