General Discussion

General DiscussionA summary of my rise to 5k, and perhaps a guide to those who are look...

A summary of my rise to 5k, and perhaps a guide to those who are looking to rise. in General Discussion

    This is already on my race thread, but I wanted people to read it separately, they may miss out if they don't look at my race thread.

    So, having made it I thought I'd make a small write up about my experiences on the climb, the MMR system, the people and (hopefully) some advice on how to get up yourself - and believe me I tried a lot of different things.

    So to start with, climbing MMR is stressful. If you believe you belong at a higher level you will feel critical of every mistake your team mates make. Generally speaking the majority of players believe they are held back by their team mates and the fabled forced 50% win rate etc. This means games where you lose are stressful and can create bad knock on effects (When I was 4989 MMR I lost 6 in a row due to stress! which meant I probably was the person people were getting mad at!). The thing is, you really must remember this, everyone is human. If you lose a game you musn't get too annoyed. Especially if it wasn't your fault. If you played badly, watch the replay, learn from your mistakes. If you know you played well and it wasn't your fault at all, go watch an episode of Adventure Time or something to calm down. Bad blood creates bad games and, no matter how good you are, you can never prevent things like this;

    Huskar. What a guy.
    The only thing you can do is realise it's not your fault and ignore it. Move on. Yes your time has been wasted but if you're angry you'll play sub-optimal and you'll probably lose your next game, and the next one, and the next one. Suddenly a wasted 30-40 minutes has become a wasted day. And believe me, this can be SO disheartening when you're trying to climb MMR.

    Secondly, Solo MMR requires a completely different approach to team MMR. When I started the race I was ~4.4k Solo and 5.4k Party (I think at one point my Party was 1.1k ahead of my solo) I was winning ~80% of my party games because it was all I was doing. I learned how to play in a stack very effectively. When I started my solo race, I didn't climb particularly fast in the early days because I was used to playing in the same mentality as when I was stacking. I was relying on team-mates to make plays that never happened, I was expecting TPs that never came, more importantly, I was talking in all chat and being told to shut up. Solo MMR requires solo plays. In my penultimate game to 5k I played against a solo offlane LC when I was support Silencer. I was supporting our safelane Wraith King and we managed to kill her 3/4 times within the first 6 or so minutes. Here is the game The reason we could do it so well is because NO ONE came to help her quickly enough. Remember, if co-ordination is bad on your team, it's probably bad on the enemies too! But you have to be the one who makes the play, don't wait for your team-mates as they may never come. Ironically, since focusing on solo my party has dropped ~200 points!

    This brings me on to my next point, what hero to play? Here is a copy of this weeks (almost exclusively) solo games


    As you can see, I've had moderate success with junglers, fairly poor success with carries and phenomenal success with supports that can scale well - DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE WITCH DOCTOR WITH AGHS! So I will say this, forget the whole idea that only going mid is the only way to go, this ONLY works when you're comfortably better than the opponent and you deserve maybe 1k more MMR than you currently have. What you should do is look to cover as much of the game as you possibly can. With Witch Doctor you can play early support, you can roam well (with a stun and maledict combo) and if you do the roaming well you'll get money and you can save for an aghs, I usually had my aghs around the 20 minute mark. At which point you can almost solo win a team fight, the only thing you need is another primary target in your own team - but you're on support, this SHOULD happen. Here are some examples where I supported and carried with Witch Doctor (this one being a great example, highest Hero Damage, Hero Healing, respectable Tower Damage AND I'm solo support)

    But there are other heroes that can do it also, Abaddon makes great use of the chaos that is solo queue and Silencer can also scale phenomenally well. As a rule I'd say avoid hard supports like CM as you're entirely reliant on your team, in the same breath I'd say avoid hard carries like AM, Spectre etc as you're again entirely reliant on your team. Treat your team like retards, you have to hold their hand and guide them through the entire process, how to lane, how to harass, how to carry, how to push, how to not die. But don't tell them, they don't like being told their retards, show them.

    The turning point for me in my MMR climb (people may remember I dropped ~300 points from 4.8k->4.5k before climbing up again) came when I talked less. I shed my party MMR skin and embraced my new solo persona. I pressed Mute all chat. Before this, I couldn't help but comment on the game, I couldn't help but advise my team how to play, but amazingly people don't like being told by strangers that they've made a mistake. In total silence I managed to go on a really nice streak of maybe 5-6 wins in a row. However, I'm not advising that you do this, there comes a point when you need to say something. What I recommend is that if, like me, you normally can't help but comment, TRY to play a game with All Mute on. See what happens. Not only did it provide me with a few pleasant stress free games it also showed me that I don't have to comment on everything everyone does. In fact, sometimes It's beneficial if I don't. I even had a reasonably large number (about 10 in total) of people adding me after games saying they appreciated my style of play and wanted to play more, I wasn't even talking to these people!! What? People in solo queue LIKED me?

    I realise this is dragging so I'll sum up with a TL;DR paragraph;

    Guiri's tips for rising MMR;

    - When it comes to communicating, less is more
    - Versatile heroes > niche heroes
    - Hard Support/Hard Carry is a no go
    - Stress creates bad games, take a break after every loss, and even after a few wins. Your performance will inevitably drop if you over-play (case in point - BogiDotO)
    - Your own mistakes will teach you far more about the game than anything else, be humble enough to spot them
    - Look at the long term, not the short term. You may lose a few, but this doesn't mean you're never going to rise, like I said, I hit ~4800 before dropping back to where I started at 4.5k. I almost felt like throwing in the towel and quitting on the race, I knew Havoc was ~300 ahead of me, but I didn't give up. I went back at it with a positive attitude and almost managed to maintain ~70% WR in solo all the way back up to 5k. (the image above shows some games before my win streak AND a few shitty party games I played)
    - People are assholes and will flame you, ignore them. People can also be nice and praise you, don't let this get to your head either
    - Generally speaking, the only one who should be able to judge you is you
    - Don't give up if things don't start great, never be afraid to take a step back in order to take two forward later on
    - Finally, you don't need a higher MMR to feel warranted, solo MMR requires a different mindset to team play, maybe you excel in stacks, try find one.


    თემა შეიცვალა

      Interesting read but I thought fv would have greater success in solo queue


        He does, hence why witch doctor is quite successful cause there will always be a Void and either on the enemy team or yours it is good for you.


          The real TL;DR

          Pick WD.
          Ask someone on your team to pick Faceless void.
          Press R at the same time

          btw that's not a knock, in fact I do it too but with 14 voids in your last 20 Witch Doctor matches it's kind of a big missing detail in your guide .

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

            Is that lordy... lol... God you make me fuckin lol... 10/10

            @ Guiri



              How did you get out of ello hell.

              I think it was around 4.5k.


                good post.
                Exactly the things I found when trying to research how to climb to 3k:D
                Going to try and follow it even more!

                Thanks for helping the community:)


                  @Nevermort It's finding what works for you which is a massive thing that people constantly miss. Varying guides to 5K all say state the heroes they pick but I feel that this is only a small part of what reaching higher MMR means. A lot of people will pick WD cause well Guiri did it, or Omniknight cause Actionshit did it, or go mid only as TA cause Wave does it etc. but this is where those people sit in regards to finding their stride.

                  Consider that for the majority of this we were neck and neck, but I haven't been playing as much or winning quite as many recently and I did mine by picking a massive number of different support (ogre being one of them). Getting to 5K isn't the challenge, the challenge is for a lot of it based on luck of the draw in regards to teammates, and I think what myself and others have found is that sometimes not being such a greedy bastard and doing the team a service by picking a support and playing it well/not being a retard can have the same gain and even better as the games are more relaxing as people aren't being rageaholics cause they were forced to support when they wanted to go mid Zeus.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                    I rarely post on here ha. I do wonder what I said on under my old name that made you remember it..

