General Discussion

General Discussion[Discussion] Abbadon

[Discussion] Abbadon in General Discussion
Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

    So... this dude is kind of tricky for me.

    I play him in the 4 role as I feel he can't really function as a 5. Some one shed some light on this stuff for me?

    > Early game items ; Should I start with RoP and work into basi?
    > Stick/wand ?
    > Is orb of venom worth mentioning?
    > mek is core rite?
    > Can casual vlads be a thing
    > Tranqs vs mana vs Greed Phase
    > How the fuck do I solve these mana issues
    > Shield > Heal > Slow . Right?
    > When to pick / not.
    > Aggressive or defensive play?
    > Starting with boots?
    > Good vs push line ups? or Good in push line ups?

    Some of the little shit like the basi vs orb decision bother me. I like both. I feel that both really hinders his other stuff however. Might just be too tricky for me. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this for me. I would like to play this dude more but I just dont feel comfortable with him yet.


      i like tranquil + soul ring :laugh:
      but i guess it depends on the person
      you can go mana boots if you like or even phase

      I don't like this guy, i played him quite a bit on my smurf and
      people who i fought with my smurf seems to know that eul counter this hero.


        > Early game items ; Should I start with RoP and work into basi?
        Usually you want this on your Agi carry wherever you lane. You don't benefit from the +damage as you ain't farming.

        > Stick/wand ?
        Obviously if enemy has spamming spells, usually stick only. You're a support, money is tight.

        > Is orb of venom worth mentioning?
        Support? Nah, too much gold invested.

        > mek is core rite?
        Usually, yes.

        > Can casual vlads be a thing
        How can you buy a "casual" vlads? Vlad's a complete item. No casual parts or w/e.
        Yes, it may be good if enemy has heroes like Dazzle, DP, Juggernaut or anything with high Phyiscal damage, aoe.

        > Tranqs vs mana vs Greed Phase
        If you're trash, Phase. If not, Tranqs are probably most common as it lets you move more freevly. However I'd go for Arcanes.
        Just try to have full mana when you go into a teamfight, this way you won't have mana problems during the fight where your spells are key.

        > How the fuck do I solve these mana issues
        Pff. Just have reasonable mana in teamfight so you can use your spells to keep your team alive. No mana? Move to base.
        ~ Arcanes
        ~ Soul Ring
        ~ Vlads
        ~ Drums
        ~ Stick

        > Shield > Heal > Slow . Right?
        Heal has faster cast point and further range. If team-mate close to death, first heal then shield. Just keep your team alive and don't think too much about rightclicking all the time. Afterall, your job is to keep your team alive, not to deal all the physical damage.
        Not saying you shouldn't attack at all, but if you get silenced cause you're casually attacking physically, that'll probably cause the death of your team-mate.

        > When to pick / not.
        When you want a free win. Keep your carry alive in trashbracket until he gets enough items where its impossible to lose.

        > Aggressive or defensive play?
        Whatchumean? Hero is defensive. Keep your team alive.
        > Starting with boots?

        > Good vs push line ups? or Good in push line ups?
        Good in push lineups. You have no counterpush.

        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

          > Early game items ; Should I start with RoP and work into basi?
          Usually you want this on your Agi carry wherever you lane. You don't benefit from the +damage as you ain't farming.
          >> I mean maybe this is just an argument I have with myself. I always attempt to argue if full aquila is worth it on carries. So I assume they wont buy it, hence why I grip a plain basi as a support. More or less if I saw that the carry didn't have this I would work towards it or meh?

          > Can casual vlads be a thing
          How can you buy a "casual" vlads? Vlad's a complete item. No casual parts or w/e.
          Yes, it may be good if enemy has heroes like Dazzle, DP, Juggernaut or anything with high Phyiscal damage, aoe.
          >> Casual was a joke. I was mentioning it, as if like "mek as been purchased, I have my kite stick and vision up." need other options. vlads is worth mentioning with a melee carry like jugg or something?

          > Aggressive or defensive play?
          Whatchumean? Hero is defensive. Keep your team alive.
          >>Like... I've seen disgusting shit pulled off. Maybe it's just really situational in upper brackets or whatever. Wisp/Abby/Dazz aggro tri, or like bane + abby run mid, abby with boots for FB with dive potential due to shield. Maybe good players can just get away with shit like that, dunno if it's actually viable.

