General Discussion

General Discussion[TBD] Community Forum

[TBD] Community Forum in General Discussion
bum farto

    As some of you may well know there have been a lot of request and general disgruntlement at the current organization and moderation of this forum. Following on from the suggestions of a few other I have started formulating the idea for a dotabuff member based forum where people who are looking for the good content while avoiding the awful flame wars, general repeated moaning posts , and overall biased opinions of both the members and the staff can be avoided.

    Should it happen I will be moving away from all the forums and sites I currently post on as I feel everyone is clouded by either biased, powercrazed admins like playdota, or circle jerking and completely unhelpful topics like on Dotabuff and Reddit. The objective of my new site is to take the good from all sites and try and concatenate them into one helpful site where users feel like their opinions are listened to and there will be a "rep" feature which will allows users to obtain the best advice from the most renowed sources.

    All these features are open ended and will have to be thought out to avoid the common pitfalls of groups of people discrediting others and visa versa, I am (with planning) going to try and make a forum that will allow for everyone to have their say and to be acknowledged for it.

    What it will offer.

    1. An organised help section. This will include help from the varying brackets across varying roles, people will be able to get help based on their MMR and the roles they play. People will be able to say I am a 3K player looking for a 5K players advice on how to support earth spirit for example and someone who is in the bracket and able to execute the role effectively will give a response ensuring you are getting the highest class help possible.

    2. A rating locked topic which will be invite only, the exclusivity of this will allow 5K's to talk with 5K's outside of the general forum areas and users are welcome to look, but not post unless you're 5K with a minimum of X number of games. The same applies for 3K's where you will also have a topic that anyone higher than you is not welcome to come and talk down on you and the topic is your own to theory craft. My reasoning for this is that people need to be among other of a similar skill without feeling that others are judging and are free to discuss what happens in their bracket.

    3. A coaching area. This will be a massively extensive area headed up primarily by me, where users will receive free advice and free coaching and tips from those who offer but I would also like to add additional room for a pay-per-game coaching area where putting the usual extortionate rates aside users can pay something like $5-10 for a single coaching game and this will be under an agreement from very well-know coaches who themselves are TBD.

    4. Heavily moderated forum, myself included I will be looking into initially instating people of noteworthy character who are going to, along with myself moderate and make sure that every topic, every vote, and every comment is being browsed over and there will be a clear, and actively upheld set of rules and guidelines that users will have to follow should they want to use the forum at all.

    5. Nice features and suggestions will be heavily listened to as I would like to build something that users feel they are building as well where legitimate suggestions are taken into account and people will be able to see changelogs of what is going on and where their suggested project is at. Poster, streamer, best advice giver of the month etc. just the little things to make it a really polished look at feel of an active dota2 community.

    What I require.

    I would initially need some people to volunteer who are good

    > with web technologies (e.g. wordpress, BBForums, PHP, etc.) to help me set this thing up
    > content writers
    > planners as this will mostly be done as a community planned forum but I still need someone to work close with me to plan
    > moderators who I will pick probably from a selection of neutral parties and you will be anonymously selected and stay that way


    I am well aware of the size and monumental task of setting this all up, but the increasing need to setup an decently designed forum that is well controlled and moderated and listens to its users is in pretty high demand. Sadly, this may never go through as it is simply in the conception stage and the decision ultimately will be my own based on user feed back.

    This will all be funded by me but I will NOT be paying anyone to do this but there may be monetary gain options in the future either through donations or otherwise.

    This is not in anyway to discredit DotaBuff as it has, and always will be an amazing dota2 stat site but I feel that the community has outgrown the forum here which was never meant to be the main thing about dotabuff so with that in mind I have started looking into this further.

    Feel free to leave comments (not suggestions as this isn't a live forum) and let me know what everyone thinks. I will be updating this as more people give ideas and plans get formed as to the how of the site.

    Hex Sigma

      really nice idea to unite the community in a single place. I would've volunteered with all my heart, if I wasn't pressed by my final year/exams.

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        But you said you don't want to make a community when I suggested it to you the other day.
        Anyway, I wanna be the content creator. I can't post here cause it will get buried under autism treads (pun intended). I got some interesting stuff on TA, CM/CD modes, mechanics, and more.

