General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen u get retards for team-mates.

When u get retards for team-mates. in General Discussion

    Please, look at our natures prophet. JUST LOOK AT HIM. Why does valve team us up with retards like these? All match, the asshole just kept to his jungle, doing the teleport=>suck ancient creeps balls shit giving zero, ABSOLUTELY ZERO help to teammates in ganks or otherwise. No tower pushing, no nothing. Despite the 4vs5 disadvantage we had (our wraith king abandoned), we cud hav won this game since I was getting a good farm with luna - if our natures prophet could have done his job - push. We lost to their push and to their overfed Pudge. Damn retard.

    Match-making = flawed.


      match-making isn't flawed because a player had a bad game.

      NP made a mistake going Shadow Blade against a team with a bloodseeker and buying dust. That is is.

      What makes you think you are somehow unique in having bad players in your games? Not to mention your staggeringly low 44% win rate on a character without even 150 games on it.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        That's exactly what I'm trying to point out - I am not unique in this. Match-making is flawed, that is what I'm saying.

        I never said I'm very good or anything but not terrible at least. Look at the match more carefully and what I said before - that np had NO IMPACT on the game. Shadow blade isn't a bad item for him if u rush it fast since u have a split-push=>escape strategy very early in the game. I've used sb on np very effectively from time to time. No, his problem was that HE ABSOLUTELY DID NOTHING in the game except for dying.

        The "staggeringly low win-rate" is due to a lot of reasons; my own faults and my team-mates' faults. I'm not saying that I'm a really good player. But I'm not retarded like this np.


 you played NP 7 days ago, went 5/15, and only managed 1.5k tower damage.

          The point of posting that game isn't to shame you, but to note that you had an equally bad if not worse NP game very recently.

          Everyone has bad games, doesn't mean they don't belong in a specific bracket.


            Crap happens man, and people often don't make perfect decisions. Best thing you can do is accept that it's the past and that you can't change it. You'll feel a lot better if you tell yourself "This is just a game, and what's done is done, there's no changing it". Oh and calling someone a retard for making a few mistakes in a video game is simply uncalled for if you ask me. Not trying to be your mother or anything but some people take those insults personally. I do not, but many others do.


              The fact that you think shadowblade is a good item on Natures Prophet says a lot about your (lack of) understanding of the hero.

              The NP pick was bad from the beggining considering that he can get easily ganked by four of the five enemy heroes. Getting shadow blade was bad as well, a forcestaff or a blink would have been much better
              Also, he alone has as much tower damage as the ENTIRE enemy team. How can that be possible if, by your words, he never split pushed?


                Agreed. Everyone has bad games. That's true.

                I was mad at this np bcuz he didn't listen to anything we said and didn't help his team. AT ALL. Like, at all man.

                When you see people dying like rats in a match, u get pissed but u say ok, they're noobs, they're learning. thats fine.

                When u see ppl like these....who don't help u at all...
                for example, my team is being gank-fucked, natures prophet is busy farming ancients, not caring at all.


                  Sigh... I think you're going to be the 6th pleb I'm analyzing in 3 days.

                  Please take the information I am giving you as a gift.

                  Overall winrate: 44.9%
                  Did you know, that if you were the best player on your team in every game, you would still win 55% of all of your games?

                  [u]Top heroes:[/u]

                  Furion: 45.45% winrate 1.65 KDA
                  Huskar: 50% winrate 1.98 KDA
                  Lich: 40% winrate 2.09 KDA

                  Your top 2 heroes are cores, and clearly you don't know how to play them with those winrates and KDA's (Average NP should have at least 3 KDA and average Huskar should easily have over 3.5 KDA)

                  Bracket: Normal

                  Confirmed sub 3.2k MMR, you are in the absolute trash bracket. You are not "stuck" there, you simply belong there, refer to this for more evidence:

                  [u]Recent Losses:[/u]

                  - Most deaths on the team with the most survivable hero in the match
                  - Treads into SNY with no other items in FOURTY FIVE MINUTES (are you trying to not farm?)
                  - Second lowest damage to heroes in the team, but second highest tower damage in the game (were you a splitpushing Slark? ROFL)
                  - You should have picked support, your team has ZERO supports
                  - Utterly disgusting skill build (ALWAYS max essence shift after Pounce and Dark Pact, it scales much better in the lategame)
                  - You cost your team this game

                  - 0/6/0 on the tankiest hero in the whole match
                  - You have less farm than an abandoner
                  - Should have picked support, you have no supports again
                  - Second lowest damage to heroes in the whole match
                  - ZERO tower damage on a pushing hero

                  - 5/12/12 on a hard carry
                  - PATHETIC farm (48 minute game, only Treads+Manta)
                  - 85 last hits in NEARLY FIFTY MINUTES?! (Average player can easily do 100+ last hits in 20 minutes)
                  - Pitiful hero damage and tower damage
                  - STOP PLAYING CARRIES

                  - The only excusable game on your entire front page

                  It's okay though, because your ignorance is excusable.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    bro, first of all, I never claimed I am "the best player in my team" or anything even remotely close to it.

                    i love the in-depth analysis, but u hav no idea about how these games went. In the order u went;

                    Match 1 - did make some mistakes here, but it was our chaos knight who cost us the game. And I'm not just saying that. That was team consensus at match end.

                    Match 2 - 2 players left match in early game, and a few risky maneuvers against a huskar+sniper combo beat me and my laning partner, whole team was to blame, i left after i cudnt see any hope in the early game, after 2 ppl had already abandoned.

                    Match 3 - my "hard carry" didn't get her farm. Again, whole team's fault, not just mine, but yes, mistakes on my part as well

                    And ur right about not always playing carries, I agree


                      ... You literally just diverted 99% of your mistakes to 4 other players

                      Also, if you think you have a right to complain about MMR giving you shitty teammates, you better be the best one on your team, otherwise YOU are the shitty teammate.

                      You do realize that in order to improve, YOU have to stop making those mistakes, not your pub teammates?

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        Agree with your last statement.

                        Your second however, is absolutely illogical - i don't need to be the best in my team for having a right to complain, I can complain if any team mate is/are not contributing positively to the match, and if MY WHOLE TEAM AGREES ON THIS. Case in point - match 1 chaos knight.


                          Statistically, you WILL get worse teammates than you, or teammates that are simply having bad games, but that doesn't make the system broken, because to have a 100% balanced game is literally impossible. If you can win a game for your team by doing something better, you shouldn't be complaining on a forum, you should be focusing on improving.

                          Hex Sigma

                            Wink can you also analyze me? I am really curious on what big mistakes am i doing.


                              Haha, I was thinking same. Wink's post makes me wonder if I should ask for an analysis for myself too :D

                              One simply gets teammates who are comparable to oneself. So if you are having retarded teammates then may be...


                                OH SNAP?!


                                  #TOP post from Wink,

                                  everyone should be forced to read before posting on this forum

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    I'll analyse you both, but I can't do it without flaming :$

                                    Raspharus first:

                                    Overall Winrate: 48.12%
                                    Bracket: Normal

                                    Confirmed in trash bracket and belongs there

                                    [u]Top Heroes[/u]
                                    Bounty Hunter: 48% winrate 2.93 KDA
                                    Phantom Assassin: 52% winrate 3.61 KDA
                                    Lich: 65.22% winrate 4.22 KDA

                                    Stop playing BH, you feed too much on the hero and he clearly doesn't win you any games. Your KDA is below average on him (A good BH should have 3-4 KDA depending on enemy lineups). Your PA KDA and winrate seem fine. Your Lich KDA and winrate makes you look like a good support player, keep playing him if you want to win more games.

                                    [u]Recent Losses[/u]

                                    - Low KDA
                                    - Meh item choice (Phase, drums, Vlads, BKB are all great, the Urn was meh)
                                    - VERY low last hits
                                    - Almost no tower damage
                                    - Skillbuild was fine, your Gyro did the worst on the team but if you had picked a support for the offlane (Windrunner comes to mind) or just a support as the first pick and let your teammate take offlane, you could have had a better game

                                    - Played as Bloodseeker
                                    - Phase boots (You need attack speed, if you want movement speed, get drums)
                                    - Maelstrom (You can farm just fine without it)
                                    - Skullbasher without attack speed items
                                    - Very situational skill build (I doubt level 2 thirst helped you, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did)
                                    - You should have told your team to push more during the mid game, it was your best and only chance

