General Discussion

General DiscussionDispel Update for Invoker's Tornado

Dispel Update for Invoker's Tornado in General Discussion

    I rarely have time for games now, this update is for the community.
    I appreciate if the community can confirm Tornado's new interaction with the new spell status:

    "The following buffs are now properly dispellable: Chilling Touch, Thunderstrike, Inner Vitality, Alacrity, Chaos Meteor, Shadow Word, Liquid Fire, Shadow Strike, Warcry, Concussive Shot, Overpower, Mana Leak, Curse of the Silent, Press The Attack, Poison Touch, Flame Guard, Whirling Death, Viper's Poison Attack, Sticky Napalm, DK's Frost Breath, Whirling Axes, Walrus Punch's slow"

    Can Tornado dispell Inner Vitality, Press the Attack, flame guard, etc for v6.82b?

    Please list changes and I will update my Invoker Guide:

    Fun Fact: Urn triggers Cold snap in 6.82b

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Sunstrike goes through BKB even more fun :P ( and yes Urn is new meta )


        "Fun Fact: Urn triggers Cold snap in 6.82b"
        Just the initial hit, or multiple times? Sounds strong if you can just urn someone and watch them die.
        Does urn do enough to disable salve or enemy urn heal?

        Low Expectations

          ^^ multiple times I got it on me today :(


            positive buffs on enemies
            chilling touch - yes
            inner vitality - yes
            alacrity - yes e.g. if enemy rubick steals alacrity
            chaos meteor - the burn damage ticks that you get every half second can be removed e.g. with diffusal
            shadow word - heal and damage both dispellable
            warcry - yes
            overpower - yes
            press the attack - yes
            flame guard - yes

            the other buffs can be dispelled but cannot be dispelled by tornado because they are negative buffs / debuffs. you cannot remove debuffs from enemies (which is good) and tornado cannot remove debuffs from enemies but you can do it with euls

            e.g. if there is a skywrath on the invoker's team, the invoker cannot remove the conc shot slow from his enemies. if the skywrath is not on invoker's team, invoker cannot use tornado on himself to remove the slow.


              > Just the initial hit, or multiple times?

              the initial hit is triggered by cold snap itself because the spell has initial damage. what he means is that the damage from urn will cause cold snap to trigger

              > Does urn do enough to disable salve or enemy urn heal?

              will cancel the urn heal because it does damage now

              does not cancel salves, bottles or clarities because the damage ticks are 18


                Urn triggers cold snap several times.
                I did not see any mention about SS going through BKB.

                Thx Androgynous, how about the other spells? Are you certain the others cannot be dispelled by Tornado?

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  It did get mention since the damgae type changes but im not sure if it is intented but it still works. Oh and it also goes through rage and repell.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    the other ones cannot be dispelled by tornado because you cannot dispel negative buffs from enemies. that would be a bad thing, because that would mean you would be able to remove disables from your opponents.

                    Kamado Kun

                      since when was tornado capable of dispelling stuff? o.o


                        since forever


                          When's your raging fury 9 coming out? :( I am bored of watching scrubs plays and btw when are you going to re enable your match history you said you were gonna do it on some other posts

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                            I rarely have time for Dota. Even if I do, my body is becoming too stiff. My recent games are all embarassing.

                            My shared history account:

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Now you gonna make me cry..

                              I'll just say what the other guy said on one of your videos since I have no words and because I exactly feel just like he feels

                              I learned everything from you, my friends says that I'm an amazing Invoker, I was already saluted by enemies as a good player, I know that there are still a loooong road ahead, I'll learn much more, but you open my eyes to invoker, and now he's by far my best and favorite character. Thank you for everything =D

                              And get well soon

                              Haha and btw when you said your last games are embarrassing it's because you weren't playing invoker you we're playing more of huskar.. And you forgot you were Born to Invoke

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                In the past, Tornado removed Track on enemy targets. I want to know if these bugs exists for other spells like Mana leak and curse of the silent. I doubt I will play more than 10 games in a month, so please post here if anyone finds a bug related to Tornado.

                                I'm glad my videos and guides were helpful.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა