General Discussion

General Discussionneed some tinker advice

need some tinker advice in General Discussion

    im 5k, but my tinker is fucking awful and i wanna stop being awful at it, so if anyone could tell me how to stop being an absolute shitlord at tinker please do so.


      play with bots and get used to eb-dagon hotkeys... also practise shift eb-dagon + blink to hide ( this scares enemy a lot )


        go 2-0-3-1 instead of 1-1-3-1 by 6.

        rockets are maxed 1 level later because of it, but you have better 1v1 if you're mid
        laser's damage doubles from 80 to 160 (a 100% increase) while the mana cost only goes from 95 to 120 (something like a 25% increase), so the second level is much better for harassment purposes.

        otherwise your skill build is fine.

        item build, i dont have db+ so idk if you went d5 then eb, or d1 then eb, but you should get eb before upgrading d1 because you get more stats, more utility (slow and ethereal) and also more damage.

        d1 + eb costs the same as d5 but you get better stats and damage.


          also if u get eb first, get the eaglesong out of the way first, then you can always panic-buy dagon recipes. if u have dagon 5 and ghost, you can't panic buy when you need to.


            alright thanks for the skillbuild tip, and yes i went dagon 1 then eb


              if ur snowballing already go d5 first
              but if its an even game go eblade


                if you're snowballing then there is no reason to go d5, because your d1 has enough damage to kill the enemies without needing to upgrade it.

                plus even if you go ghost then eb, because you're so far ahead then it's okay to have a period where you aren't increasing your damage (ghost + eaglesong) if the enemies still can't survive.

                Quick maffs

                  lvl 1 dagon is not always enough to kill the enemy carries, while lvl 3 dagon usually is

                  If you are snowballing with tinker i really think dagon 5 first is better, the range less mana cost more damage


                    well sometimes ur snowballing but the dmg is not high enough to kill them fast. upgrading dagon will increase the dmg output faster which can be crucial in those mid game fights

                    9 out of 10 times i go eblade first tho


                      Im 3.5k Tinker player but I can share some tips!

                      USE QUICKCAST - It's so much easier with quickcast specially when you're 6 slotted with hex e-blade and dagon. You might want to have few games with bots to get used to it but it's totaly worth it!

                      SHIFT QUE - Makes everything so much easier. You can kill do a combo laser+rockets+dagon and kill the opponent in no time.

                      PICK TINKER ON RADIANT SIDE - You can easily stack ancients or camps when you're on Radiant side, you could get BoT in 10 min even when you have crap lane as long you have ancients stacked.

                      ASK 4 HELP - Ask your supports to gank mid to gain extra 200/400 gold.


                      Don't steal farm from you carries... You can go jungle and kill all the stacks very quickly when your carry is farming lane.

                      STACK ANCIENTS - When you finally have your BoT and Blink you can stack ancients to speed up the farming even more.

                      Once you get your e-blade and dagon 1-5 in very fast time you can farm on enemys carrys... EZ GG WP GO NEXT

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        i dont like quickcast on tinker, the only hero i use quickcast on is meepo

                        Quick maffs

                          For example, enemy qop

                          You need to kill her in one combo or she will blink, missile laser dagon 1 will not be enough while missile laser dagon 3 might be.

                          Quick maffs

                            Quickcast is really fucking good on tinker


                              same goes for any carry with a reliable escape mechanism (AM, weaver, Spectre, etc), if you dont kill them in like 1 sec (with your full combo) you'll most likely not kill them, having an upgraded dagon is way more helpful than having an eaglesong


                                After watching Wagamama's video about quick cast I instantly changed my hotkeys to it, makes life so much easier. Ofcourse, there are some situations that I'd rather don't have quickcast but hopefully I will get used to it!

                                THANKS WAGAMAMA <3


                                  ^ Quickcast is for the weak


                                    Oh, forgot about something...

                                    I don't recommend upgrading ult until you get your dagon 5 + e-blade because you need mana for spamming more march of machines. I usually upgrade my ult once I max my first/second/third skill.


                                      it is good on tinker but sometimes I miss shit because i click too fast, its same having quickcast on the 4th skill on ember (the one that teleports you to your remnant), its fucking good to have quickcast on because if a void jumps in to chrono you, you just tap D (instead of having to click which may get you dead if you don't have quick reactions), but sometimes when you're kiting ppl (you're losing the game, so you have a safe remnant just in case) with your SoF + bolas combo and ppl get really close to you, if you press D while performing the SoF, you'll be teleported right where you are. i've done it with sano a few days ago :<



                                        Well my keyboard is pretty shit and it's not comfortable for me to spam all my buttons at once. Maybe cuz it's a crap one from Microsoft ROFL


                                          what I do on meepo is set D and F as quickcast to nets and poof, but I also do have the Q and W cause i'm more comfortable with it
                                          might do it for tinker aswell

                                          Quick maffs

                                            I dont know man i think i am able to do the eblade dagon thing way fast with quickcast, plus blink etc



                                              You can get a decent keyboard for gaming cheap!! go grab one and test ur real reactions and skill :D



                                                I'm trying to save money for this razor ultimate keyboard mechanical idk what it's exactly called but so far I have no money :D Closer than further!


                                                  im not very good at tinker and ive only played him once or twice since switching to quickcast, but it definitely seems like it's better.

                                                  upgrading to rank 2 rearm isn't that big of a deal, unless you're super behind you should have enough mana at lv 14 with an int item to be able to support it. even if you level it up too early it's not that big of a deal, the items you can buy to make up for it like dagon force, ult orb et cetera are relatively cheap.

                                                  for rank 3 rearm though, you may not need it when you have d5 + eb, and you could even be better off not levelling it so that you have more mana to use more combos.

                                                  also try to drop any int/mana item that you have before using soul ring so that it gives you more mana. it works better when you're lower level so your int is lower, and if the item(s) you're dropping are a large portion of your total mana pool, because it means that soul ring restores a larger percentage of your current mana pool.

                                                  e.g. if half of you mana pool is due to items and you drop them all before soul ringing, you'll gain twice the mana (300) you'd usually gain with soul ring than if you hadn't dropped it.

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    I think i should get forcestaff more, i actually never bought forcestaff on tinker.


                                                      Forcestaff is good when you play against heroes like Clockwerk... No point getting forcestaff for naix because you can buy ghost scepter.

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        When i play against clock i just try to not get hooked

                                                        I still get hooked a couple of tims but meh, its a clock is not like he is going to carry his team anyway.


                                                          im pretty sure it is better to upgrade dagon if you have a really good start over eblade (but still consider getting a ghost scepter)


                                                            Get Dagon 2 then to EB. I find the damage similar when you have dagon 5, but the thing is, you are able to save your team mates from physical damage. Try to get used to shift and if against clock i suggest getting force staff. Try to practice and obtain bot + blink + sr + bottle < 11


                                                              and get force staff vs viper

                                                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                  why would you get rearm at 7. that would mean you either go 2-1-3-1 or 1-2-3-1 by level 7, which is a waste of skill points

                                                                  you either get it at 6 or 8, 8 if you go 2-2-3-1, and at 6 so you can have maxed march as well as rearm for it.

                                                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა