General Discussion

General Discussionbest offlane pick that can contain an agressive trilane

best offlane pick that can contain an agressive trilane in General Discussion
Killer Queen

    hello friends I want to ask if anyone has any ideas of a hero that has a high chance of surviving in the offlane and not lose to an agrro trilane for 10-15 minutes.
    I know the idea is far from being easily realizable but I would like to hear some ideas, or even better if theres already established counters to this that prove themselves time and time again.


      Puck, perhaps? Susceptible to silences though.

      Killer Queen

        my concern is that puck requires 140 mana to cast his q at all levels and it eats his mana heavily, he can only be defensive with q and e, or else punished



          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Yeah and would you like him to have 1000 stats as well?


              Dark Seer obviously.

              If DS banned, you can try KotL or Death Prophet with bottle abuse. Both can stop push efficiently.


                offlane is overrated imo, like the idea of np going offlane for the first few minutes then transitioning to jungle better.
                Also, i just thought about enigma + lich offlane. thats so dirty


                  Dark Seer probably, but what Soultrap said about DP or Kotl of the Light is complete BS.


                    Isn't an aggressive trilane going to be against the other team's safelane? If so, how would an offlane ever contain an agg tri?

                    You mean a safelane tri vs a solo offlaner?

                    Phoenix, maybe Dark Seer?


                      Please explain why you think that KotL and DP are bad counterpushers?


                        Sorry, I missread the thread. I thought it was about a regular offlane, not an aggressive.

                        However, both DP and kotl can't sustain an aggressive trilane. They'll just get dove/killed. Aka, you can't even stay in tower range because supporst will just wrap around and stun/kill you. If you STAY IN THE TREES you'l also be dove and killed..



                          ^^ Probably because an aggresive trilane is going to pull and deny the creepwaves anyway so there's nothing to counterpush?

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            ill vote for lone druid or BH


                              timbersaw, gets pretty tanky can counterpush can pwn the carry if the supps go out of lane for a sec


                                Sorry. Looks like I misread too. I thought it was about early pushing strats like NP+Lycan+Enigma etc. =)

                                Señor Mango

                                  I have to say Axe or Undying r the best heroes to go against a trilane


                                    Why would anyone be laning for 10-15 mins. As an offlaner, as soon as you get six (or even before, depending on the hero) you should leave the lane and start making plays either for your mid or your safelane.

                                    Ples Mercy

                                      phoenix, he's just a fucking dick hero


                                        So many people mentioning really stupid shitty offlane vs trilane heroes

                                        Puck = NO
                                        Timber = NO unless they have less than 2 stuns
                                        BH = NO unless they are actually retarded
                                        Phoenix = NO because of nerf
                                        Dark Seer = NO unless enemy team is retarded
                                        Undying = NO (lmfao)

                                        There are VERY few heroes that can survive against trilanes without getting zoned out:

                                        Slark, Clockwerk, Smart Nature's Prophet and Lone Druid players, and Broodmother if she sits in the trees the whole time.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                        Flat is Justice!

                                          wtf am i reading?

                                          aggressive trilane = going to their safe lane
                                          unless your team dodges their trilane, its almost never offlane at safe lane

                                          i think OP is thinking of surviving a normal trilane


                                            i think he is talking about a trilane who plays aggressively.


                                              Darkseer, if trilane ist too agresive u go jungle and let the t1 tower for your enemy



                                                they won't kill you unless they commit a lot doing so

                                                leave me alone

                                                  if the other team has a silencer/sky which seems to be somewhat common nowadays ur basically fucked as pho

                                                  if the other team has kill potential with their lane, you need to ward properly and stay safe because theres no hero that when gone on will survive if the other team has detection or something like that. the whole point of an aggressive trilane is to shit on bot and roam between safe and mid/off to win lanes like that, and so naturally there arent good counters to it, especially if they have setup.

                                                  but can you give us an example of what ur talking about that way we know how strong trilanes we're supposed to be talking about here

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა