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General DiscussionEE - "To be a pro you should be 4k after 200 wins and 5k after 500 wi...

EE - "To be a pro you should be 4k after 200 wins and 5k after 500 wins w/o ever going below 3k" in General Discussion

    Listening to Envy's interview I don't think people understand how ridiculously smart every pro player is
    The average IQ has to be around 140 0.0
    Edit* For people complaining I'm talking about to play at a competitive level you have to be unnaturally smart
    Envy made the case for becoming professional you have to be good with little expierience
    I've played against people with 1.6k+ range when I have 400 wins, not saying i'm ever going to be pro just the difference between play time is almost certainly because of an intelligence gap

    I linked the video down somewhere

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Also envy had starcraft rank 1 within a week of picking it up (top 1000 worldwide) aswell as Rtz


        That is really kind of a meaningless statement.

        Ape Prime

          I have about 650 wins and I'm still stuck at 3k
          sad life of a 3k


            Koch, no worries.

            My irl friend has 2,4k games with 3400 rating.

            MMR doesn't come from amount of games.


              "The average IQ has to be around 140" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. I hope you weren't serious.

              We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                I hope the starcraft part was a troll post :(


                  What's this about actually? Where's the interview or whatever you're talking about?


                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    Lets do the math olek
                    140 iq is around top .5% of people in the world
                    pros are around .01% of dota players
                    idunno what else to say
                    * link for interested

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Let's do the math Nostra
                      140 iq is around .5% of people in the world
                      People who watch pedophilia are like .01% of people who watch porn.
                      idunno what else to say

                      Let's do the math Nostra
                      140 iq is around .5% of people in the world
                      Pros are around .01% of soccer players
                      idunno what else to say.

                      Let's do the math Nostra
                      140 iq is around .5% of people in the world
                      People that work cleaning the streets are like .01% of people who clean
                      idunno what else to say.

                      Let's do the math Nostra
                      140 iq is around .5% of people in the world
                      Hollywood stars are around .01% of actors
                      idunno what else to say.

                      In case your IQ isn't high enough to understand: There's nothing that relates intelligence and skill in a videogame; your "mathematical analysis" is completely unfounded. Therefore, your statement is stupid.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        in my latest iq test i got 135
                        gg boys


                          "There's nothing that relates intelligence and skill in a videogame"
                          This is a strategy game its BASED off intelligence
                          dota's skill is decision making and ingenuity, the actual mechanics can be achieved by anyone and are by no means what makes someone professional, intelligence is one of the most important factors along with passion
                          I've watched pros play with 300 ping, dota isn't exactly a reaction game (tho it is important)

                          kanye went to uni

                            Not that I'd say there's a strong correlation between intelligence and dota skill, but most of the top players in Dota do seem to be quite clever.


                              Do you have any proof that intelligence is correlated to dota skill to make such statement?
                              Even if said correlation existed, there's no way you can guess the the average IQ without actual data. It could be possible that the game appeals to people with lower IQ than the average, e.g. playerbase's IQ was around 95 points and pro scene around 105 points, making them look "smarter" from our point of view but FAR away from 140 IQ points.

                              >Talks about maths and intelligence.
                              >Has no idea of what is he talking about.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                I don't have proof I made a logical jump because dota is a strategy game so you need to be smart
                                Considering about a fourth of my class has 126+ IQ its not a hard jump
                                I'm using IQ as a way of saying the top players are all genius I have no idea how that translates exactly
                                video games are different from sports natural talent here is intelligence


                                  please tell me that the uneducated chinese players have an iq of 140

                                  We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                    I thought hard work and dedication made you a pro player.


                                      This post was about the natural talent and IQ has nothing to do with education

                                      kanye went to uni

                                        Hard work and dedication only makes you a good SF. Well, kinda.


                                          Saying IQ determine person's intelligence determines a person who said it has IQ less than 100

                                          A high IQ students doesnt quit engineering science in uni to play games (just doesn't make sense)

                                          If you are really intelligent, you can juggle between school and games like Akke right now who works as proGRAMMER and proGAMER
                                          Note: Akke won TI3, this guy won any TI tournament?

                                          Math and Science in high school is very easy.


                                            "The average IQ has to be around 140 0.0"
                                            That is a very ignorant opinion.


                                              he was so high he drank like 5 marijuanas

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Bullshitttttttttt to be a pro player in a videogame you need a LOT of time to play and is true that you need some dedication but you dont need to be that smart to do it rolf.

                                                What you do, doesnt say shit about your IQ, i am studying telecommunications engineering and i am dumb as fuck.

                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                  so he is asking for more people smurf? lol


                                                    smart people will do well much easier, attitude and brains are often the two largest determining factors in how fast you learn the game.

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      ugh, where to start with all this...

                                                      i think the only players with > 5k in dota 2 before ranked came out were either dota 1/HoN veterans with years of experience + already outstanding skills, and exceptionally talented newcomers like mason and kzz. so at some point almost everyone had to grind themselves up there

                                                      also he's pretty inaccurate, arteezy was a big trashcan even up until late 2011 while having played for years; he didn't even get trial vouched into LIHL (an american inhouse league) the first time, while i did, (i even remember the games, he couldn't last hit properly back then) so he was arguably in a worse state than i was, and i was pretty fucking awful back then (maybe i still am a trashcan, i guess it depends on who i play with/against) and now he's one of the best players in the world

                                                      anyways it's pretty annoying to hear him blurt out blatant misinformation, mb his fans might believe that nonsense, but anyone with a modicum of common sense shouldn't. it's as if people who had to play thousands and thousands of dota 2 games to get 5k (yes, it was quite painful at times, i had fits of rage and uninstalled several times just because it was extremely frustrating) are somehow less worthy than people who made it there a long time ago.

