General Discussion

General Discussion6.82 notes are out boys

6.82 notes are out boys in General Discussion

    Nerf to rats.


      also its nice that they changed the trees at radiant secret shop, always felt like had to walk for 2 minutes just to go around


        steam is down- ITS KAPPAENING

        nvm idk

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          Searing Arrows is no longer an Attack Modifier


          fucking skadi on clinkz? Deso?

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            diffusal good item now to clinkz now


              Diffusal too for removing dust i bet... but I thought there was a ranged penalty on the mana burn?


                Hey everyone, MOUSE OVER THE DARK SEER CHANGES

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  I think its a joke becaus icefrog nerfs dark seer every patch- meaning this is the first patch that he didnt touch darkseer? :D


                    Is it just me or is riki even worse now? 5 blinks every 30 sec, this is so bad and cant imagine why anyone would play him again... The damage nerf is reasonable. Didn't know riki was so broken to warrant all these changes.

                    PL also seems seems a lot weaker. AGI gain is alot less which means less 30% agility. The images duration rework is silly, already the proc chance is lower, the limit is 10, attack speed is less and now the duration too. But at least a 400hp hero has free phase boots now. Cant see how this is a viable change.

                    Rest is acceptable


                      Legion Commander and Terror Blade
                      Enabled in Captain's Mode

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        they totally listened to my tinker's nerf proposition. im so wonderful

                        Ego complex

                          Bane buff retarded, gondar also, rise of pa vs void, ogre biggest tank, syla crazy mod

                          Russian retards gonna love puna, gj Icefrog treat and riki going back to old maps

                          Only good thing, added whops and Zeus ultimate to chat wheel.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                              "rise of pa vs void", my thoughts exactly, whenever I was void vs her I was like "all gucci, just kill in chrono" but now you gotta buy mkb for her.

                              At first I was like "wtf, they didnt nerf tinker much" but then I read that [?] and realized how wrong I was...

                              Wondering about the bounty rune as well, imo the best strat would be to let midder take runes like dd/haste/regen/illu and let the supps get some boost off these bounty runes, it probably wont be so easy to get them if they are so good, tho

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                "Russian retards gonna love puna, gj Icefrog treat and riki going back to old maps"

                                You didn't read that correctly. Pugna doesn't steal allied health, he drains his health into allies and thusly heals them. It is a fantastic addition.

                                Riki change is interesting but makes him much weaker in laning phase honestly..

                                oh and the Sven Aghs is really interesting.


                                  >Terrorblade enabled in Captain's Mode
                                  >Sunder cast point improved to 0.35

                                  Looks like XBOCT found his perfect (4) hero

                                  Ego complex

                                    Whosh, that is good then. I am kinda sleepy, so not really in mood to read, was just going over a bit.

                                    Also, finaly tinker is bye, bye

                                    I still don't get those new runes, you have runes on both sides, or what?

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      Crimson Guard
                                      New Item that is formed from Vanguard and Buckler

                                      Crimson Guard:

                                      Vanguard (2225)
                                      Buckler (800)
                                      Recipe (825)
                                      Total: 3850 gold

                                      250 HP
                                      +6 HP Regen
                                      Passive Damage Block (80% chance for 40/20 melee/ranged)
                                      +5 Armor
                                      +2 All Stats

                                      Active: Guard - Gives nearby allied heroes (750 range) +2 armor and a damage block shell that has a 100% chance to block 50 damage. Lasts 9 seconds. Cooldown 70.
                                      Passive: Damage Block - Gives the wearer a chance to block damage from each incoming attack based on whether the equipped hero is melee or ranged.
                                      Note: Guard only affects heroes. Has the same no stacking mechanic as Pipe of Insight/Mekansm for 70 seconds.

                                      Is it just me or is this item kinda underwhelming for the price? Kinda seems like an item to make vanguard a bit more worth while so it doesn't take up a late game inventory slot.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        IMO Icefrog wants us to play support/roaming riki.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          Didn't see anyone post about this, but I'm sure the bounty rune will be contested at 00:00 making up for possible early fighting.

                                          Aswell as roamers gets kinda buffed for gold and exp income as they can pick up those exp gold increasers.

                                          Pretty nice, like the update overall.

                                          Bottom map changes seems quite odd in the tree lines, however I think it's easily likeable when getting used to it.


                                            I think stronger changes got Bane and Sven And Pa. Seriosly that Agha on Sven is mega strong.


                                              we don't know enough about the rune. What are its numbers and duration?

                                              It might be a minimal consolatory rune for going to check but getting nothing, or it might be OP as hell.


                                                Agreed, thought about axe getting it and then a realised: 50 damage blocked, really! 825gold to block 50 damage, every 70 seconds. Rather combine mek and blade mail, when activated all damage reflected heal allies, same price more more or less.

                                                This is truely useless!


                                                  @bogi it is only base damage though, so unless it is a support sven then he is already going to have the most base damage increases on his team anyway, and a support sven getting an aghs is kinda hard...

                                                  Good change but getting an aghs on him so your shaman and veno have higher base damage may be pointless compared to other items. We will see.


                                                    game is gonna move a lot now ;) ppl will learn to pick early heroes that can fight instead of useless carries.
                                                    its gonna be only fight, the dream.


