General Discussion

General DiscussionPlayed Slark almost 10 times today.

Played Slark almost 10 times today. in General Discussion

    Lost almost every game. Which is funny because I usually finish positive or at least neutral with him. -sigh- I know no one gives a shit about random dota blog but I just had to get this off my chest. ._.

    It's me isn't it?
    It's probably me.


      Try another hero.


        I've just come off the back end of one of those runs, you'll get it back. Today I've played 10 and won 9. Swings and roundabouts bro.

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          don't max pounce it was nerfed awhile back. Most builds are max essense shift. Also it's crucial for you to get ur item whether it's SB/basher into blink dagger before 30 mintues, topping it off with mom or bkb.

          He kinda has that CM/Mirana effect. If you miss a few leaps/stuns your chances of coming back is harder and harder. So at least 80-100% leap kills early game. You can miss 1-2 leaps late game but yea if ur missing too many it's like missing 100% of late game mirana arrows.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            ^god I hope that was a troll post.

            ICE SKULL

              nah its your average american player


                "Most builds are max essense shift."



                  Fuckin' won one. Woo~

                  Hex Sigma

                    the doto gods punished you for picking skarku


                      what the fuck with this bulldog fanboy


                        dont fucking listen to him he is teaching you how to not play slark

                        max Q W with 1 point in essence

                        and start killing ppl, its gg easy and simple


                          Get Mask of Madness and be spooky as fuck


                            "don't max pounce it was nerfed awhile back. Most builds are max essense shift. Also it's crucial for you to get ur item whether it's SB/basher into blink dagger before 30 mintues, topping it off with mom or bkb."

                            This is why your winrate with Slark is 26%.


                              what is up with slark players rushing skadi every game? like srsly?


                                Leggo, you gotta max pounce, and no skadi rush, get shadow blade/dagger/leggokingbar/orchid/basher/s&y/magic wand/aquilla/abyssal/buttercup/mjollnir. Much more useful than power treads+skadi.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  i usually go for sb/blink > (lately been going for orchid, but i used to go Yasha/SnY) > Skadi > basher

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    As someone said, don't go rush skadi, just get orb of venon. PT ( or phase ), drums, dager, sange&yasha , and after that go either bkb, mkb, butter , abusal , you get the point

                                    Also, sometimes , you can consider going diffusal ( vs omni, wl, dusa )

                                    Getting 2 levels of passive is usually enough until you max your other skill. Only max passive, when you are mid, and vs melee hero ( pudge, dk, rex, kunka, etc ) You will trade hits more efficiently.


                                      How can you not win with Slark when your enemies seem like complete idiots?


                                      Games should be more like these. Your recent games have people getting consistently less than 5 cs a minute as carries like BFury Anti-Mage and Mjollnir Faceless Voids...


                                        How can you not win with Slark when your enemies seem like complete idiots?


                                        Your recent games have people getting consistently less than 5 cs a minute as carries

                                        Judge not lest ye be jugded, huh?

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          never went for phase boots on slark, the stats switching that treads provide is so much better, you can flash farm without losing mana at all


                                            ^Or health for that matter >.>


                                              @Havoc Badger

                                              I lost because I played poorly in lane, followed by way too much aggression trying to free up space for my Naga and Lifestealer to farm. In short, I played very poorly that game (but am still disappointed about Naga's farm).

                                              (she grouped all of her radiance illusions and her hero and moved around like that).

                                              (also I suck)


                                                Well disco, knowing that you suck is the first step towards becoming better!

                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!