        What I would like to see are normal threads about improving at various aspects of the game and constructive talk instead of "what is very high skill, guess my mmr, and autism children".

        bum farto

          Also to those of you asking me on steam, this will be a replacement for the current ass forums that dota2 has and probably nothing more.

          Dotafire - Is only guides
          Dota2Navigation - Dota2 guides from Versuta, umm no thanks.
          PlayDota - Unknown but haven't heard anything other than bad about the admins but I can't really say.
          Gosugamers - That 4 topic joke?
          Dotabuff - Was good back when some really respected players used to post but then that got overrun by filth and they just all backed off which is incredibly sad.

          ....also there won't be any ads on the forum we build.


            i'm not sure if you're serious...

            bum farto

              I am hesitant, but serious.

              Ego complex

                ^ why not, at least he wants to make changes, and not like us, lazy rats ( including me )

                OP. That seems like a great idea, but it needs few tweaks.

                Simply forums ( with sub forums, like , entertainment , relax lounge, something in the lanes of that ) could be starting point.


                  ok then i can help moderate cause my expertise is not data :D
                  more like programming other things (if you know what i mean)

                  Ego complex

                    I could help a lot with writings ( any of kind, i work as a PR and journalist so that could help )


                      I think it's a great idea Havoc!

                      bum farto

                        Great, good to hear and should this actually come to fruition a lot of you will be contacted.

                        As a note of people who are lazy and want a TL;DR Is there really a Dota2 forum out there that is worth being on? The plan for this is a simple, clean forum plan where people (like dotabuff) can just post stuff, and this will be organized so people can find the information they want.


                          I volunteer as content creator


                            I volunteer as tribute (had to say this) xD
                            Good luck mate, i hope u get the help you need

                            waku waku

                              I may help with writing content and planning, depending on what exactly i'd have to do. It would sure be interesting to see if i can help you create a friendly and an organized community.


                                Great. I can maybe help out with some content writing if I have the time.

                                Perhaps you could speak with the guy who wanted to start up DotaROOT v.2 and have them join your community instead.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                bum farto

                                  Yeah I actually just went onto the site and it looks like it has users, it's just inactive.

                                  bum farto

                                    Something that I will need input from people is if this goes ahead what to do?

                                    Examples of base forums:

                                    PHPBB3 -
                                    HTML/CSS -
                                    Wordpress -

                                    These are some examples of templates and how they look, if people decide they would like a wordpress based site I would need help with it as I am not wordpress savvy.

                                      კომენტარი წაიშალა
                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        Please no bright colors for forum. Make it dark. Or have multiple skins, like had or still has.

                                        bum farto

                                          Yeah I hate bright colours as well, it will be dark and that change should be fairly simple, its more layout and structure I am after as I want it to be simple to access and use and not a labyrinth of information people have to pile through to get what they want.


                                            i can be your database guy

                                            my background is in data warehousing, business intelligence and analytics.. .. and if we have very useful data, i can come up with intuitive reports, statistical models and what not.. /


                                              i volunteer to be wave's right hand at moderating the 5k+ section

                                              bum farto

                                                What's your databasing MMR?




                                                    I believe the forum lead by havoc will be the best one


                                                      I'd love to see this happen ^-^


                                                        Great idea.
                                                        Happy to help however necessary. From technical to content to moderation.


                                                          I think this is a great idea!
                                                          The whole reason I use this forum because I enjoy seeing posts by Waga, Zenoth, Matrice. They can actually teach you something and are really nice guys, but finding their insightful posts are nigh impossible among the detritus of smurfs and flaming.

                                                          I would gladly support your website, and would love to apply to be a mod in the 2k+ mmr section. While I don't know allot I am sure I could help or assist with people who need it. I can also coach those new to dota, have a chain of coaches from low to high.

                                                          bum farto

                                                            The general plan is to have subsections with their own mods who are at liberty to do what they like with their section, so effectively a community driven forum which will be overseen by a group of head moderators who I will select based on their soft skills and not their MMR or dota skills.