                                                      Concede No, you get me wrong. Sven as a carry with aghs. Its not for supports is for 2 other cores to combine together with. For example you got mid Storm,Slark,Ta whatever and on offlane smth like weaver or some other core that have potencial to be a semi carry or carry late game that 40%/60%/80% is sick. Get Treads mask of madness aghanims dagger/ac whatever its not so hard to farm 4k with sven as a carry it can be smth similar to Void at current meta and his Aghs not hard to farm but very usefull even if slows a bit your dps if it increase to 2 more strong cores 80% basic dmg is kinda worth it.

                                                      Ego complex

                                                        Still paying 4200 for item, which Sven cant utilizate that good, is kinda waste, tbh. Rather have bkb then agha, or anything similar in price.


                                                          Puck Aghs finally worth getting now? At level 16 a 4.5 second BKB piercing stun sounds pretty potent

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Well i guess you are fucking happy right Sampson ?

                                                            You cant fucking farm ancients with tinker now

                                                            OH WELL

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              It is knight, by the way guys riki is a decent offlaner now, better ganking potential etc etc


                                                                Aghanim's Scepter now allows Holy Persuasion to target Ancient Creeps (maximum 1 Ancient Creep per level of Hand of God)

                                                                WTF IS THIS SHIT. HOW IS THIS OK?

                                                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                      dude a fed and leveled chen with a couple black dragons?

                                                                      The crimson guard is not "incredibly good" for the price but it makes vanguard a much more viable purchase. I think it is pretty balanced.

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                                                        MoM Spirit bear incoming. AdmiralBulldog is gonna bring back the Druid.


                                                                          Treant Protector
                                                                          Nature's Guise mana cost reduced from 90/80/70/60 to 60
                                                                          Added Aghanim's Scepter: Grants a new ability, Eyes in the Forest, which allows Treant to enchant trees to spy on his enemies and expand the area Overgrowth affects.

                                                                          Eyes In The Forest:
                                                                          Treant Protector enchants a target tree. Enchanted trees grant 800 unobstructed vision. If Overgrowth is cast by Treant Protector, units near an enchanted tree will be ensnared and damaged.

                                                                          If the enemy has true sight, they will be able to see visual effects on both the affected tree and the 800 area of effect around it.

                                                                          Cast range: 160
                                                                          Cooldown: 55
                                                                          Overgrowth Bonus Damage: 135 damage per second (3/4/5 ticks)
                                                                          Mana Cost: 100

                                                                          Note: Overgrowth only does damage if it comes from an Enchanted Tree.

                                                                          oh man... I remember that...

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            MoM Spirit bear is happening you all can be sure about that


                                                                              it's a buff to chen in the late game. plus the orange dinosauras have a really good attack speed buff that basically goes unused cos they couldnt be controlled until now

                                                                              pretty dope.

                                                                              i hope the 50 damage block of the crimson guard is a typo or something cos that is seriously shit

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                By the way the soul ring into bloodstone thing is really good, i am builind soul ring in timbersaw now ( it was always a good item on him )


                                                                                  that chen shit is gonna make him perma ban.

                                                                                  I guarantee it.


                                                                                    lol because games currently last long enough for a support chen to get aghs


                                                                                      ^Not in 6.81, but this is 6.82.

                                                                                      5man pushes has been nerfed heavily, in case you didn't read the patch note.
                                                                                      Game's will last longer.

                                                                                      ehm: didn't manage to sleep.


                                                                                        any one else think that the rune is going to be game changing, not that the bounty will be that strong, but a rune will always spawn at each rune site, so there is no longer a need to waste early wards on runes, and when ever you head to a rune site right before the 2nd min mark you are guaranteed a rune. every 2 minutes both mids will go for a rune and one support from each team will go to the other rune, so there is going to be way more fighting away from towers/creep waves during the laneing stage (and more changes to gank someone doing this). its also more viable for someone in a lane that is not mid to go for a bottle if they have a way to contest runes quickly, since they no longer only have only a 50/50 chance of having the rune spawn near them.

                                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                        one and half gun

                                                                                          deathball meta hasnt been nerfed

                                                                                          jakiro got buffed, heavy contributor to deathball


                                                                                            plus the team who has supports that actually guard/check runes get rewarded for it

                                                                                            or be ember spirit and get both runes kappa

                                                                                            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                                              New Chat Wheel Options
                                                                                              Good Game
                                                                                              Good game, well played
                                                                                              (All) Good game - Counts as calling GG in an official game
                                                                                              (All) Good game, well played - Counts as calling GG in an official game
                                                                                              What should I buy?
                                                                                              I'm retreating
                                                                                              Space created
                                                                                              Destroy the tower, then get back
                                                                                              Destroy the barracks, then get back
                                                                                              Ward the bottom rune
                                                                                              Ward the top rune
                                                                                              Zeus Ult Now!

                                                                                              Y M V N

                                                                                                riki offlaner to take every rune now is viable, more fight on 00.00 guys


                                                                                                  Cloak, Hood and Pipe magic resistances now stack like all other normal magic resistance do

                                                                                                  This is huge. so you can have a pipe and a hood at the same time potentially?

                                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                                  Sugar Show

                                                                                                    Lone druid bear NOW HAVE MANA, new meta necro ,dagon, confirmed.

                                                                                                    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                                                      no, is like sange and yasha and yasha