          There have been several games (Not ti~, but ti included) where supports would get boots first. IE sandking//Shaman(I assume this is because hes slow as fuck). This is for frequent roam. Correct? Normally rotating to another lane after first blood and smoking to ensure second.

          From what I see, soulring is pretty core? Honestly I've never made that item on him. Will have to give it a shot.

          Miku Plays

            How do you deal with snowballing abba though?

            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              I'm pretty sure general census is like "Euls it" or "Atos it and walk away".


                If your carry doesn't work towards an early basilius you definetly should make one. The mana regen is very useful for laning phase, especially since Abaddon is a pretty lame ganker. Which means you'll put most of your effort into one lane pulling, or helping your mid lane or something survive a gank.

                If you have a neutral mek carrier like Razor or Viper, a vladimirs would work wonders if it's actually good vs enemy heroes. (Lot of phyiscal damage)

                That's sounds very odd, neither worth investing so much into the middle lane for 2 mediocre heroes that doesn't need farm.

                It's very normal to get boots first on one of your supports because it allows for early aggression, especially for heroes that has a low range stun (sandking) or SKywrath (who already has sick basemovespeed) to freely kite and harass without troubles. Also get fast in range for slows, etc.

                I'm tired as fuck, so I hope you understood something.

                It's less normal to get boots first on supports in soloq cause people doesn't communicate. I'm sure it'd happen more often in soloq if people communicated more however.

                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                  I do DD. Your input helps a lot. Thanks for your time. Go to bed.

                  King of Low Prio

                    melody on melee support UGH -_-

                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                      LOL. I knew this would come sooner or later.

                      Can I get input on this? :: Recently I have been grabbing 2 sets of tangos. Pooling off 2 to mid, and taking six to lane, regardless of hero. I feel it gives me more range to trade regen with the offlaner, and help the carry out. Thoughts?

                      waku waku

                        what kind of lane makes you actually need any regen as abaddon?

                        Low Expectations

                          Ok this hero I can actually talk alot about :D
                          1) always tranquils and soulring - this hero literally uses these items best of all the heros in the game. Get magic stick, dont upgrade it unless facing a total spammer (bristle, PA dagger,skywrath)
                          2)unless you dont have another mek buyer get it
                          3) Vlads is always good unless you have another vlads buyer (lyctan/ursa)
                          4) 4th item consider either Pipe or Halberd depending on enemy lineup (halber esp effective vs idiot voids, AM qnd all other non-bkb carrries
                          5Abbadon is good in lineups that already have dmg but are squishy (drow etc) or if enemy has heavy stun lineup he is kind of like a more useful omniknight.
                          6) more often than not consider taking passive as first skill, its extremly underrated.
                          LASTLY everytime you pick abbadon as a carry punch yourself in the nutsack and repeat "not today"


                            I say, orb of venom worth it, when your lane partner is ready for cooperation. Paired with his passive it provides absurdly powerful slow.
                            If you can be aggressive as Abaddon, then go for shield + passive and harass the hell out of your enemies, creating space and kill opportunity for your carry. If you managed to get an advantage, you can go for semi carry build (phase, mek, armlet).
                            Else, go for shield and heal, but pick at least one level of curse, because it provides full ms bonus right away. Go for support items.


                              I have never played this hero before and never fuckin will because he is shit fuck and can't carry the team.

                              In other words he is fucking absolutely useless in team fights and on a lane.

                              Take the words from me and start playing Tinker with bots and you shall be as pro as me mother fucker .!.

                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                I mean, Id rather play him in a support role. I am not Satie 2.0


                                  Key to Abbadon is remembering that he is a defensive support, I see people going too balls deep with him and sometimes it pays to just hang in the back a bit till everything has been dropped then go in.


                                    Personally unless you're playing 5-stack with set roles I'd suggest phase boots as it allows you to transition into dps and also makes you function very well in teamfights for chasing.


                                      yeah im quite agree with shavedmyballz lel
                                      i stopped playing abaddon since zai started to play that support WK :facepalm:

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