General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Initial Attack Damage *Range*

Hero Initial Attack Damage *Range* in General Discussion

    This is a somewhat stupid question ... but why on the hero profiles are there attack damage *ranges*? It'll be something like 41-52. Is that somehow taking into account the level 1 hero with 6 branches thus giving a level 1 attack damage range instead of just one number?


      no, the damage is variable, it may go from 41 to 52 (random) before reduction
      in dota1 it used to show your base dmg as 41-52, while dota2 doesnt


        What I'm not sure I still understand. So Abaddon has "Damage 55 - 65" ...

        Are you saying that any time I play Dota 2 and pick Abaddon, with no items and no level 1 into stats, I can have anywhere between 55 and 65 base damage? I thought there was supposed to be a single number for each heroes' base damage with no items and no level 1 into stats?


          as soon as you attack, a number generator will randomly choose a number between your damage range as soon as an attack is made.

          the damage variance is so that last hitting is not static, that you don't just recognise when a creeps health bar reaches a certain amount of pixels, you attack. you can miss due to rolling a smaller number, or conversely, an enemy hero with less damage than you still as a chance to get some last hits if he rolls higher while you also roll lower, but is still at a disadvantage.

          this is sometimes why you miss last hits you may have gotten otherwise, or get last hits you maybe shouldn't have, or crit for different amounts on the same unit.

          if you hover your mouse over your stats (not your attributes) while in game, it'll display your heroes stats such as your damage range, how much magical resistance you have as a percentage, and how much physical resistance you have due to armour, as a percentage.

          also illusion heroes such as CK and PL have high damage variances, resulting in their illusions also having the same variance. when their damage is also reduced, the difference between doing say, 40 damage or 60 damage as an illusion is amplified.



            in your abaddon example, that means when he attacks, he will do anywhere between 55 and 65 damage before that value is reduced by anything.

            the damage stat listed in game is simply the mean value of the damage range, so in game, it will display abaddon's damage as 60, since (55+65)/2 = 60.

            also damage variance cannot change. for example, abaddon can always deal +/- 5 damage from his stated damage value, no matter how many strength or damage items he gets.


              it came from dota 1 ( in dota 1 it didnt show the average like in dota 2) the 1 who have the highest difference between minimum damage and maximum is chaos knight im 99% sure about this


                Thanks for the info. I had no idea this was how "base damage" worked.

                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!