General Discussion

General DiscussionThis guy lives in fucking reality

This guy lives in fucking reality in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    This guy must feel fucking bad for living with so many ignorant people.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      The Newsroom, fantastic tv show.

      Quick maffs

        I like this guy


          Does this poor soul not know that DotA is life?


            is the third season out already?
            cause i love this show :D


              ^ fall 2014

              Polkadot Piranha

                "Everything was better in the old days."

                At least that's what I got out of that. That's as much bullshit as it's always been.

                I don't know, maybe there's also some pandering to people who want to be reaffirmed that whatever country they are from is better than the US?


                  News room isn't "fantastic". It is enjoyable and not terrible.

                  It is basically Aaron Sorkin masturbating all of his script trying to relive the West Wing glory says. That was a great show. Hell, some of the plot lines are taken directly from The West Wing.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    yea, this 'old times were better' stuff is the biggest bullshit ever

                    nice video though

                    Dire Wolf

                      Well health care, gas, car insurance, food, water all used to be cheaper in the old days, and people made more money adjusted for inflation. But video games are much cheaper now. So maybe it all evens out?


                        yeah, who cares about the ku klux klan

                        Dire Wolf

                          By old days I meant like 1990 not 1920.

                          Quick maffs

                            "Everything was better in the old days."

                            I totally disagree about this, since 1950 murica has been .... well murica

                            Polkadot Piranha

                              @Mark You are gonna have to provide some numbers to back up that claim. It might be true that relative to other countries the US has gone down on the list of "best X" but fortunately standard of living isn't a competition. Except maybe a competition with your parents and their parents before them. However, most of the other numbers I can find at worst present a picture of American standard of living having stagnated.

                              Given the low price of stuff like computers and other electronic gadgets, and how much better they are than their predecessors, and therefore often more readily accessible to those of the lower income brackets than they were in the past, odds are most people's wealth has increased over time when looking at purchasing power.


                                it means 1940-1970,when Merika was the light in the distance.Sure,there was a lot of the bad things going on,but Merika kept going forward,mending what was wrong and being a role model to many nations.
                                Than the greed devoured it all and we have just one huge ugly and stupid bully overseas.
                                People tolerate it because they don't know for better.Blinded and uneducated.
                                I too miss the old Merika.
                                This tread will be deleted,like it is on all sites;where I was suspended "for promoting violence".

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Well I was joking around but since you brought it up...


                                  Median household income adjusted for inflation peaked around 1999 and has gone down consistently since 2007 due to recessions and housing crisis. And I would argue that the adjusted for inflation numbers don't even tell the real story well enough because gas prices are super high for the us historically now, as is health care and insurance rates and those expenses are necessities. So even though tvs and cars and furniture and maybe even some food items are getting cheaper, a few really core products are skyrocketing. So price of beef goes up I eat more chicken, new tvs too expensive I just keep my old one, but I have to buy health insurance and gas. I know anyone outside the us doesn't give a crap, but yes, I do look fondly back on my college days when I drove a mustang gt with a lead foot and could fill it up for $20.

                                  Quick maffs

                                    ^^Man, Vietnam, Guatemala, both before 1970

                                    Maybe until 1960, but from 1960 to 1970 they fucked up a lot of countries.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      The comment section is so full of cancer.

                                      "Illegal immigrants get freedoms" - lolno, they get free deportations
                                      "Stupid liberals ruining the economy" - rofl, weren't the Repubs trying to go to war while the Libs said not to before the economy crashed?
                                      "It's not politics that is ruining America, it's Zionist Jews that are killing this great country" - I wonder if he sells tin hats in dark alleyways

                                      Quick maffs

                                        " Even though most people have conservative values, no one wants to admit it."

                                        and this kids, its how you make yourself look ignorant and stupid with very few words.

                                        I dont even know why i try to read youtube comments section


                                          Huh. Well, the show is decent. Reminds me of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (written by the same guy), which I liked.

                                          Americans own way the fuck more stuff than they did in the 50s. Homes are (on average) 50% bigger, more people per capita own homes (though fewer than did before the housing collapse), people have more access to electronics, health care is more expensive but better, and overall standard of living is vastly improved. You can say "that's just because that's how technology works," but keep in mind that's not the way technology worked for ~99% of human history.

                                          The real issue is the growing gap between the rich and the poor, as measured by the Gini coefficient. The US has one of the most unequal income distributions of any industrialized nation, which results in social strife as more and more of the population begins to feel marginalized. (There's an article around somewhere by Princeton about how America is more accurately an oligarchy than a Democracy, if you want to get into that).

                                          Literally the only time I use my economics degree is when I'm talking about this sort of stuff online, and that makes me sad :(

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            It's true, rich run the country, and part of that is technology. Tech is making so many millionaires/billionaires now, middle class can't keep up.

                                            I would argue that the growing income gap is also due to tech. It's two fold. One tech booms make more rich people very quickly. You get extreme wealth on one side with very little employment/real sort of contribution to gdp if that makes sense. What I mean is like when andrew carnegie was making millions during the industrial revolution with still mills he was employing tons of people, producing real goods that make everything else cheaper. When mark zuckerburg makes millions off facebook what does that really do for the economy? All their money comes from ads, which is really rolled into product costs and consumers pay for it. And they don't employ that many people.

                                            Then the other reason tech makes the gap bigger is if people have access to high quality entertainment for extremely cheap there is less incentive to work. This is just my own whacked out theory here but imagine you are the equivalent of a middle class person in 1900. You don't have much. There's not that much to do either for entertainment, maybe like play music or sports, but you can't really do what rich people do like go to plays and concerts and vacations. So you probably get a job and work to make money and move up in the world and cus you're bored not working. Move forward to 2014. You can get unlimited tv and movies online for $9 a month through netflix. You consume entertainment in the exact same way rich people do. Rich people just do it in bigger houses. Why bust your ass for a little bit more when you can just work 8 hours a day instead of 12 and watch netflix the other 4? In the end are you really any happier working a lot? I don't know. But I do know poor people on welfare have internet access. So why do they need jobs?