                                                            The hope is that we can encourage people from other communities to at least give it a try and if we can get a big names pledging to at least commit to being around in the startup it will encourage people to get in on the knowledge base and have their questions answered as well as chat to people at the same level they are without fear of being asked "what's your MMR" as I want to keep the forum as personable as possible.

                                                            I might even make a subsection for smurf accounts where they can go talk their talk keeping out of the main sections. I do genuinely want to make this completely driven on community suggestions where people can speak their mind and know that something will get done or at least an explanation as to why not will be enough.


                                                              just dont be stupid and ask for an account...just make them log with their steam or smth like dotabuff
                                                              also and im sure you know...sections with the minimum account of games played and public to post cause fuck smurfs + an own section for those... well you know

                                                              bum farto

                                                                ^ These are all things I have considered :)


                                                                  Great to see read this as I'm looking to not only be a part of a well-working dota forum/community, but actively read others people thoughts for more insight on how other poeple think.

                                                                  I have faith in you, Havoc. Hope we together can make a good enviroment on a more fitting site.
                                                                  It'd be fun with events within this community, which probably is something I could've helped with.

                                                                  Looking forward to see possible progression on this.

                                                                  Thanks for all your dedication Havoc, we all appreciate it. :)

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                  Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

                                                                    Is it just a forum site or it will include stats on players like dotabuff(most played hero, matches played, win rate etc.)?
                                                                    Also, good luck! Looking forward to a site consisting of a community of decent people(I sincerely hope so)

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      None of that, it will simply be a forum for dota2 topics and meaningful content.


                                                                        I'd moderate if this gets running.

                                                                        Ego complex

                                                                          Make a look that DLG had, nothing fancy, few subcategories, and that's it.


                                                                            have you told anyone else besides people on dotabuff. cos if it's just db users then you're just thinning out an already thin crowd


                                                                              I am there for the minigame section


                                                                                I'd donate (hats) for this to happen


                                                                                  If this gets going it'll more than obviously be known on other pages such as Reddit and kirka.


                                                                                    You might want to limit the initial amount of subsections.

                                                                                    Or you'll end up with a bunch of sections with very little posts. in each of them.


                                                                                      i'm interested.

                                                                                      Will talk to you on steam.

                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                        My background is mostly .NET but I could help with web development/design most likely if needed, moderating, content pretty much anything to be honest. Best of luck I hope it works out

                                                                                        Paid actor



                                                                                            Havoc I can setup servers / install wp or whatever CMS you want. Just PM me ingame or here

                                                                                            [DFG] Whale King

                                                                                              Hey there Havoc,
                                                                                              I'm no hardcore player, but do absolutely love the game and wish there were an active forum to post comments and ideas on how to improve personal play as well as cooperation rather than complain about having "awful" teammates.
                                                                                              Dotabuff is an awesome place to find statistics, but lacks when it comes to building a group who's purpose isn't to put others down.
                                                                                              You said you needed help with web technology, content writing, site planning, and moderation.
                                                                                              To be honest, I have very little limited wordpress weilding ability, but I do know a bit of Java. As for content writing, I'm the editor of my school newspaper so that would definitely be my forte. Planning... not sure I'd be the best at this because my goals are usually hyper-realistic, but it would be loads of fun! As for moderation, I've moderated a few websites before which I could list if you'd like to know more :)
                                                                                              I'd LOVE to help!


                                                                                                I would love to volunteer as moderator and to help plan if possible.

                                                                                                I can talk to you later over Steam about this.


                                                                                                  Interesting. I'd definitely frequent the forums for moderation alone, although all the other features you are planning are very nice as well. I sure hope your idea gets running. I've been browsing this message board for little less than a year and I can already feel all the issues you just mentioned.

                                                                                                  Best of luck man!

                                                                                                  Spinach Rag

                                                                                                    I would volunteer content and suggestions for improvement and efficiency regarding moderation on a very sporadic basis. You may contact me via my Steam.


                                                                                                      I think a fort nightly news/info thread would be cool.

                                                                                                      Be it random stuff like pro players who did the ALS or new bug/meta findings. Have it be written by selected volunteers who are capable of writing a good piece.


                                                                                                        yea or even weekly