                                    - Excused

                                    - Three Shadowblades on one team
                                    - Shadowblade on Sniper
                                    - No drums
                                    - VERY low last hits, you should have at least double that, even with an NP farming globally
                                    - Very low tower damage, you're sniper with 3 pushers on your team, you should have pushed way harder as 5

                                    - Picked Enigma in a pub
                                    - I really hope NP went offlane when you jungled
                                    - Low KDA (excused because your whole team was feeding too)
                                    - Rushed Blink (Get a Mek for your team if you can, it offers much more than an early blink)
                                    - Went for an Aghs as second item (Aghs only scales late game, get Shivas, BKB, etc. before Aghs)
                                    - VERY low GPM/XPM (Likely because of the tiny amount of LH you have)

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    Bot (Passive)

                                      bh is actually a great pub hero get level 6 and then just run around and track shit seeing as most games up to 5k end up being a 5v5 mid you can autowin just by tracking the heroes in those 5v5s;

                                      pretty simple if u make a conscious effort to do so

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        ^Yeah, but Raspharus is not pulling it off, so he should leave the hero alone and play heroes that he wins with.


                                          you have not seen the worst yet.......... junglin nature's prophet with no treants and forever cliff farming *facepalm*
                                          got this game just now


                                            ^Happens too often, but not the worst I've ever seen...


                                              it's the worst man.. especially when he got caught of the cliff the next thing he do after respawn is to tele on the same cliff


                                                Anywho, time for the next analysis: WiT.HiN_T

                                                Overall Winrate: 51.96%
                                                Bracket: Very High

                                                Keep at it!

                                                [u]Top Heroes[/u]

                                                Centaur Warruner: 56.52% winrate 2.94 KDA
                                                Ogre Magi: 43.96% winrate 2.6 KDA
                                                Weaver: 58.06% winrate 5.09 KDA

                                                Good centaur winrate, your KDA could be higher (just watch out for positioning), aim for over 3 KDA (but if you are winning games for your team, don't worry about it). You should stop playing Ogre Magi, focus on heroes you play better. Clearly Weaver is one of your best heroes, keep playing him when you see fit. Looking at the rest of your top heroes, you do extremely well on most supports, pick them often and you'll easily get a higher MMR.

                                                [u]Recent Losses[/u]

                                                - KDA is okay, you are definitely active on your hero
                                                - Meh last hits, I have a feeling you spend too much time just walking around looking for something to do instead of taking advantage of peaceful time to farm, your lineup had a better lategame and you can't win mid-lategame teamfights, so you should be able to take advantage of free farm
                                                - Your team never pushed, which is expected because you only have 1 pushing hero. Watch out for lineups where you can't do anything throughout the entire early-mid game and pick accordingly, you should have taken a stronger pusher.
                                                - Bad skill build, max your return before hoof stomp, the return damage is SOOO big in the early game

                                                - Low KDA, lots of feeding
                                                - Very bad farm
                                                - Jakiro was not a good pick here because your team doesn't have a single reliable stun, you should have taken something like Venge, Lion, or Shadowshaman
                                                - Low tower damage for a pusher
                                                - Don't max dual breath first, go for either Ice Path for teamfights or Liquid Fire for pushing and harass

                                                - Again, your team lacks a reliable stun
                                                - Feeding happened
                                                - Low farm
                                                - Don't rush Aghs on Witch Doctor, it's a strong item but not strong enough that you can skip buying wards, mek/urn/pipe, arcane boots, and detection when needed
                                                - Your team never pushed
                                                - I doubt you needed your heal at level 2, Maledict is VERY powerful and should be gotten early (maxing it first is also a good idea in many cases)

                                                - LOTS of feeding, you clearly had bad positioning through the game
                                                - Treads is a bad item on Veno, sure it gives you HP/Mana, but not enough to make it worth wasting 950 extra gold (staying with brown boots and getting a ring of basi works wonders)
                                                - You didn't get a ring of basi (it gives you all the mana regen you need and LOTS of pushing power)
                                                - Your team didnt have an urn or pipe, you should have gotten them instead of aghs
                                                - Aghs is a bad idea before veil (veil increases your damage more than aghs, especially because your whole team deals bonus damage)
                                                - You had 0 mobility items but you went for aghs (why buy an item to make your ulti stronger if you cant even get in a good spot to use your ulti?)
                                                - Low gpm/xpm
                                                - almost no TD (you should be pushing really hard on venomancer)
                                                - ALWAYS max your wards first (q/w>e>e>q/w(which ever one you didn't get)>e>r>e)

                                                - Excused, but don't pick riki plz and what was the ring of health for?

