General Discussion

General Discussionto smurf or not to smurf...

to smurf or not to smurf... in General Discussion

    hello guys,

    basically i want to push my invoker stats to about 60% winrate and a about 5-6 KDA.

    the problem is i had a very long "learning phase" with invoker (about 200 games) since i was a complete invoker noob at the beginning.

    just look at patch 6.80 stats:

    222 games, 46 % Winrate 3.07 KDA

    now i was able to push it to my acutal stats after MONTHS of playing:

    550 games 51% Winrate almsot 4 KDA

    but it took extremly long, and as u can see in the Pathc 6.81b (243 WR 56% and 5,14 KDA) or recent month (62 games WR 79% and 6,28 KDA) there is still a big potential to grow.

    What would you do?

    Make a new account (smurfing) and have "instant" better stats


    stay honest and grind over months/years for better stats

    Flat is Justice!

      i like the "grind over years" part, since u word it so painfully...u should try that


        Just smurf.

        If you really want to be so stat obsessed that you would grind out 100+ games of unranked, be my guest.


          is that even a problem he doesnt even play ranked

          I'm 14k mmr let me mid



              @ humdinger

              i know stats dont show how good u are, but it is still the first thing u look at it when u want to jugde a player. So u "sell" yourself with stats.

              @ FenofEnVy

              well ranked i want to start once i got my 60% and 5-6 KDA so i can effort some looses. Since i noticed a singificant different hero picking behavoir in ranked. for example

              unranked: i go invoker, enemy goes low HP carries/semicarries/supports and maybe one strengh hero.

              Ranked: i go invoker, enemy goes Bristle, Axe, Abbadon, Leoric und brewmaster (GG?)


                why bother ?
                who cares about your stats except you ?
                as you said, u already have good stats in 6.81b,
                so u need new acc. because few meaningless numbers are not shown right after clicking on your profile ?


                  As u may notice i got my own Invoker build that i want to promote (since it works really fine and it took long to figure this one out) including video tutorials etc...

                  now they check my dotabuff and see "only" 4 KDA and 52% win rate.

                  then they see stuff of fromer DOTA allstars player whos match DATA of hhis own learning phase is not recorded and they see only his stats of stomping noobs now in DOTA2.

                  Which build u would go?


                    i would do something to hide those normal skilled games before improving kda to look more legit if i were u


                      link your stats from last month ? same as showing smurf acc.

                      I wouldn't trust smurf

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        KDA isn't really that important. Skill level however is, and if you smurf you might get a chance to play at a higher skill level and therefore meet better players and improve your kda at the same time.


                          well thank you guys for ur opinions i think i gonna stay on this acc and gonna work on it to reach my goal.

                          i gonna try to stay "honest". Atleast if valve stops nerfing invoker on every patch xD


                            He's not quite in the competive nor does he have a good pub win-rate, so I don't think he'll nerfed in the next patch. Also, your build, if it's any good, indeed must take skill check. If it's good, you'll be able to climb up all the way to VH Skill games. If you'll have good winrate and KDA at that point - you're doing fine.
                            I would trust 55% win-rate over 1000 games more than I would to 75% over 100.


                              well to explain my build.

                              like 90% of the invoker builds are focusing on lane phase and endgame, while ignoring the mid game. since most public matches end before minute 45 it kinda sucked, the mid game is in my opinion the most important part of the game.

                              So i started to develop a build, where u can cast 5 spell combos + including a working escape for the time between 20 and 45 minute of the game.

                              So i started to test and test and test, this build prooved to be the most reliable for that time period.


                              - very strong between 20 and 40 minutes ( wwq+eew+qwe+refresh+eew+qwe at lvl 15-17 with full exort!!! )
                              - good escape without using native invoker stuff (eul+blink works out in 80-90% see low death numbers)
                              - good farming chances (exort pre minute 8-10, after that midas)


                              - very weak ganker before lvl 9
                              - lacks disables pre lvl 10
                              - requires some kind of "foresight" since it takes 60 seconds to prepare a combo pre lvl 14

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                Well if you smurf, you are just seeing what you want to see and the the true picture. If you wanna "seem" better that you are, go for it.


                                  nobody cares about your stats as long as u are normal skill

                                  one and half gun

                                    if you smurf, you'll be in your bracket after 5 matches played


                                      i could create an account and throw the first 10 games with some random heroes, then get 100% win rate with NO SPELL INVOKER rushing Dagon 5 every game, over perhaps at least 30 games with 50 KDA, but that doesn't make the build very viable.

                                      sorry if i sound harsh but the bottomline is that the strength of a build is partially measured by the success against the opponents you face, and given that your opponents are presumably horrible, even if your build is legit it would be hard to tell.


                                        to quote myself

                                        "well thank you guys for ur opinions i think i gonna stay on this acc and gonna work on it to reach my goal.

                                        i gonna try to stay "honest". "

                                        please stop replying here

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!