General Discussion

General DiscussionGames like this makes me want to quit dota

Games like this makes me want to quit dota in General Discussion

    force staff and phase... i see why you lost :)
    super useful


      whats wrong with force staff? the other team had a good amount of slow/stun, a force staff can save your teammates


        if you're core windrunner why did you get your ultimate so late?
        a fast maelstrom + focus fire makes you hit really hard.

        as benao said, why the force?
        if you're core windrunner, blink is better. because it makes shackleshots ridiculously easy to land, then you kill them with focus fire before the shackle even ends

        tower damage is a bit lacking imo when you have the aghs for permanent max attack speed, a deso first might have been a better choice instead of daedelus. the razor seems to be pulling his weight with his high kill participation (joint 1st), so a deso may have done more damage than a crit would. esp with alchs' ac

        since im too lazy to watch the replay, did you put the mjollnir buff on the razor in fights? if you didn't then it's not worth the cost, you're paying 3000g for 40 extra lightning damage when you're probably better off getting a second maelstrom if you have the item slots to spare for it.

        idk about you but bkb seems like a good item vs the enemy lineup. even if you didn't die much without a bkb, getting one means that you can bait out spells and waste them. so you're indirectly 'healing' your teammates by taking 0 damage from enemy spells for your team


          KOTL was tping us on cliffs with recall :D "Im not even mad, that's amazing" Don't get mad, just go full retard.


            because disable help doesn't exist

            one and half gun

              there are two players i dodge if they are in my team, they both have 1 thing in common and thats autism


              i generally don't dodge players but holy fuck lol
              the first one always go offlane, you want solo offlane? hey he'll pick tide, visage or some shit to leech exp and take your farm for no reason. there has yet to be a game where i haven't seen me and 3 other players in the same team with him go afk because of him only.
              the other autist i linked is probably the most toxic 4k shitter i've ever played with, he picks morph, calls mid, dies repeatedly, buysback and feeds. if he doesn't get mid, he feeds "intentionally" (not like he does it regardless if he's mid or not). i bet if both of them enabled dotabuff, they'd have 40% winrate or some shit like that, and whats sad is the morph usually changes his name to "muteall4ktrash" or "1x9 dota best mid!!". UR FUCKING 4K AND THE ONE RUINING GAMESGSHSUHSUHUAHGAUGHUJAÅGJESIÖGSGJÖS

              basically any game with these two is so demoralizing it makes you want to uninstall dota and question valve's decision in NOT punishing griefers. my fucking god, i dont give a shit if you're 4k and ruin 5k+ matches but don't ever fucking open your mouth and never pick a goddamn FUCKING CORE

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              one and half gun


                one and half gun


                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    holy mother of jesus the 2nd guy wave linked has 300 hours in 2 weeks. and i thought i had no life

                    one and half gun

                      dude the first time i met him was like 3 weeks ago, he did the same exact shit and he was 5.3k (this is where i assume he bought the acc which confirms hes an autist)

                      now hes 4.8k


                      i hope ebola hits him soon

                      one and half gun

                        goddamn its possible to win with griefers and autists like those but not when they pick offlaners, mid and carry


                          Dont you wish you played windrunner like me


                            Activities of recent game 283.7 hours in the last 2 weeks
                            the fuckkk?!?!!?

                            ~ Dedication

                            one and half gun

                              im gonna look at these two steam profiles right before i click "find match", honestly these two are the only reasons for me to dodge now

                              im boiling mad so much right nowww


                                Lmao i also have 280 hours.
                                Just turn dota on and the computer on 24/7 and ignore.
                                Ez 300 hours of doto

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  Dire Wolf

                                    At least your guys built good items.

                                    Sniper builds 2 wraith bands, then yasha, then mask of madness, then a hoodie. FML. Sad too cus spec was doing well with the kda and possibly mounting a comeback but yeah, hood of defiance sniper ftl.


                                      Mjiollnirr was build as the last item just to hit a bit harder when right-clicking. The game was over when a bought that.
                                      Still, deso might have been a good idea but I still wouldn't win the game, that's the whole problem.

                                      My team had no fucking clue how to position theirselves at the teamfights, so either they got picked off before we even started to fight, or they retardedly did nothing because they were out of range, or they died instantly because they were at the fking frontline at lowground, instead of highground at t3.


                                        + I was not even intending to go carry-mode, untill I realised how shit my team was.


                                          it doesnt matter whether you win or lose.

                                          if you scapegoat your team you'll never improve. you can improve even if you lose games, and then use that improvement to win future games


                                            It's just that I really did everything in the teamfights and my team couldnt even land one spell or do any damage.
                                            I don't really care for the loss, it's a pity though.


                                              >Windranger carry

                                              you deserve it fucker


                                                194 lh at 48 min on carry wind with good creep clearing thanks to mjollnir. *Flames team


                                                  How about this for a crappy game
                                                  First "High" skilled game, get lucky and have TA randomed for me.
                                                  At 8 mins our batrider has died 3 times.
                                                  He says "You guys are reported bye" to the other team, and abandons. (He thinks they were hacking, "high" skill dota
                                                  Entire team abandons and i dont blame them
                                                  I just afk until game ends, thankfully high skill means the people are nice enough to leave you alone and farm while they end.
                                                  Frig I played a game beforehand when a guy repicked into Drow, and suggested i rush vanguard on cent before blink, even there nobody called anyone "hackers"

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    It happens Lucky. Imagine tho what would happen, if someone pissed off Benao and he was in your team :D (hint: last of his games)


                                                      Everyone has a bad day :D

                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!