General Discussion

General Discussiondragons 2

dragons 2 in General Discussion

    very good movie, much feelings.


      No spoilers, but was a very unexpected ending, and turn of events. 10/10 would weep again.

      gertouille la fripouille

        You mean HTTYD2, right? Yeah, it's a very good movie, and it is more mature than the first one, just like Hiccup.

        Hex Sigma

          Skyrim is better(fact)


            hahaa havoc, i guess its ironic)



              I also assume we are talking about httyd2

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                yes yes its htttydhdgdsjutyjd 2

                Dire Wolf

                  I took my 2 year old to see and it she wouldn't shutup, kept saying look daddy dragon's fighting! DRAGONS FIGHTING DADDY! and people started staring at us so we left with 20-30 mins to go. I missed a good ending havoc? Darn kids. Will have to wait for netflix.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    ^dem kids :D:D:D


                      wait for netflix rly ?

                      When you open ur internet browser, at the top of it you can notice what we geeks call an adress bar.
                      Click on it and type
                      You now have to localize the "Enter" button on the keyboard. When its done press it.
                      When everything up above is done you should be on an internet page which has some space where you can type stuff on it.

                      Write the name of a movie you want in it.
                      Press "Enter" again.

                      Now you should see a big list of movies, click on the "SE" (seeders)
                      Click on the first movie in the list.
                      then cllick on download.

                      (u need µtorrent or some torrent client)


                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        ^i thought everyone knows bout this :))))))


                          well Timber does not.
                          the poor guy was about to wait netflix and pay for a movie when he can get it for free.
                          rly its depressing, i had to step in and help the homeless.



                            Hex Sigma

                              lol who the hell buys movies.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Dude I don't buy movies netflix is a monthly sub unlimited. I realize you are probably 19 year old from eastern europe or asia or whever and pirating is cool but I make plenty of cash to afford $12 a month to netflix. I do not support pirating. Plus maybe the torrents are fine but I prefer to avoid as much virus' as possible.

                                one and half gun

                                  lol... you don't support pirating but you pay subscription fees to watch "streams" that acquired temporarily licenses to offer movies which makes it no different from pirating since you're not directly supporting the director/studio or whatever

                                  and your fake story with your kid wasn't any better, why would you not let the kid finish the movie that you paid for? LMAO

                                  Quick maffs

                                    " pay subscription fees to watch "streams" that acquired temporarily licenses to offer movies which makes it no different from pirating since you're not directly supporting the director/studio or whatever"

                                    The stream ( netflix in this case ) paid the director/studio for the rights of the movie ( or show ) so its REALLY fucking different from pirating, by supporting netflix you are supporting the studio in a indirect way, by pirating you aint supporting shit.

                                    If your kid is fucking yelling you take him out to not bother other people who are trying to watch the movie.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I don't care if you pirate, I just don't have any reason too, the legit ways of watching movies and buying video games is cheap enough, I'd rather stay out of it. And being in software development I feel like I should not undermine my own industry.

                                      And my story was not fake at all. I take her to a lot of movies and she talks during the entire thing. She watches them but it's like mystery science theater with running commentary. Usually there is no one there at noon on a weekend but this one was during a holiday weekend and there were tons of people. Trust me she doesn't care about the ending, but I would like to see it eventually lol.


                                        i loved it. whenever i watch this movie i get the feeling that real life sucks in comparison to having dragons

                                        one and half gun

                                          theres no point arguing with sub 5k autists

                                          one and half gun

                                            at the end of the day im smarter than all of you huh look at that lolz

                                            one and half gun

                                              Smoke this, drink this
                                              Straight to my liver
                                              Watch this, no tick

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Well you could balance those feelings by watching reign of fire or game of thrones and pretending you're a slaver. Dragons ain't all fun and games.

                                                one and half gun

                                                  ive calmed myself

                                                  the equivalent of paying a fee to watch movies on netflix is the same as sucking my dick to watch movies i paid for on my blu ray player at home

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    More money for netflix more movies they can buy more money to the studios.

                                                    Cmon wave try harder .......

                                                    one and half gun

                                                      the more blowjobs i get the more movies i can buy to the studios

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        Nice, i wish you luck in your business

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          Why is wave so mad at everything?

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            ^Mad cuz bad?


                                                              Movie is gud. I want a Toothless.


                                                                Aren't most of the current torrents cam anyway? like who would want to watch that...


                                                                  u guys so r clueless.
                                                                  there is 0virus on tpb.
                                                                  and as i said click on 'se' to sort out the files most ppl download (which most of the time are the bests in term of quality and shit)
                                                                  and anyway the quality is always said in the title..?

                                                                  what the fuck " arent most of the current torrents cam anyway?"
                                                                  rly from what fuckin mountain are you coming from.
                                                                  if u type "WHER KAN I FINT CAM MOVIEZ" on google you will prolly find cam movies.
                                                                  but if u active your brain and detect the mysterious magic keywords like 'hdrip' 'brip' 'dvdrip' u'll get hdrip brip and dvdrip quality.


                                                                  here is the top 200 bigest seeds, so much cam indeed

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    WOW SERIOUSLY MAN ? WOW THANKS I HAD NO IDEA


                                                                      Dont act like you actually know anything.
                                                                      After all the bullshit you say everyday im pretty sure you know nothing at all

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        You realize that he meant " most of the current torrent are cam " for this movie in particular right ?

                                                                        He was wrong cause there is already brrips of this movie, but still you act like the guy was a retard because you understood wrong his question.


                                                                          I dont act like he's a retard because i misunderstood his question. I act like everybody is retarded because everybody is retarded.
                                                                          And hypothetically, if he was not a retard he would go check by himself before saying retarded shit, wouldnt he?

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                            basic physics.


                                                                              Relax m8 dont have a stroke.




                                                                                  Pretty sure the script for the next HTTYD3 is gonna have a gf for the night fury..


                                                                                    ^ but the twist is the GF is owned by a bad dude who she turns on in the end to save him #justdreamworksthings

                                                                                    Hex Sigma


                                                                                      its not the teens only. Everyone pirates in the eastern europe. And not because its cool, but because the people are too poor to buy movies/games or music. Imagine that 75% of the average salary is spent on taxes.


                                                                                        You guys hahaha :D all so mad @ life and everyone in it.

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