General Discussion

General DiscussionNecrolyte semi carry or hard cary

Necrolyte semi carry or hard cary in General Discussion

    What you think necro is semi carry or hard carry?


      he is more of a mid game carry/utility carry, late game he is bossy because the longer the fight the better he gets, also with his ulti (if with aghs) he denies buybacks which is gamechanging later on

      he is not much of a semi carry because he lacks snowballing potential imo.

      some teams runned him into a push strat as main carry, but the game should end by 25-30 min. apparently he has good chemistry with pugna because most times ive seen him picked, pugna was also in the team.


        He scales really well into the late game but is not a hard carry.

        Quick maffs

          Late game he is only a walking ulti, DeathPulse loses his power completely, he is stronger at 15-40 min into the game.

          He is a semicarry, beucase you force fights with your team at 20 min or so and you get towers and you win.

          If you afk farm with him lol good luck winning the game

          King of Low Prio

            all I do is afk farm with necro

            GENGHIS KHAN

              Well but i saw some replays in pro games when Necro as main carry outcarry in 50+ minute hard carrys like Lone Druid, Alch, DK etc, so maybe he is sort of hard carry, but for me he is definately hardest int carry. And when you have realy fed tanky hard carry in late game every spell did nothing to you but reaper scyther will realy fuck you hard coz your life will be only 50%. And in late game also some fight long about 20 second sometimes and its 30% for all 5 heroes took down just by Necro presence !!! All this abilities smelling of hard carry Necro role.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                hardest int carry? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL HAHAHAHAHAA

                * Tinker?
                * OD?
                * Silencer?
                * Youfuckingdrunk?

                GENGHIS KHAN

                  dd+wisp=trash- OD can deal huge damage and have strong ulti so i agree he is strong carry but still he is squishy and in late game you need to be tanky to carry team and if you watch 6 slotted Necro you will know how tanky he is, he will heal all his team and then he just ulti your OD to dead and his aura is realy underestimate but in many fight it deals about 25% to all your heroes, silencer is also not that strong coz is squishy too, well tinker is strong 1vs1 but in 5vs5 fights his powers is nowhere compare to Necro powers.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    necro late game with a lot of farm makes the rest of your team much more potent. He is a late game carry in the sense that he provides sustain to your other heroes and is tanky as fuck.

                    Necro has such a huge win rate as a result of that, and that he can be both a support or carry in pubs.


                      He's more the hardest anticarry than an actual carry. Sure, he can't kill a true carry by himself, but once that ulti with an Aghanim's is applied...QQ


                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          ^ lol 90 armor and 19k hp

                          Quick maffs

                            Guys, you guys got to be fucking kidding

                            His main skill is death pulse, its a 300 aoe nuke with a low cd, and that its great in mid game and even at 50 min into the game, but in actual late game no one in the enemy team is going to give 0 fucks about deathpulse and the heal is going to be so little that will do nothing, fights will happen SO fast that his aura will be a huge nonfactor into the fights, again only his ulti will do something.

                            lvl 11 with mek is when necro shines, after that you snowball, but if you have necro as your only carry and you expect to win late game, well you lost.

                            What will necro do to the enemy 6 sloted carry like am void or spectre ? well he will cast his ulti what is great and shit, but ONLY that.

                            He is not mobile like a storm, he does no damage outside of his ulti in late game and his heal is pretty meh when the enemy crits for 1k so i dont know what are you talking about necro being a hard carry, in late game with necro you pray to be really far ahead of the enemy in gold and exp and to have a good carry in your team.


                              necrophos is so good in pubs because people won't focus him down, its like io
                              people focus the fucking hero io is tethering to, instead of focus in that fucking blue ball

                              even in 5k games i see people focusing down a ursa instead of killing io first lulz

                              necro is basically the same shit, ppl will focus every other single fucker in the game and by that you'll be ulting whenever you see a -50% life guy and dealing 300 dmg (is it? 300) with low cd plus your aura. meanwhile the opp team is focusing bristleback


                                that is because a farmed necro doesn't die easy.


                                  im not talking about a necessarily farmed necro, i'm talking about a necro lv13 with boots, people won't focus him no matter what



                                    Quick maffs

                                      Yep Sleave is right about this, with necro you just need to walk around the fight kitting the enemy while killing them with deaht pulse.

                                      The saddest thing that you will ever feel as necro is a intelligent lifestealer who focus you down everyfight (or a ursa )

                                      SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                                        he is a support



                                          GENGHIS KHAN

                                            MID OR I FUCKING FEED IN ...- Lol necro support :D What a stupid noob idiot.
                                            Concede- Well in many things i agree with you.
                                            Dorkly- 6 slotted Necro with blodstone, travels, shiva, heart, skadi, manta in fact can outcarry even 6 sloted void in team fights, its all depend how void cast chrono, btw. in one my game when their void was 6 sloted and i have this build he take away from me only like 30 % of hp during chrono than just was focused and with mom die so easily to reaper scythe, also when i face very farmed am and i was very farmed necro i just laugh at his low damage to me lol than again reaper scythe am dead :D You really underestimate his late game potentional and as i said some team fights last about 20 second to its like 30% hp fucked aways, but i agree that he is best paired with strong dps carry as for example wraith king, and when they are both farmed they are unstopable in late game. Biggest problem is for me Doom when he cast Doom on me that realy fucks me hard as Necro or AA ulti.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              Best position for necro is shotgun necro
                                              eblade->dagon->ulti aghanim
                                              ez 50 kills

                                              GENGHIS KHAN

                                                Yfay- Not at all coz as Necro you HAVE TO BE TANKY, and with this build you are squishy so you can kill one hero but rest will kill you.

                                                Low Expectations

                                                  Necro is OP as shit, 1)you have to focus him
                                                  2)take mid get bloodstone shivas by 25min
                                                  3)spam heal push and even bara on ur team becomes a useful hero

                                                  do it all inb4 banhammer

                                         < totally not a game in normal bracket

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    safe lane solo semicarry


                                                      I play necro alot. he is not a hard carry at all. He is an Anti carry, his ability to burst down tanks due to a % based nuke is his strength. With a few items he can cause a lot of distractions making room for an actual Hard carry.

                                                      I find the best way to play him is in a favorable 1v1 match up on a side lane. then after you farm 1 core item start rotating and give another hero farm priority.

                                                      However in pubs you can generally get away with going mid and getting 2 points in heart stopper then just rune control i win mostly like that.


                                                        IMO necro is a semi carry + tanker + nuker + support. especially at early and mid game, the heartstopper aura will bring nightmare when on the war.



                                                          Heartstopper Aura in a 5v5 situation does a ton of damage.

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            So, you outcarried an AM with necro

                                                            heh ........

                                                            GENGHIS KHAN

                                                              Dorkly- Well in 1vs1 he would kill me but DOTA is team play game and in team fight yes, he was 6 slotted as their main carry and i was also 6 slotedd as our main carry and we just win team fights 5vs5 and after that i realized that AM is shit carry.

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                He is one of the strongest late game carries imo. People underestimate his Aura & Aghs Ulti. When he is 6 slotted is unkillable monster with game changing ulti. Don't know why he is not picked competitively, esp. now with such a greedy meta. He is a shitty support, he always should be played as carry.


                                                                  my mate plays this hero really well and i allways tought of it as a stronk hero becuase of it but i rarly see anyone play it as carry.