General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for playing Nature's Prophet.

Tips for playing Nature's Prophet. in General Discussion

    Hi guys ,can anyone give me good tips for this hero? Mainly for scrub bracket from 3300 to 3700 mmr where is my main atm.

    Would be nice if someone experienced with this hero can look at 1 of my games to see if there is anything i do ok and what i do very bad etc . I created this account to train heroes i never play so i have a lot more to learn about when to push when to farm or when to fight with this hero.

    In my games till now i focus mainly on joining early fights when my team gets dived under tower or something or just ganking if i see that my team will respond to follow up if i tp. Is this tactic ok or maybe farming and split pushing will be more important in higher skilled games?


      you're doing it right.

      but you should always apply pressure (splitpush boys) on other lanes, even if you're winning by a large amount.

      NP build changes every game, sometimes a fast mek is awesome, sometimes a medallion for an early rosh;
      sometimes you're behind and you need to create space for your team, give her the necro3 + dagger

      judging by your recent game stats, you need to improve your farming.


        Thx for advice , seems like i need to improve everything by looking at ur stats with NP:D

        Yea my farm is really bad some games for a NP , i think its because i join too much fights when i can split push instead ,but i cant decide every time if the fight is good or not ,sometime i get double kill and sometimes i just end up feeding the enemy :/


          Improve your map awareness, your decision making and learn to recognize what your team needs and you will improve with NP.


            Since I see you are in "normal" games I guess you're around 2.9-3k!

            Don't go glass-canon builds. Coinsider making Necro lvl3 in 80% of the games.

            BKB is also awesome item. Desolator is cool, but why would you make it as your 1st item?

            Also, try not to rush big items with him.


              I basically intend to spam the heroes i never played on that account so i dont see how ill get out of normal for sometime i guess ,BKB seems like nice option - invoker pickers really give me hard time and they always go for me :/ blink buyers also like centaur....

              Problem is if i dont get the deso in normal time we cant push much cuz most of the time the team doesnt group when we have chance to really push in so im on my own ,also huskar is a problem and deso is really good vs him. Ill try the necro for sure , its my first games with that hero so i would try different builds thx for advise guys.


                I'm not Furion player, but I don't think desolator will help you as much as you think.

                Yeah, armor reduction is nice, but since you are glass-canon it's too risky..

                I'd go BKB, and then desolator, or even BKB/oRChrid/Deso..

                Treads is must have.

                Dire Wolf

                  Necrobook lets you push without being there. Deso is a really nice tower killing item due to the debuff working on them but it requires you to sit there and whack the tower, not really nature's strength. It's a viable build but not the best first item. Orchid and scythe also give you lots of dmg, not as much tower killing as deso since no debuff, but they have better utility.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  ham strokers ejacula

                    Despite all the encouragement from other people you're playing this hero very wrong. Like Shred you to bits said, you're going very high dps but fragile builds and also farming for big items first which will hurt your potential for any kind of early game to happen, you need to think about what items you can buy that will allow you to TP on them 10 minutes into the game and have them fear you.

                    Stacking Nulls is one way to do this.


                      3 nulls treads blade mail -> go fight. gg european pub build

                      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                        I have no idea, i have like 0% winrate and 0.01KDA with natures, and my hero challenge is with: NATURES PROPHET

                        Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

                          To play nature prophet, you have to find the rat in you

                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                              Not stacking nulls in potato braket is a stupid idea. Stacking nulls means being able to gank everytime your tp is off cd and win every lane for your team. People won't expect you to gank at lvl 3, so yeah, free assists/kills.

                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                  R5, going Dagon-build on NP is even worster then fucking Desolator. :D


                                    You say that because you play at 3k, right? ROFL. Talking about a bracket without even knowing how people play there.

                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                        Nice ad hominem though. When you learn to make a proper argument I will think about discussing with you, otherwise you can keep talking alone.

                                          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                            Rush Dagon 5--> Aghanin --> Eblade ---> Refresher
                                            GG easy wipes


                                              @sattelizer nice winrate dude