General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth Spirit getting another nerf?

Earth Spirit getting another nerf? in General Discussion

    Hi guys just wondering if Earth Spirit will be getting another nerf. He is a deadly character and if you look at my recent games I am always doing best on my team and winning games with the worst of feeders. I swear though, if you know how to combo him at an intermediate level, he is completely broken. To be honest I don't even think the first patch to Earth Spirit was a nerf at all. The way I combo him actually works better. I use a rod of atos which gives me the opportunity to hit my roll 100% of the time then by using the roll and grip silence at same time. I then ultimate and stone kick so the stone planted may magnetise multiple heroes when I kick it. So my main question today is do you think Earth Spirit will be getting yet another nerf? Its obvious his early to mid game impact is broken as, and stopping a snowballing Earth Spirit is more aggravating then many other early game characters.

    I'm 14k mmr let me mid



        My friend still plays him sometimes, not sure if he tried rod yet, gonna ask him (his profile is private for some reason ill never understand....), seems to be a rly good idea. He usually hits the skillshots and if the team composition is not completly retarded and has some kind of lategame or early push, we have an easy win. But he still falls off quickly, have seen soo many alot-few-alot kda earthspirits being useless in lategame but they werent taking a support "slot" at the beginning so that team has less cores.. So hes not OP, but can be strong. They shouldnt nerf before he gets OP, like... Lycan-OP in pro games. Hes useless in below 4k pubs so has to be op in pro games to get a nerf i hope.


          dude you really talk about es and not void, or tineker or doom or skymage?
          you sure about this?
          BTW, dude you say this combo is even easier with atos, but you do most of the work with es before you have any items, when you barely have boots (lvl 3-11).
          and with such a eaazzzzzy long ranged stun as it was, he was wayyyyyyyyyyyy easier and every mediocre player could win games with him. 1 more thing, i got atos a couple of times, and it didnt really make combos easier, its really easy to roll+set stone+grip+ulti anyway.
          aaand 1 more, why do you think he needs a nerf when you dont even win 50% of your es games? :)

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Last picking is 4 pussies

            Don't see him getting nerfed prior to cm addition.

            I am curious how he would get a Aghs scepter ability since well earth is pretty flexible in his item choices. Side note I won't build rod the levels it would help the most I can't afford and later when I can it's not very useful.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              they should remove him he is so under powered now compared to when he was OP. Almost no one plays him and he's so niche like TA & Naix. Having 3 heroes based on panda ult so stupid IMO at least finish up warden, pitlord and oracle.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                Earth is fine imo. The combo is a little bit hard to do now when compared with the previous one. I agreed that it was op when e stunned people. You ran out of stones most of the time when you enter late game because you exaust too many of your stones on a big team fight. I would love to see an aghs upgrade which gives more stones to es though. That would help him on late game and he will be more effective on big team fights. By doing that i guess you buff his ult too because you can now refresh the ult and combo at the same time.

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  Underpowered? Earth spirit?

                  Lord help you must be sarcasm yes? Just in case some heroes require you practice and have risk reward to not landing abilities.

                  I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                    Yeah the Ags scepter update could be great


                      My win rate was as low as 20% for a long time check my games, I could not played this hero for crap for a long time and this is the closest I've ever been to 50%. Cut me some slack man!


                        He will. Str gain i bet

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!