General Discussion

General DiscussionAsk me anything about dota or rl dotabuff boysssss and g r i l l s

Ask me anything about dota or rl dotabuff boysssss and g r i l l s in General Discussion

    I copy paste DDSAMA to have some fun together here, cus posts are usually boring and same concepts.

    Ask me whatever :)


      Will you never get bored playing dota?


        why do you think you are a 5k player while you cant grind up from 4.2k
        and lwhy do you think your spectre is good when u have like 3kda and 43% wr

        and why you are such a faggot that think that having a X MMR gives you the right to be rude to people?


          Why you whine on forums?


            why are u so fucking bad and disgusting as a human being


              r u a pretty grill

              ICE SKULL

                why are u so fucking bad and disgusting as a human being


                  Mary- rach Atm I m bored playing dota

                  SLEAVE Well thats a hard question, I think I got potencial to be a 5k player(As I already proved in the past with 4970 rating) but I m not tryharding to much and not focus inaf for that goal.
                  I ll probably be if I pick like 3 heroes like slark,void and viper but every time I try it and get some mmr I get bored and instant pick some fun heroes and than I lose alot get frustrated and go back to some shity mmr which means I wont get high mmr by playing all heroes I want and when I want.

                  % rate Doesn`t really matter much, I was losing alot with Spectre when I started to play him so thats overall result. I got on Smurf 100% Wr on alot of heroes will that means I m better with them than with 46% spectre or something? No, thats just % doesn`t really matter much in my opinion.

                  How I m rude to ppl? I m not, I m rude to ppl who are rude to me at first so thats understandable I guess.

                  shiba Cus I get bored and I whine

                  kakakotkoa, Kloud Stryfe
                  I don`t think I m. I m actually awesome and I love myself. Thanks for comments anyway

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  Ples Mercy

                    this thread LuLz

                    Quick maffs

                      I dont think bogi is rude to people who didnt flame him in the first place, at least i dont remenber seeing him flaming a ramdon guy


                        What kind of activities do you do aside from playing dota?

                        Do you play other online games? If yes, what is it?

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Mary- rach I m styding economy, training at bars dips,pull ups etc. some kind of amateur street workout style, going out with my friends etc. also I m very good at table tennis I trained that sport for 7 years, recently I stoped playing serious cus of college..but I willl still play league this season and maybe another seasons in upcoming years as well just with less intensity of serious challenge and training.

                          I only play dota 2 at the moment and vpopulus(browser game). I was active few years ago at Wow and World of Tanks.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            Bogi I noticed you skipped my question.


                              Dacheat I don`t understand your troll question. Do I m a pretty grill? I m not a grill and I can`t answer.



                                What were your dreams as a child?


                                  Mary- rach To be proffesional basketball player and to play in NBA :D ( I trained basketball 3 years but than switched to table tennis :) )


                                    what made you switch to table tennis ?


                                      I played table tennis one day with father and his friends, than table tennis coach from that place asked me if I want to play with him few minutes to see how I can handle. He said I got good feeling for the ball and that I m talented so if I want to come tomorrow again, than I came I kinda liked it and I keept going with table tennis ( switched to best club in the country after 6 months of training with first coach ) .


                                        Pretty interesting turn out. Good for you ☺


                                 Here is a short video of me when I played 5 years ago. (When I was in training for a 2 years)

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            I played very bad there, but at least you can see some plays of beggining of my carrer.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              1v1 me in ping pong m8


                                                Why do you think you have to go full "tryhard" to reach the MMR which you think would represents your current pub skill level?

                                                Hex Sigma

                                                  bogi, why does everyone hate you? or dislike you?

                                                  Hatsune Miku

                                                    bogi.. do you think you can read Prison School ?


                                                      Hows it going between you and the girl that had her GF in another country?

                                                      Any progression or is she still stuck with lessworthy men?)


                                                        Szotyi3 cus everyone tryhard, try pick every single game anti mage as first pick play 20 games and lets see how many of them you ll win if you instant pick and don`t repick. Every game I play vs Doom,Void and etc. as everyone else as well so if you want high mmr you must play your best heroes and stronger heroes at current meta.

                                                        Dacheat Sure come to Belgrade, anytime

                                                        Raspharus That`s not really the truth, but many of them I really don`t know actually. Few of them started cus of my boring whine threads I guess and after that people started to copy each other without knowing me.

                                                        Raspharus I don`t think so

                                                        D2CG. Anonymous슬 She didn`t had GF she had Boyfriend :D Anyway, I don`t know I didnt communicated with her for a 2 or 3 weeks already. We need to meet again at end of the August will see if she is still with him or not.


                                                          I misswrote cause I was kinda thinking out of own perspective...

                                                          owell, Good luck! :-)


                                                            ^ I think she isn`t with him anymore with stuff I saw on facebook but who knows, anyway I don`t know will she be with me she is a fucking model with huge ass big bobs and pretty face as you know but I ll try I guess.


                                                              Have a crush with a girl who has a boyfriend
                                                              Looks like the masochism is naturally within you Bogi :laugh:

                                                              My question:
                                                              What does 93 means? Your birth year?


                                                                fb for research purpose


                                                                  93= shorter 1993 yeah year of birth

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    fb for research purpose




                                                                        Bogi, why are you only a 3k table tenis player? :D

                                                                        Kamado Kun

                                                                          whats ur favorite heroe on league of legends?


                                                                            EZ Katka Shit happens.

                                                                            law I don`t know any of league of legends heroes :/


                                                                              I dont know what's more insulting - my comment or law's :D I'm sry Bogi, i was joking :D

                                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                                why do you suck cock?


                                                                                  this thread :c

                                                                                  MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                                    I bet this thread gets deleted faster than that one about the flamer kid in Macedonia or whatever

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      "Have a crush with a girl who has a boyfriend "

                                                                                      Oh man that its fucked up :(

                                                                                      Good luck man


                                                                                        Go back to brazil Why would this thread be deleted? O.o


                                                                                          Dorkly Lol its all fine, I don`t care much thanks.

                                                                                          MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                                            because its pretty toxic and just awful, serves no purpose whatsoever. No one is really asking you questions, just trolling and being insulting

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              "fb for research purpose"


                                                                                                კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                                                                  who are you?


                                                                                                    Why do you think most of us dislike and feel bad for you?


                                                                                                      I personally don't dislike Bogi, I just struggle with his attitude at times. I had a friendly few games against him, but playing with him was seriously hard work. I played a few lobbies where he just demanded the hero he got to play (I was captain) and demanded the team did certain things his way, when he ordered us all to 5 man and push, he actually disappeared to afk farm jungle so we lost a teamfight minus our farmed carry after he told us to go and fight. He seems to have an attitude that's something along the lines of 'if I don't do it, my team are too bad to do it', I think he just doesn't trust ANYONE he plays with and as a result has developed a selfish playstyle.

                                                                                                      My question to Bogi, would you rather have claws for fingers or kangaroo legs?


                                                                                                        kangaroo legs seem useful :B