General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy did sniper get nerfed?

Why did sniper get nerfed? in General Discussion

    My beloved midget got nerfed for no reason, he wasn´t even imba :sadface: New headshot sucks so much, cant stop tps etc, before was a good counter to bane/enigma, now ruined.


      Why does your name ring a bell? I think we used to played with Funishere, and Irfan etc!


        Ultimate has a ministun to interrupt channeling spells,
        Also it is not nerfed but rather rebalanced as the uptime of the effect is increased however the effect was weakened.

        This change was due to the annoyance of a sniper canceling every attempted move and therefor causing issues in terms of spellorders or whether a spell has been casted or not. A similar change of annoyance has been made on naix and bara a few years ago, however this were from the other end.

        Edit: A change of annoyance was also LD, brood in this version. Beastmaster, omniknight were also there in previous version.
        Basically anything that lets you misplay rather than play wrong

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          lol not mean the hero that commonly stuns so often you can't even get auto attacks off against him?


            rebalanced what ? It IS huge nerf, especially for late game

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              rebalanced = stronger early game weaker late


                That stun is so fucking stupid, it never fails to mess up my invoke combo-ing at the brink of death and i end up invoking the same spell and just die after that.

                Its the same thing essentially, its like a hex only that the hero can cast spells, and the hero cant attack for 0.5 are you fucking kidding me, which i'd say is a BUFF considering the way sniper works, and the ulti is used to cancel tp anyway, 1.7 cast time unless you are a lightyear away from him.


                  ur speed of attack is based on AS before u launch projectile(afaik) so it strong only if u do the first hit


                    @FanOfEnvy I think they changed to be dynamic with current AS a few versions ago. (Not sure)

                    And as I said it was change most likely due to annoyance since it sometimes make you do things u did not wanted to


                      Winrate for Sniper has gone up almost %1 between 6.81 and 6.82 so the changes has obviously been a de facto buff for him.


                        ^Winrate has nothing to do with buff or nerf. Ench got faster and lost 2% WR reductio ad absurdum


                          Uh, yeah, it has to do with it. Ench got a direct buff while being heavily nerfed overall due to the meta changes, hence the lower wr. Use your fucking brain.


                            Winrate shows the big picture. With over 100k matches played that is such a large sample size that variations are eliminated to a very low percentile. While Sniper might have been nerfed for the HS skill he is overall buffed by this meta and how it handles. Same is true for Enchantress, the meta is simply not favoring her, possibly due to the more gank centered gameplay junglers are now more vulnerable.


                              Its good


                                Oleksandr said it well.

                                Flat is Justice!

                                  sniper got a clear nerf but since the game is now late game orientated, hard carries like snipers benefit to the often 40+ - 50+minute games

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  Paid actor

                                    he is stronger early/midgame. even tho i belive that midgets should be exterminated with extreme prejudice, he is a funny lad :D

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Does the effect go through bkb? Cus old headshot did.

                                      I don't know if it really seems like a nerf, but it is a huge buff to every hero with long cast points/channeled spells. But it's kind of like void not disabling passives, it hurts void but in specific matchups vs like PA and Axe. Not a direct nerf to void, big buff to other heroes.

                                      I haven't played sniper yet to decide if it's stronger early or not.

                                      Paid actor

                                        Big gun = small dick


                                          The mini stun NEVER went through bkb, the damage did.

                                          I made the math behind it, and overrall it is a much stronger tool now, both to decrease dps output of target, and to catch fleeing target.
                                          The only lack it has no longer cancel animation/channeling (ult cast time in anyway under the time of a tp)


                                            It's not really a nerf, it just makes MKB kind of mandatory. Or maybe change the way you build sniper, from stacking AS to more damage.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Huh, I remember it being the other way around, mini stun goes through, dmg didn't. But I'm probably wrong.