General Discussion

General DiscussionFor all you little shits moaning about techies...

For all you little shits moaning about techies... in General Discussion

    Its a free win, why are you getting all worked up about it. Techies has zero game impact all you do is dodge walking in usual spots, have good wards and get an early gem.

    ...the only techies you should be scared of is the one on your own team. Techies is unique and fun, in the same way pudge is but he cannot win games so well and having a techies is just a garbage hero if you don't get a massively good start.


      tell us something we dont know :D

      cant believe techies has been out like 2 hours and allrdy 5000 games with him >.<


        In practise he might be bad as fuck, however in theory he can actually put up some decent work.

        In well executed teamplay with a second support, Techies + 1 can really create some havoc space.
        I just have thoughts about him, but I'm not sure. Might be a decent offlaner or support.

        Brings lot of nuke potentional and huge stun that stops enemies from initiating on you if executed correctly.

        Primordial Soup

          I think that's why people complain about him. "Techies has zero game impact" which means that when your team picks him, you're screwed.


            "the only techies you should be scared of is the one on your own team. "

            I thought that was what everyone was worried about...



                Yeah, I'm not worried about enemy techies. Judging by my luck the bad ones will be on my team and the professional ones will be on the enemy team.

                Girl with beautiful face

                  GL playing vs skilled tenchies, it is auto lose.

                  I still remember back in d1, there was guy on dlg, who had like insanely good tenchies, he was auto win if he picked it.

                  But most of them suck, so np.





                      Precisely, that! Techies can do well but you will find it very hard to win a game with a techies on your team.

                      Quick maffs

                        WHO is moaning about techies on the enemy team ?

                        What the fuck man

                        I am afraid of having that piece of siht on my team

                        Thanks god he was on the enemy team



                          " will find it very hard to win a game with a techies on your team."

                          That's what I was crying about.


                            hes shit cuz ppl dont know his real power, which is the stun mine..

                            Primordial Soup

                              I moan for Techies, mmm Kreygasm

                              ICE SKULL

                                what do you do when hesin ur team


                                  new patch, tinker still picked every game, now techies also, fucking trash game is trash


                                    do you get a -25 if you abandon during pick phase?

                                    ICE SKULL


                                      Quick maffs

                                          What if they know that you'll walk in unusual spots, so they mine the unusual spots, but you know that they'll know so you walk in normal spots to throw them off. But they'll know that you know that they know so they mine usual. But you know that they'll know that you'll know that they know?

                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                            I'd rather have a techy then my first game back getting a retard last picking venge to carry then buying force staff and losing safelane 2v1....

                                            Oh lord cancel that 2nd game back other team picks techies first 2 ppl on that team quit... good fun tonight.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              I've had the opposite happen to me. In all games I played today, the Techies players were extremely competent, but the rest of the team was a fucking disappointment. My first game had a Techies that practically secured the early game, but the rest of the team would just go back to farming after winning a teamfight.

                                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                  Had one do early mines, kill our mid, mine runes, mine ss, mine jungle, mine lanes and got 8 kills in 10 min. I bought 2 gems tons of sentries im done man. I'll not pick this game up for a few months or post on here.


                                                    Finally rubick will become more useful now because of techies :laugh:

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      you are dumb. any hero who doesnt farm has no game impact.


                                                        check my last game


                                                          ^ Your team had already won that game with or without you, your first kill comes at 6 minutes and (providing the log isn't messed up) the next kill for you comes at 18:27 minutes with a double kill. Their team was horrible and probably had randoms and people practicing or just generally bitching at each other.


                                                            kills are irrelevant when you are farming. you dont have to kill somebody every second while you play techies.


                                                              No you don't and this is in no way intended to offend, but your team had already won that game with or without you.

                                                              For example, their wisp player

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა