General Discussion

General DiscussionPSA: Treasure Summer sale

PSA: Treasure Summer sale in General Discussion


      time to get qop wings and arc of manta


        Damn yeah I really want an Arc of Manta. You won't get duplicate items from the chests until you've gotten all of them right?


          Ez qop wings and manta literally worthless


            well the qop wings and manta become part of the "chance to obtain an extra item" thing, so you wont be guaranteed to get them even if you get enough chests to get all the items

            Sexy Vicious

              Day 11 another chance to get my CM hair!. I wonder if the whole you wont get shit if you already opened it because I already have half the items from that series.


                been waiting for that omoz sword for awhile.

                That way i can ruin my winrate more playing doom.


                  Knight of End are you sure they're special items that aren't guaranteed? I thought only unusual couriers were that way for those chests.


                    @knight of end
                    there's just so many people that have sold keys (value of it dropped to stock up wallet money to buy these items). The odds of those items dropping aren't high but they'll just be so many that'll buy the chest for .49 that I can't imagine them not flooding the market.

                    I.e. sold my gloomblade (went from 3.61 to now 1.8, due to the dropping value..if you have any of those items on that list) your best bet is to sell now and buy it there will be more supply available (from the mass amount of people buying the cheap chests), hence cheaper price. It all goes back to the supply and demand concept.

                    I believe that despite the less chance of getting the nicer mythical items like QoP wings and Manta, they're still going to flood the market for those that don't need it. Sellers will outbid (lower their prices) each other and drag the price to purchasable levels for those that I've been wanting the unique cosmetics.

                    Patience is a virtue..ripper used to be sold for like 10keys..because of how popular slark was with his buffed ult and how rare that blade was.

                    I'll be going for Arc of Manta, Gloomblade, Ripper and QoP wings myself.


                      ripper was sold for ten keys because people thought it was going to be immortal due to copyright issues.

                      That never happened, but the price inflation stayed.

                      it they dropped because it is in fact not a random drop.

                      Ripper is going to be 2 dollars after the chest i expect, but the kinetic will cost 5.


                        Silent ripper is part of the guaranteed items too, so it's gonna be seen a LOT more


                          yea but the kinetic is not guaranteed with it anymore.

                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                            *sigh* market crash.


                              ^like when muh nyx assassin dagon went from £140 to £20 ;_;


                                hats !


                                  wahwhah ...... for my though all the desired items line Web, Manta, etcs will become no longer valuable seem can get it easily ........


                                    Got my Arcs of Manta today.

                                    Miku Plays

                                      ez mythicals for me for .50c


                                        opened all the items... and no extra manta drop gg


                                          The market is crashing and fluctuating big time, because the Clock machine head was traded using DC hooks as a medium they shot up by about $40 overnight.

                                          You can also buy a manta on the steam market for about $2


                                            Expected this LOL.
                                            Lucky i never kept those thrashes and bought what i needed only.


                                              Oh yeah anyone knows how long until Stanley Parable announcer droppable?
                                              I really like those announcer and don't want to spend 9 dollars for it.


                                                me opened 20 boxes got 7 manta packs .. :3

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  i call bullshit...


                                                    Thanks to this summer sale I have offered 3 pages of rares to the aegis (ie everything I got except those with cool kinetic gems).


                                                      700 chests later and a total of 65 manta and 3 unusual couriers. ripping the kinetic gems out of items and selling them on really helped keep the train rolling


                                                        any good gems on those unusuals?

                                                        Miku Plays

                                                          you can get couriers on chests?


                                                            almost all unusual couriers come from chest. they are the "exceedingly rare item"

                                                            Miku Plays

                                                              what... theyre not even shown !! >.< i didnt knew that


                                                                i thought those chest didnt have unusual couriers since they werent shown...
                                                                gg me then
                                                                opened like 300+ chest total never a fucking courier


                                                                  Guys, anything you think is gonna be valuable in the ember chest? Else I'll wait for the earth chest. By valuable I mean enough that you can sell it back instantly and keep buying chests (allure of succubus being a prime example).

                                                                  FX Fighter

                                                                    is any change at day 11 or day 12 steam will discount all 11 treasure?

                                                                    FX Fighter

                                                                      pls help, is any change steam will Encore sell all treasure back at last day?


                                                                        ^ doubt it but you never know with Valve