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  woah we have a scanning machine here :3
                                                  scan me too


                                                    I should start charging for this xD


                                                      ;w; pls no I am as poor as my gpm

                                                      leave me alone

                                                        me next plz


                                                          I'll do more later in a fresh thread :)

                                                          edit: ill do "instalocking mid please move" quickly

                                                          Overall winrate: 83.33%
                                                          Bracket: Skewed as fuck

                                                          [u]Top Hero[/u]
                                                          Tinker: 83.33% winrate 5.68 KDA

                                                          Stop smurfing you little shit

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                          leave me alone

                                                            i cant get out of the 4k trench without it :(


                                                              >Relax you're doing fine


                                                                where is me? (:3


                                                                  ^Later, im tired of doing them for now :)


                                                                    Okay, analysis of Crow_Haze!

                                                                    Overall Winrate: 50.45%
                                                                    Bracket: High

                                                                    You're in a really bad bracket (between 3800 and 3200 mmr), so you have a lot of improving to do. I'm guessing you know a good chunk of mechanics, but your performance needs improving. Time to look at heroes and matches now...

                                                                    [u]Top Heroes[/u]

                                                                    Pudge: 50% winrate 2.11 KDA
                                                                    Invoker: 44.78% winrate 2.82 KDA
                                                                    Bloodseeker: 60.32% winrate 3.7 KDA

                                                                    Your Pudge and Invoker winrates and KDA's are really low, you should definitely stop playing those heroes. It doesn't matter if they're fun, or if you want to be like Dondo, you have to simply stop playing these heroes if you want to win games. Bloodcyka is king of low level pubs, but once you get high enough MMR you will find this hero being shittier and shittier.

                                                                    [u]Recent Losses[/u]

                                                                    - I'm guessing this was a mid or offlane Mirana, either way, your GPM was wayyy too low
                                                                    - Bad item choices, Maelstrom is fine, but Diffusal is garbage on her and I never understood why people buy it on her, she needs damage, mobility, and attack speed. Mana burn = trash on her
                                                                    - Power treads with no mobility items (if you want to actually be able to run away from or chase a bloodseeker or qop, you need movement speed from items like yasha, drums, or phase boots)
                                                                    - VERY low hero damage
                                                                    - Your team never pushed, even with a prophet on your team
                                                                    - I'm guessing your team just looked for bad teamfights while NP ratted...
                                                                    - Don't max Arrow first, this explains your super low hero damage
                                                                    - Almost always max Starfall and then Leap. Starfall is an AOE nuke that lets you flash farm and get easy kills in fights. Arrow is 320 damage to 1 target IF you hit them, Starfall is 300 damage in a medium size AOE + an extra 75% to one target. Much much more damage from starfall
                                                                    - Maxed leap last (Leap is a spell that becomes stronger, has a smaller cooldown, and costs less mana for every point you put into it, there is literally no reason for you to not max this early)

                                                                    - Picked Tinker
                                                                    - Excused because of 3 shitty feeders with 2 urns of shadows

                                                                    - Picked Tinker again
                                                                    - Most deaths on the team (I'm guessing Pudge and Invoker had fun with you?)
                                                                    - Very low farm (less than 50 last hits in 25 minutes, I'm guessing you built your skills wrong against this lineup, I will see when I scroll down to your skill build)
                                                                    - I was right, you built your skills wrong. Against heavy gankers like QW Invoker and Pudge, it's much much safer to max march first because it lets you farm a spot and leave quickly with very little risk. Maxing march first lets you stack camps and march them, which allows for fast and safe farm

                                                                    - Way too many deaths (ill give you some credit because you were solo support, but you have to work on positioning)
                                                                    - You were a support and I doubt you bought wards (if you did, then you clearly stopped after the mid game, which is a brutal mistake)
                                                                    - Your team never pushed (or simply didnt push enough)
                                                                    - bad item choice, aghs isnt that great for anything other than BKB penetration and nobody on the enemy team had BKB, there are better items like scythe, shivas, orchid, blink, atos, etc. that you could buy

