General Discussion

General DiscussionChen pickers

Chen pickers in General Discussion

    Tryhard or just plain dumb? Whenever I have one on my team picking him it's either a free loss or some ultra tryhard guy buying smokes constantly and saying 'lets smoke into rosh' at minute 10.


      ^completely irrelevent and useless information is completely irrelevent and useless

      Chen is a hard hero who requires good micro skills and map awareness, as well as amazing communication with the team, of course only "tryhards" or total failures will play him.

      Note that I put the word "tryhards" in quotations because tryhard literally just means "Plays better than you".


        ^and you call other people stalkers


          ^How am i stalking anybody? I said the information that 2 people posted was completely useless. Then again, knowing how you process information, I shouldnt even bother explaining it to you.


            the ones i met was super tryhards



              To be fair that CM Chen pick was some Chinese guys picking him for me after I said "no Chen". I tried my best.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              Quick maffs

                No, tryhards are tryhards

