General Discussion

General DiscussionGaben please put me in higher skill braket

Gaben please put me in higher skill braket in General Discussion
Na'vi Kuroky

    90% wr, where is the smurf detection?


      1.87 kda gyro lel


        and the only hero that even remotely requires some skill you lost with. definitely ti4 material right here.

        King of Low Prio

          u are barely winning even on a smurf......

          Na'vi Kuroky

            Ah yes let the flaming begin from a raging russian kid, a condescending meepo picker who thinks he is good because he mastered one hero and the tab key (take a look at that last weaver game), and the guy with one hero in his top played list with a kda higher than three. Seems good

            MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord
              კომენტარი წაიშალა

                I did a bigger shit on my first and i was on high skill fast.


                  Mb, your lasthit, your hero damage, your tower damage your object using and small things like that count on the skill bracket


                    I'm seeing a potential X6 right here

                    King of Low Prio

                      1.8 kda on a smurf.....

                      Na'vi Kuroky

                        In two games....
                        How about this? Wow Sampson, kda of 1.5 on ck? Are you 1k or something?
                        Not meaningful at all. If I played more games, it would go up


                          I like how you expect supports to have higher than 3kda at high ranked games and win.

                          King of Low Prio

                            im fucking awful at CK I would be 1k if I played him more

                            see? I understand where I suck. You legit think u are not horrible

                            Na'vi Kuroky

                              I was not aware that chaos knight was a support. Is this more of your professional insight? Seems to me he is pretty farm dependent

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                you expect to be in very high after 9 games with most of them being less than 3 KDA? ok

                                King of Low Prio

                                  smurf to the normal bracket, what a fucking champ. I thought anti smurf put EVERYONE with even a ounce of dota 2 experience to very high


                                    Guy, if u want to be on dotabuff telling you are on 1.8, u are mad


                                      Na'vi Kuroky smurf showing off 9-1 stats

                                      :D :D top lel

                                      Na'vi Kuroky

                                        gyro kda up to almost 3 after 2 more games, bet I can get it to at least 4 in another few

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          omgeee a 3 kda on a smurf we are so proud

                                          Na'vi Kuroky

                                            my point is that it isn't significant because it is still rising a lot

                                            2014 devaslaytion

                                              Lol shdnt the first few games of smurfing give u something like 8-14kda and then you drop down.. Since when is smurfing abt climbing your kda upwards..


                                                I think you really need to dominate the game in order to move up to another bracket. Try to aim for insane KDA Last hits, Tower damage, GPM / XPM and you should be able to rise up quickly.

                                                Na'vi Kuroky

                                                  Lol that nyx game though. Definitely still in normal skill bracket


                                                    you clearly fucking suck if you cant stomp your first 10 games in a row, especially with night stalker, thats pathetic

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                    Ples Mercy


                                                      my smurf got after 6 games into 5k range. You're doing it wrong.


                                                        You re shit , this is real smurfing !

                                                        Na'vi Kuroky

                                                          80% wr? lol

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            ur awful lol

                                                            OT: Smurfers crushing new players and thinking they're special

                                                            AFK. ALL MUTED

                                                              kill death assist matters for SMURF DETECTION in first few matches
                                                              (it's like ranked calibration match. people call it smurf detection, but non-ranked and ranked games are totally same except they start off lv1 vs lv13 and mmr is hidden vs revealed)

                                                              (Ex. if you have 30-10kill 1death ratio in first few match you'll be escalated to very high skill bracket in 2-5matches played
                                                              if you don't it'll place you at high bracket. of course if you win consecutively you'll eventually placed to very high skill bracket within 10-20games played)

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                this is why dotabuff needs a 300 game played to post rule.

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  Dude you need more KDA and HD and GPM etc, its not only winrate i think


                                                                    this is how u smurf B)B))B)B)B)B


                                                                      that smurf is so wrong

                                                                      (russia) taking my spot on the leaderboards....

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                      Hafla Enjoyer

                                                                        hey I had to play a support CK when we randomed two carries and the last guy picked anti mage

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                        Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                          Vroksnak teaching kids how its done since 2014


                                                                            dotabuff, the place where we laugh at others. Thats the spirit guys. Keep it up.


                                                                              hahahaha what a fucking idiot :D its so funny how people still do this crap


                                                                                Whats this post basically about?...
                                                                                Could have been avoided in all honesty

                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                  You do realize your stats will rise because you have like 18 games played, I can get 0-20 KDA in a single game if I have 2 games played on a hero, nothing special.

                                                                                  You simply aren't a good enough player to be dropped straight into very high and I should think your smurf might be calibrated at just over 3500 which leads me to believe your original account was between 2-3.2K. Also smurf detection doesn't put you up against higher players it just puts you in a smurf queue with other smurf accounts of your equal skill, though you will still queue with legit players time and again but that comes in greater number later on.

                                                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                                                    "Get higher by improving not by abusing."

                                                                                    Raspharus 2014 #getbetter #dotoislife #kappa

                                                                                    overthrow mmr

                                                                                      yeah dude looking at your farm for the characters youve played they all farmed like shit, your stats reflect a person in the 3k bracket so


                                                                                        This is fucking hilarious.


                                                                                          Play like shit, get put in shit bracket.

                                                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                                                            ^pretty straightforward