General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrorblade is broken

Terrorblade is broken in General Discussion

    Even after that strength nerf. Managed to get 1000 gpm with that hero. Why do people call other heroes like Nature's prophet, lycan a rat but not terrorblade as much? This hero is hard carry, rat, pusher all in one.

    Treefolk Legend

      And guess what he was just added to cm with a buff, Im going to spam the shit out of this hero in exchange for icefrog nerfing lycan to the hell, fuck icefrog.

      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

        And the worst, its on capitans mode, i hope the pros do an agreement about this hero is permabanned (ignoring him like they did with bloodcyka (kappa))

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          Shapeshift speed increased from 522 to 650



            -shrugs- 1k gpm aint that impressive

            anyway general consensus amongst pros is that TB is far from OP in competitive games where there is far more coordination anyway

            Dire Wolf

              Idk pubs still blow with him, I don't think my team has ever won with a TB unless I'm playing him. In my lowly 3k bracket they still think TB is a fighter and max reflection first and conjure last and build shit like radiance. Never rat, never farm, never take towers. They play him like they would play PA.

                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                Primo Victoria

                  Anti fun no idea why you care with your smurf about your win % . the only thing that matters to get high mmr it's KDA

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    tb is a hero that owns pubs because people leave him alone, try doing that vs 5 man push TI4 doto (yes i know towers are getting buffed next patch but the chinese will find a way)


                      Boots of Travel from 60 -> 50. More ratting for me!


                        its nice to see that terror gets quite a buff with butterfly, skadi and even manta and boots. + the sunder buff is just plain overkill


                          if u cast conjure during flutter does ur illusion not get evasion?
                          it doesnt get flutter right


                            Too early to be thinking about that but most probably your illusion will keep the illusion. It will definitely keep the illusion if you created the illusion before casting flutter but I think they still have it after casting flutter.

                            Terrorblade gets you out of certain mmr hells and doesn't require that much mechanical skills, more about knowledge, trading and timing.

                            high kda doesn't neccessary get high mmr, tower damage seems to though.