General Discussion

General DiscussionGame Impact Thoughts

Game Impact Thoughts in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    So, technically KDA measures this. Im thinking does Hero Healing and especially Building damage should also be included in your game impact scores?




        Who needs Kda when you're playing Tb


          I think wards purchased is core to see game impact. Vision is life or death unless you're playing 500mmr.


            My timbersaw and crystal maiden have lower KDAs than my other top heroes but better winrate. Go figure

            King of Low Prio

              wards purchased is not game impact, too many retarded supports have rune wards all fucking game....


                Im pretty sure hero damage is what represents game impact, not kda

                BOY NGIWI

                  @Gensokyo, KDA doesn't matter, if you won you'll have better winrate %

                  @Allison, I don't think so. I have 22,362 hero damage on my Zeus. But he's not at the top of my Most Game Impact.

                  Game Impact is KILLS + ASSISTS divided by DEATHS :)

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    no k/d/a doesn't measure impact, and hero damage is a better indicator but far from perfect due to the fact some heroes do naturally higher damage.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                    King of Low Prio

                      yea it was painful watching a tinker yesterday TP into retarded situations, kill a support with the dagon eblade combo and not have a buyback and the other team is able to push in and rax us. But because tinker is damn near impossible to not get kills on he thought he was 'carrying' team...

                      Dire Wolf

                        There is no objective way because how you impact a game changes depending on their lineup and yours. Some games a team might be best served having a hard carry afk farm and then swoop in at the end to win the game, having little kills and hero dmg. Other games you split push. Other games you need the support to initiate and die every time so their kda looks awful but their play wins the game.


                          There are heroes whose game impact is almost impossible to tell by stats alone.

                          Heroes like Zeus, Tinker and probably Viper are going to get vey high hero damage always, unless you go afk with them.

                          What stats do you exactly measure to tell Undying's impact in a game? Because the hero healing alone is not enough. How much he fucked up the enemy lane he was in?

                          Treant's impact is specially difficult to tell, because his heal is not super noticeable, a lot of times is used not because of the heal itself but for the damage block so it can get cancelled before it can heal it's full value and is used a lot on towers (and there is no tower healing stats). Moreover, his Leech seed doesn't deal much damage, he's not going to spend a lot of time whacking heroes and his big ulti doesn't even deal damage. How can you tell his game impact by stats?

                          King of Low Prio

                            I wish treants would use their heal for the block :( NOPE


                              the easiest way is to consider how much each player swayed the game in his or her favor

                              players who have high impact will create enough space so that the weaker links will, on paper, have better end-game stats. a carry who loses the lane and goes 0-5 might be salvaged by a skilled mid, and thus have an endgame score of 12-6. this, of course, is masked by the fact that the mid player did far more.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                quick question for u ara memoraie (i added u to ask it but i guess this is faster)
                                i played ~5 games party unranked with my friend on a fresh acc (+ coop bot games) and was in very high skill bracket. then, i played a solo game which was labelled with very high aswell. are the first games u play maybe affecting either party and solo or dow do u explain that? the acc :

                                Quick maffs

                                  The other day i went 1-5 with tinker at 15 minutes

                                  Team created enough space for me to farm, ended the game with 17-5

                                  So my HD was high and my kda too, still i sucked ass and my team won the game


                                    @ kakakotkoa

                                    yes ur first matches will affect ur mmr the most. valve tracks party and solo separately


                                      but if it tracks separately why was my first solo game already in very high bracket?
                                      i played 7 party games (with luma) and then a solo game where nearly everyone was not anonymous anymore + very high bracket


                                        There's a little thing called a game replay... XD