                                                      the latter don't impress me nearly as much since they've most likely dedicated more time/had more resources at their disposal such as high skilled players to train against. arteezy played many 1v1's against liquid'bulba for months till they were even, now i'm sure arteezy is a better mid.

                                                      ignore his commentary and move on, i'm sure there will be new and upcoming players who definitely deserve spots at the ti and can't manage to do what he said they should be able to

                                                      Miku Plays

                                                        I should say.. Just think like your the enemy when playing the game.


                                                          Where is that interview?


                                                            Yes, but I have an IQ of 160 and you guys think I'm retarded because of futile arguments. IQ doesn't mean anything though just like MMR. However it's a mirrored effect. Some people can swim better in different waters.



                                                              Flat is Justice!

                                                                causation is not correlation.

                                                                i swear the IQ lvl of here is crystal maiden carry level

                                                                Flat is Justice!

                                                                  many dota players have 5-10 years of experience - what ee is saying is generally if you should expect if just joined and think you have the potential


                                                                    Come on guys, I didn't read the whole thread but this is OBVIOUS...

                                                                    The only people who have enough FREE TIME to combine video games with school are really intelligent people. Also, they tend to try harder.

                                                                    Next to that, I don't know many 'less gifted' people playing Dota, the strategy needed for this game makes people with higher iq like it more.

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      "The only people who have enough FREE TIME to combine video games with school are really intelligent people. Also, they tend to try harder."

                                                                      LOL, i would like to disagree heavily on this

                                                                      Any dumb fucker can play this game, and any dumb fucker can get to 6k mmr, if you guys really want to belive that intelligence is related to being good in videogames go ahead, but that isnt true at all.


                                                                        this thread autism and cancer level is above anything

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          "A high IQ students doesnt quit engineering science in uni to play games (just doesn't make sense)"



                                                                            "Any dumb fucker can play this game, and any dumb fucker can get to 6k mmr, if you guys really want to belive that intelligence is related to being good in videogames go ahead, but that isnt true at all."

                                                                            there is an analogy of dota being like chess, but with alot more active thinking and reflexes involved

                                                                            now do tell me how a high level of competency in something like chess is not strongly correlated to intelligence? sure, any dumb fucker can play chess, and any dumb fucker can get to Grandmaster, if he memorizes enough of the game without an iota of active thinking. But 99.99% of grandmasters are not such idiots, because it would require an inordinate amount of effort to get to that level of competency on hardwork alone.

                                                                            sports are different; practice gives rise to muscle memory, which supersedes thinking - just pure mindless training will actually raise your level of competency alot, as long as you have decent coaching. Dota is really like a mixture of both - you need muscle memory, reflexes, awareness, thinking, multi-tasking, timing, while being able to actively think, strategize, adapt and outplay.


                                                                              ^ Zenoth beat me to it
                                                                              Most players in Dota can't get to this professional level, Look at all the most played people on dotabuff, none are pro

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                Intelligence is one little part of what is really needed to become a pro player, having a high IQ surely helps, still most of the pro´s are just people who dedicated a INSANE amount of time and dedication into the game.

                                                                                What i am trying to say is that anyone could become a pro player in dota if they played 14 hours a day 7 day per week, even more when all that time you are actually improving by playing with someone better than you for example ( in other words you are actually tryharding, not only having fun).

                                                                                All the " intelligence " that you need in dota you can build it up with time.

                                                                                leave me alone

                                                                                  the iq test wasnt designed to test skills remotely close to what dota and other mobas use


                                                                                    guys there is no such thing as universal intelligence. Its separated in some areas. Dont you think a professional football player is intelligent? Ofc he is, he has to predict the movement of lets say atleast 5 players in a matter of second. He has to realize his position kn the field and by that calculate the amount of time it'll take to the ball get into his feet, how many opposite players will be near, etc. At the same time, that one given player may suck at a math test, for example. There are lots of intelligence areas.


                                                                                      "and any dumb fucker can get to 6k mmr"


                                                                                      leave me alone

                                                                                        hes referring to whether the guy is smart versus not smart


                                                                                          ee is completely bullshit as long as you improve as a player there is nothing that can stop you from competing once you reach a certain level of skill

                                                                                          ee is shit anyways ive matched him a few times in mm


                                                                                            Thats why he's on C9 and your not pro


                                                                                              Because C9 has been so succesful. ROFL.



                                                                                                EE: $49,935.21
                                                                                                aui2000 : $48,951.32
                                                                                                pieliedie: $40,566.42
                                                                                                sing sing: $43,214.28

                                                                                                forgot the other dudes name

                                                                                                Not sure about this "esport earnings" site tho, it tracks their earnings down to the exact cent? Lol

                                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                  There is a certain "natural talent" that some people have, and some people don't. Dota is primarily based on clicking the mouse well. If it doesn't come to you easily, then good luck, cuz you'll have a rough time. I've been playing on and off since late 2008 with several 6 month breaks in between and it took until now to get 5000+. Most of the people on my friend's list, who have played for just as long as I have, are sitting in the 4000-4500 range.

                                                                                                  That's not a foreign concept to anyone, but him saying "lulz 500 games = 5k mmr, if not ur out" is autism at its best.

                                                                                                  Not to mention Dota 1 pros such as Vigoss/Demon have virtually disappeared from the Dota 2 scene, so it's not nearly the impenetrable fortress of the good ol' boys club, as some people like to claim (though having connections certain helps, even sub 5k players like Blitz/Purge are "pros" simply having the virtue of friends in "high places")

                                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                    demons in liquid lol.


                                                                                                      IQ and dota? Hahahahahaha

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!