                    .  .

                      About the huskar game you showed:
                      Those games can still be won sometimes
                      Bat started intentionally feeding since minute 0 teleporting to mid. I think he was mmr booster of some sorts.
                      Even though he died above 10 times in 10 minutes I kept playing as hard as I could and apparently other teammates saw that and followed through. Enemy kunkka left at around minute 15 or something when they were storming our barracks in hopes that they will finish the game very fast and looking at his score he wasn't that big of an asset to the enemy team anyway. Even the 0-15 batrider lost hope in his intentional feeding and began to play.
                      P.S. I was muted and spamming well playeds all over the place, and of course not in the good way.


                        How is Meow Meow in your game empty last time I played with her she was like 3800

                        .  .

                          she is 4.4 or something atm and my main dropped hard but I'm getting it back eventually

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          Ples Mercy

                            guiri has acually realized that communication wins gaems... That took u a while now didn't it?


                              Please don't comment on my threads.

                              It was nothing like that, my party mmr has constantly been high, showing that I obviously know how to communicate, the difference is (as you've even claimed yourself) solo is filled with degenerates.

                              Shame you haven't realised yet that no one cares about your fictitious claims and you continue to pollute the community.

                              g w s

                                "- Finally, you don't need a higher MMR to feel warranted, solo MMR requires a different mindset to team play, maybe you excel in stacks, try find one." you the real mvp ;_;

                                I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                  nice, cant w8 to post my own evolution. 2,7k atm, aiming for 6k+ :D

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    Guiri is upset cuz he sux, how cute.

                                    here is an advice for u:

                                    bow before my trashcan :3


                                      I am soo good in stacks, just don't have one atm. I play only with my bad friends :D


                                        Mods, if you read this, can we remove Blunts post? I'm trying to have a serious thread here and I don't want it trolled.

                                        Hafla Enjoyer

                                          This is inspiring. 10/10.

                                          Ples Mercy

                                            Just because u're butthurt doesn't mean u have to cry that much. You can be an adult and ignore my posts if they bother u that much. You are so cute when u're angry. <3


                                              Blunt tell us why you dont have a report button available on your profile =) I think lots of people from this forum would want to use it.


                                                Blunt, you could be an adult and respect the decisions of someone trying to make a serious and somewhat insightful post by not ruining it with pointless oversized images.

                                                I'm not remotely bothered by what you say, I'm just bothered by your presence, you're like a terrible rash that just won't go away. Actually you're worse than herpes.


                                                  I definitely agree with watching your replays of games when you played poorly, or in games where you feel that you could have done better. This is actually something I've picked up on in the past couple months, and my game play has improved immensely.


                                                    Good job, Guiri da Teacher!

                                                    It's been 3 months of trying to get better, and finally even I can take a year of and start studying again. Woho! School in 20 days, feels good!


                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                    Krazy Kat

                                                      Posts like these are why I keep coming back to these forums.


                                                        isnt blunt that 4k trash stating that he could be 9k if he would just try? =]

                                                        .  .

                                                          he isn't even 4k :^)


                                                            no he is 3k trash

                                                            Low Expectations

                                                              Congratz Guiri!
                                                              @SAD Hahah holy shit I 2years ago remember thinking the same thing. 2months later I was back to dota :D


                                                                guiri fuck you

                                                                ok seriously: i did what u suggested, because my 4k mmr trash wanted to go mid/safelane. i pick rhasta for support, my mid ember farms nothing in 20 minutes (gets outcsed mid like 3x even though i help him secure runes), my safelane spec had free farm after we killed their offlaner twice. Oh wait, he doesn't have any farm either.

                                                                this 4.8k mmr shit is impossible to get out of without picking cores because everyone is so FUCKING RETARDED

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                  - Look at the long term, not the short term. You may lose a few, but this doesn't mean you're never going to rise, like I said, I hit ~4800 before dropping back to where I started at 4.5k. I almost felt like throwing in the towel and quitting on the race, I knew Havoc was ~300 ahead of me, but I didn't give up. I went back at it with a positive attitude and almost managed to maintain ~70% WR in solo all the way back up to 5k.


                                                                    sorry i was just mad and i was yelling at my screen cuz i was so pissed, plz don't take anything i say offensively lol

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                      Great thread and best post in a long time Guiri. You and badger and matrice are about the only ones that post anything worth a shit on here.


                                                                        So, the recipe for success is to pick a support hero that can sneakily carry the game for your retarded teammates AKA Witch Doctor spam?

                                                                        You know, that sounds like an advanced SirActionSlacks1 guide for the 4k range. Pick a support hero to create the least possible tension in your team, but making sure your support can create lots of space and win teamfights your teammates wouldn't have possibly won without your pick. Basically you are going to carry your team with your support without them knowing.

                                                                        Yeah, SirActionSlacks1 style. :D


                                                                          It's also about complimenting the current meta, I may add this bit in. People have picked up on the fact that there is a high amount of Voids in my WD games, but I'm sure people have also picked up that there is a lot of Void right now anyway. If your impact picks can compliment the current meta (ala clockwerk complimenting skywrath) you'll find generally speaking not only will you play well but your team-mates should have a good game too.


                                                                            Good read.


                                                                              OK i tried some of the stuff u said, and here's my take on it (or at least my idea of what suggestion u mentioned is the best)

                                                                              fact: people here are absolutely retarded, but it's made worse by the fact that they think they're good. big ego + shit skill is the worst combo. since i'm 5.1k mmr (i have 4.7 right now on this one but i'm sitting at 5162 on my other one) it'll be difficult to carry 1v5 sometimes just because 5.1k is not that much better, if ur 6k like swiftending you can easily get 75%+ win rate (but i'm not 6k, so...)

                                                                              after testing out some of the strats, i'd say rat doto wins the most games. matrice tb is probably the best at the moment (tb scales far better than np and lycan), literally with just travels and yasha u can teleport across the map the moment they 5 man commit mid and down a tower so much faster than a puck/wd/centaur can. most team compositions will only have 1 (or 2 heroes at most) hero who can deal with tb with 2x butterflies late game, and if u need to shut down that hero desperately then sheepstick is the best item.

                                                                              there's no other rat hero who works well besides those 3 - naga takes a lot of farm time compared to tb, and pl is deadweight

                                                                              i am not disparaging ur suggestion to pick support, in fact i did pick wd in the 5.1k bracket today and it worked fine, i had 4900-5900 teammates in what i think was a page 2 game and they weren't retarded.


                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                Basically, pick Witch Doctor.

                                                                                You could do the same with Abaddon or Nec or any other high winrate hero in pubs, really.

                                                                                Everything else is the general blabber.

                                                                                Edit: Sorry if I sound mean, but that is literally it.

                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                                  he picks wd and tells someone to pick void so whenever theyhave their ulti, they go for kills


                                                                                    Who needs to ask? Void is a flavor of the month hero and if there is a bracket that religiously follows the pro trends, it's the 4k bracket.


                                                                                        Exactly as zano said. It works with tide and enigma too, any aoe lockdown heroes who are currently popular

                                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                          Nice read, but I have the disagree with the communication. I observed that when I'm able to communicate with at least one or two teammates in the game and we run around and get kills the win chances are significantly higher. Just don't ever flame your teammaters, especially when they flame themselves.


                                                                                            ' However, I'm not advising that you do this, there comes a point when you need to say something. '


                                                                                            But thanks for the feedback.


                                                                                              OMG DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE A MONTH WENT PAST



                                                                                                i don understand how people get muted, I flame people all the time on my other account yet I don't ever get muted