                                                                    - Built weird items for the lineup (you didn't need blink for 2 reasons: 1. you have initiation from puck and alchemist, 2. you certainly dont want to blink onto a faceless void)
                                                                    - Very low farm, your lineup isnt even that greedy and the enemy team had 3 carries, you should have had much much much more farm (46 last hits on exort invoker in 40 minutes?!?!?!!??!?!?!!!!!!)
                                                                    - You never even touched a tower
                                                                    - Disgusting skill build (you didnt have cold snap until level 4, you didnt get level 4 quas AT ALL, you got wex at level 6 for no reason, you put a 5th point into exort at level 9 for no reason, you put 2 points into wex before getting your 4th level quas)
                                                                    - You definitely dont know how to play invoker, please never queue into a game as him ever until you learn the hero in bots and read like 999999999999 guides

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                      @wink tell that to wagamama(bs king low level pubs)

                                                                      cuz he keeps picking him and keeps maintaining his mmr at 6.5k-7k range


                                                                        yea he has a free maphack, you literally can't lose with him unless ur team is beyond garbage and u get a rough early start lol


                                                                          wink analyse me too :D


                                                                            Wagamama is one of the best pubstars in the world, he can win with any hero he wants

                                                                            later :3

                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              @Wink your logic of riki and bloodseeker being trash heroes is ridiculous, you know that there are a lot of players playing at 5k and 6k picking those heroes and winning right ?

                                                                              Waga plays with 4k guys in his team against 5k players so that its just bullshit.

                                                                              btw, OP, i am going to change your life here: YOUR TEAM IS TRASH, AND WILL ALWAYS BE AWFULLLLLLLL TRASH, you cant change them but you can change yourself, so change to be so fucking good that even with awful trash in your team you are going to win, that its how you play dota.

                                                                              Offtopic: I dont like to attention whore but your anaysis seems to be fun Wink so if you could use it with me too would be fun :P

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                "Waga plays with 4k guys in his team against 5k players so that its just bullshit."
                                                                                "so change to be so fucking good that even with awful trash in your team you are going to win"

                                                                                You just argued against your own point. Also, your logic is much worse "High skill players play X hero and win, therefore the hero is good"


                                                                                  wink pls analise me too

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    Wink, if the hero was bad he woudnt win with him in that kind of games

                                                                                    I am sure of this and you know that too

                                                                                    Plus you know that there are a lot of bs pickers at those levels, pubs are pubs 5k or 6k mmr, only because a hero is not competitive viable ( and he kind of is beucase he has been picked a good amount of times, his winrate in competitive this patch is 52 % ) doesnt make him a bad hero.

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                      ^people base the goodness of a hero off of their fit in competitive meta. When you put tryhard teams against eachother, they will choose the strongest possible heroes to win, if a hero is rarely picked in the competitive scene, it is easy to conclude that the hero is weak.

                                                                                      Bloodseeker has been picked in less than 4% of competitive games since 6.8

                                                                                      ill analise you real good ;)

                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        Pubs, are not competitive games, Necro is never picked and here he is, winning 60 % of his pub games.

                                                                                        By your logic, every hero with a low pick rate at pro games are trash heroes, this include Ursa, tusk, troll, jugger, CK, all those heroes have been picked LESS than bloodseeker this patch.

                                                                                        Zenoth has something like 60 % winrate with riki and he plays at 5.8k mmr

                                                                                        Sorry, but i cant agree with the way you see heroes and items in Dota :P


                                                                                          i look at everything from a competitive player's point of view since i mostly play competitively. So yes, those heroes you listed are trash heroes.

                                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            Oh, ok, so i guess it doesnt make any sense to keep arguing about this.

                                                                                            ANYWAY, i am waiting for my analysis.


                                                                                              no but srs can u analyse my games. im probably not farming enough as tinker amirite

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                T_T posting a new thread for everyone who wants an analysis


                                                                                                  analyse ?,
                                                                                                  lol, ok thanks... I didn't ask for anything :D

                                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                                    that much cs = "getting farm"

                                                                                                    ok buddy ur real good

                                                                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies


                                                                                                      By all means look at the idiots in this one. Invoker couldn't even win mid against a Abaddon...

                                                                                                      Safelane guy who picks Omniknight begs last pick to go PA you guessed it useless.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!