General Discussion

General DiscussionTI4's Meta = My pub picks! Pros watch me!

TI4's Meta = My pub picks! Pros watch me! in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock


    Before 2014, Viper & Weaver was my Most picked, but somehow post-WPC Ace Sept. 2013 and ranked play. I've been winning with rhasta and nub captains been picking it for me constantly. I know I just rock.

    Viper... was 2012-13 era pick before the mid viper mek build. EZ pubstomp hero.

    Weaver... my Hvost pick hero. offlane weaver max wraith bands & Ring of Aquila. Nothing feels better than out-running supports and using shukuchi as NOS/turbo.

    Venomancer.. ROTK hero lul

    Tiny& WK.. sb tiny from dota 1 pinoy sb dk style, bursting down solo heroes.

    Brew.. max stats & bracers before it was cool. sb so I can ninja out after ulty. Doom midas into mek/vlads/pipe with 500GPM at the end of game.

    And lastly BH... the TI3-era pick. Somehow I don't play enough of other heroes for this guys to still be in my top 7 heroes.


      are you a wizard

      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!