General Discussion

General DiscussionBest dota 2 girl player ?

Best dota 2 girl player ? in General Discussion

    Anyone know? Is there any girl like 5k+ mmr or something? Or there is noone. Most mmr I saw ever for a girl was on Asiamore girl who has something like 4600 party and 4300 solo.

    Ples Mercy

      who the fuck cares?

      bogi seems lonley, ohhhhhhhhhhhh


        Bububu is higher.
        She streams, too.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            I know a very good LoL player named Kaceytron, ask Wink


            the realm's delight

              ^ if u were actually serious thats not true. shes bronze v


                beesa grill, wut


                  Playing in female Australia's doto team around 4.5k

                  Silent's girlfriend? around 5k maybe.

                  Only French player i know beside matrice? :laugh:

                  Infused Elya


                  The doto veterans PMS Asterisk from Singapore
                  Most of them are also 4k something.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    Vroksnak is a girl, I know.


                      Girls I know:

                      Vaelditiha: 3k ~
                      Linaewan: 3k~
                      Tonks: 3k~
                      Synne: 3k~

                      I've not seen anyone higher, nor been matched with anyone talking with higher than 3.

                      Well, expect my Twin, Vroksnak, who's 6k.

                      Tonks is actaully impressively good comparable to her mmr. Havoc's a good teacher apparently.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        This Blunt and his non-sense comments, hahahah lol.
                        Presque Vu is same as Sheever like 4100.

                        So you think 5k got Silent`s Gf? Thats nice if its true

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Why are you highlighting girls? Why do you care about random girls you never will play with/know mmr?

                          Im just curious :laugh:


                            There is not a real reason, I was just curious to know is there any girl that is talented inaf to play on a pro lvl games on guys lvl. I mean guys are better in every sport but esports is mindset and hands so its different.


                              what you mean "I mean guys are better in every sport but esports"

                              I think you misswrote something.

                              Girls are better in every sport, expect eSports?
                              Well, if that's what you meant, it's not true.


                                beesa is a girl? I do not think so.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  Vaeldiithia and tonks are both quite good actually. Vael is a forum regular.




                                      <3 S A D B O Y S 슬 I wanted to say that in esports guys don`t have physical advantage like in sports so competition is fair, I wanna say same. You can`t compare proffesional football guy player and girl player cus guys are much stronger. I mean esports can be same category for guys and girls.

                                      Beesa is a guy btw.


                                        me u retards


                                          Actually as girl are a bit less retarded than guy, they should be better. I guess only number of guy make that none of them shine by their skill.

                                          Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                            Not sure how good sheevers is.


                                              ^ Sheever is 4100 mmr

                                              matrice but girls are also slower with reactions, so I highly doubt girls can ever be good as guys in games.


                                                According to what I've experienced in life girls doesn't have slower reactiontime than boys, but actually faster.
                                                The difference is that boys usually are more serious with games and has more passion. We're eager!

                                                Dunno if there's any logic behind saying girls has slower reaction time. :PP


                                                  ^ Rofl man, its not logic its a fact


                                                    You can't state that without some kind of proof like a scientific paper or something...just saying.

                                                    Anyway, I'll be the next one to say it. Vrok's a girl, her name is Betty.


                                                      Guys get more support from friends, family and fellow players.
                                                      Girl players are encouriged to play dumb or act retard-cute or just... be girls. If a girl wants to go pro, or stomps pubs in a stack, everyone usually assumes she got carried couse shes a girl.
                                                      In some other games like WoW, female players are a lot more common and accepted when they stomp arenas or go pro, its completly normal.
                                                      Also, if a girl wants to prove she is good enough at this game, has to hide gender before getting known or will be judged. So you can never know if there are some girls stomping pubs or not.



                                                        silent's gf stoodin multiples times and won most of the games

                                                        i daresay she can hold her own at 5k


                                                          but can you please not be boring and explain?

                                                          You seem like one of those when you talk to, they just answer: Yes/No.
                                                          Not very interesting. Please explain your thought. Or tell me what I'm missing, like girls bodies are different thus high reaction time isn't normal or something.

                                                          Say something, not yes or no.

                                                          Edit: Owh I replied a bit late, well. This was directed to Noobi <3

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            Bogi - Sheever is around 4k party mmr, 3.3k solo. PresVu is a bit higher, 3.8k solo, 3.9k party. Best girl player i've seen so far was some Asian girl from Dota girl championship or sth, cant remember her nickname anymore. Have to check out Mila tho, could be she is legit 5k.


                                                              yeah presque is not 4k shes around 3,8k (and trust me 3,8 is not even close to 4k)


                                                                vrok aka rebecca

                                                                also Bububu plays a lot with s4 so maybe she is good, idk

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                bum farto

                                                                  Bububu has a smurf that is about 4.2 I think, when they queue with dongerino and carl I don't think they go ranked


                                                                    im a hot grill and i challenge any other hot grill in a 1v1


                                                                      s4 only has like 6.2k party so they could still stack Havoc, I met them here (quite obvious who s4 is.. :D)

                                                                      bum farto

                                                                        Possible her party is up quite high but the solo might be lacking....also the team infused guys aren't good at all. Low 4k's are my guess.




                                                                            That Julia (MrsMisty) girl is hot and legit as fuck (5k both mmr's). I think SingSing should kick Pres and invite this girl rather, if not i will.... someday =)


                                                                              She is a lass


                                                                                I would rather have sing play with people that are fun to listen to

                                                                                kanye went to uni

                                                                                  Beesa being a girl rings a bell for some reason ... I think it used to be a rumour ages ago.


                                                                                    navi.female solo mid player

                                                                                    and carry player not sure about remaining 3

                                                                                    as far as i played with both of them they were pretty damn skilled


                                                                                      Beesa is as much a girl as Vroksnak, if that makes sense

                                                                                      bum farto

                                                                                        Bessa is literally a lad, a British lad


                                                                                          bububu is 4.4/4.7


                                                                                            "Beesa is as much a girl as Vroksnak"



                                                                                              have no idea who is best but this chick have crazy amount of games



                                                                                                Israeli, about 4,2k and still rising


                                                                                                  Theres a girl on my picture, does that count?


                                                                                                    ^ me two!

                                                                                                    आप गे क्यों

                                                                                                      a few female streamers are 4.4kish