General Discussion

General Discussionmeepo boots choice and laning

meepo boots choice and laning in General Discussion

    so basically i see most meepo players going treads like notail devilish waga xcalibur and some go tranquils (xan and some swedish guy that mostly plays on 1st page) and some going travels 1st if they have an unconsted lane (ive seen zai do this as well). im mostly interested in when would you get tranquils because its cheaper and helps you get aghanims earlier i guess.

    also, i want to know how to do you lane mid. what starting items do you get, ive seen no items into bottle, pms and pooled tangoes into bottle, stout shield tango into bottle etc. what would you get against viper, because every time i lane against this shit i cant even get close to creeps, im only soaking experience.

    ive had a pretty good success with meepo but lately i keep losing the lane to this green shit


      if i play meepo, its mostly safelane, i go for treads>aghs>blink>3skadi for ez katka.
      if you are against some shit heroes like es or lich against you, probably boT first, also if you feel like rat doto go BoT.
      the thing about tranquils is, i used to get them every game, have them for like 5-10 mins until i farm aghs, then get treads or boT.
      if any competent meepo player could tell me why tranquils is their boots of choice, would be great.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        I cant play meeop for shit. I have heard that if you are getting zoned you should just get 3 and then use your clone to stack the big camp, then poof farm it later to make up for some of your lost farm.


          i dont think tranquils is the boot of choice anymore. with the lack of stat sharing, the clones only get extra hp from treads, and stat gain before you have aghs


            phase boots is actually really good, your right clicks will hurt like dragging someone's nutsack across a bed of glass


              I repeat this infinite times but here goes.
              treads are better than tranquils, travels are better than treads. notice the pattern here? it's costs more.

              it's about making the compromises. I used to always play mid and rush travels, the games where it would start good it would be the biggest snowball of all. the games that started bad would often prove unwinnable. aghs is core of all cores, it improves your farm rate by a lot and investing in fast aghs by sacking some other shit early would ultimately prove beneficial. my aghs times with tranquils usually go from 10 to 12th minute. sometimes better, sometimes worse depending on the lane.

              and tranquils themselves ain't bad. 90 ms is actually really important when trying to stack camps, you always get there in time. 4 armor is also great and healing is often more useful than you think. and considering my starting build I pay measly 350 gold for all that.
              meanwhile treads with aghs give you around 300ish hp more, minus the armor the tranq provide which ammounts for around 100hp of physical dmg, so 200hp difference (or actually half that since you don't start with aghs, but still better), much safer route but costs me 600 gold more. xcallibur told me you either get treads because stats get doubled or you skip upgrades all together and stay on brown boots. foolish to take anyone's word for a gospel but to stay objective thats his view on it.

              also bear in mind the lategame boots of choice should always be travels no matter what so you want to swap them either way.
              ultimately it matters much more how well you can actually play the hero.

              Greygrey the Sailor

                My favorites are in this order, Treads, tranquils, Phase.

                Phase is kinda unneeded unless you really need the extra right click damage in place of some extra armor and health.
                Tranquil is great for the hp regen a.k.a if you are gonna need to stay in atleast exp range a lot, and/or ganking from the middle lane.
                Treads. Extra survivablility, rightclick damage, attack speed. :P all you really need, also can be used for better mana pool and mana regen.
                Travels, upgrade your boots into these whenever you are getting close to 6 slotted or if you already have your big tankiness item (heart/vlads/mekanism)


                  treads + mek is surprisingly good.


                    trave :p


                      also viper with nor very good positioning is easy food for meepo. get orb of venom from the side shop or secret shop by the time you reach level 3 and then get close to earthbind and do poofs . this will at least keep your enemy out for some time if not kill.


                        i would never get mek on carry meepo


                            for meepo i use power threads (with strengh) later BoT

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