General Discussion

General DiscussionThings that happen 99% of games.

Things that happen 99% of games. in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    Doom was selected

    Tinker was selected

    Mirana was selected

    Sniper was selected

    Tinker regardless of how bad he loses first 15 minutes eventually becomes relevant at minute 56 and suddenly types a lot of smack talk.

    Isaac The Ellimist

      and soon "techies was selected" above all else...

      Last picking is 4 pussies

        Most the retards will not play techies correctly to the point of giving up and will wait until some pros give them enough replays to not fail.

        Basically what happened with Tinker.




            your last game had none of those heroes and you lost with tusk.


              His last game had a Doom...

              Welt aus Eis

                >Earth Spirit spammer
                >Complains about other picks


                  oh yea. it had a doom.

                  still a crap thread.

                  Dawn of Planet of the Slarks

                    1) Riki goes near enemy tower guarded by 4 or 5..dies and pings enemy team "how did you see me"


                      i hate tinker because when he is enemy it doesn't matter how many times i kill him mid, he will go somewhere and get farm and be a threat later on, but when he is on my team i hate him cuz he feeds early then farms all game and can only become a threat really late.


                        I hope meeepo will get some serious buffs since techies is gonna be in every game .

                        True Survivor

                          TUCK FINKER

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            pick tinker
                            get travels around 15. minute
                            spam marches everywhere, stealing others' farm
                            first item dagon, followed by ghost scepter

                            - 80% pub tinkers


                              ^ Went offlane with Tinker one day and got BoT in 17min... STILL WON THE GAME


                              Last picking is 4 pussies


                                If earth spirit was so easy I am guessing you would play it. Instead just stick to your tinker until some form of it is nerfed.


                                The last game had Doom and what does losing with Tusk have to do with anything? No one hardly plays Tusk for obvious reasons.

                                Hex Sigma

                                  ^altough you have to admit that the concept behind tusk is pretty neat


                                    Earth Spirit 321 games. you sir are retarded :D

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      ^---Your line as earth spirit

                                      Earth Spirit Earth Spirit 10 games 10.00% win % 1.23 KDA

                                      Clearly you win.


                                        Volvo pls remove tinktard

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          u can get BoTs by 30mins as tinker and still be a threat.................

                                          Quick maffs

                                            I dont even care if tinker gets nerfed as long as void and doom gets nerfed too


                                              sniper :((((((((((