General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Accounts?

New Accounts? in General Discussion

    I decided to make a new account. My old one is lvl 70-something and I have 700+ games. However, I calibrated my mmr after playing only like, 300 games, and it was going up, but slowly.

    Also, I had a huge losing streak (18/20 games), which dropped my wr well below 50%. Might still use the old one until the compendium stuff runs out, but then most likely I'll just trade all my good items to this account and start fresh. Any opinions on this?


      Uhmm, wrong place to ask that. You'll get crucified.


        It will take you a while to be able to play RMM, then you'll reach same rank as you did on your old account. I assume you are not a noob, so you will be detected by anti-smurf system and nothing will change.


          Or you can abuse weakness in the same system which you are battling against ( anti-smurf shit )

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Quick maffs

            " You'll get crucified."


              not to get higher than i deserve, but its just that i sucked when I calibrated, and I want to get my real mmr


                Inb4 flamefest


                  if you play the same way as you did on your old account you will likely hit the same rating

                  if you adjust your playstyle in the early games to focus on high impact snowball carries then readjust back to supports after calibration you might get a higher rating

                  depends on what you're good at though, its your decision and doesn't really affect me

                  King of Low Prio

                    I calibrated lower than I should have been, that is why I have gone up about 1k MM from that point.


                      congrats you lost your first smurf match against another smurf > why smurfs dont work


                        Better losing your first games on smurf, than stomping them like like there is no tomorrow and then end up in a way too high bracket and then end up like a miserable bastard.

                        King of Low Prio

                          the miserable bastards are the people stuck on his team -_-


                            Those "miserable bastards" are usually a mix of other smurfs and decent players. I remember I met this guy in a normal mm game.
                            He and his friend had 3 anonymous smurfs on his team with sub 100 hours played. Therefore he lost the game regardless of what he did, simply because of his teammates incompetence. I remember he had 700 gpm and almost 40k hero damage and still lost.


                              a smurf is someone who knows what they're doing and creates a new account to play opponents worse than them.

                              if they're actually new players with less than 100 hours, they aren't smurfs


                                ^ bitch please

                                this is smurf

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  New actual players with less than 100 hours do not end up in the highest bracket. If this is the case, the mmr system would be completely broken.

                                  ^ And yes, that's a proper smurf. The blue, tiny dudes are the real and only smurfs.


                                    where did the term "smurf" even come from?


                                      "congrats you lost your first smurf match against another smurf > why smurfs dont work"
                                      Except that you can keep doing it over and over until you've won 10/10 of all of your calibration games


                                        I can assure you that there are plenty of horrible smurfs out there, and most of them have horrendous attitudes. Smurfing or dota in general in many cases is only enjoyable if you stack with friends (preferably someone you come along with or you know irl).


                                          my second game had some dotabuffs with like, 500 games. Does that mean they are the skill level of a brand new player or does gaben know that I'm not really new?

                                          Also, @knight of end
                                          I'm not trying to abuse to get a wr that is too high. I am trying to start over, mostly to calibrate my mmr, since I have played a lot since I calibrated on my other account so it should be higher. 50% is the goal I guess

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                          King of Low Prio

                                            basically if u are last hitting on ur first matches anti smurf will kick in

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              You will get a higher BASE MM but you will drop to the exact same spot as your main account slowly. While u are dropping you will be ruining plz dont smurf


                                                @priest i know you're not trying to abuse the system, i too thought making a smurf would bring me to a higher skill level, but after being convinced it was wrong, i decided to put much more effort into improving my main (aka this one)


                                                  I want to clear up some confusion. I believe in the theory that smurfs don't really get much higher than your real mmr. The reason I am doing this is because I calibrated my account, then stopped playing ranked and got a lot better. I want a chance to do it over because I believe I have genuinely improved in the past 4 months or so.


                                                    "You will get a higher BASE MM but you will drop to the exact same spot as your main account slowly. While u are dropping you will be ruining games"

                                                    Well this obviously depends on if you improve during your smurfing or not. Anyhow, there's plenty of higher rated players that smurfs because they want to see if they can reach and even higher mmr or just doing it as an experiment


                                                      Well...I'm not that good...many of my games were high bracket but never very high

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        If u were really better than ur bracket you would enjoy easy wins. I dropped 500 MMR at one point and games got way easier until my MMR went back up

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          Dude the time you will need to get your smurf ready to play ranked is waaay shorter than climbing 500 MMR on your main, if you deserve it...

                                                          Btw its not clear, why u lost 18 out of 20. If i started playing pudge mid, the same would happen to me maybe. Your MMR, no matter what it is, is a summary of your overall dota skill. Maybe you are able to perform on 4 K with lifestealer, but only 3.3 k with visage or chen.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            there are not any high rated players creating smurfs to get a higher MM

                                                            kanye went to uni

                                                              ^Man RTZ is just such a bane for you isn't he :p


                                                                as for the loss streak, some of the games were my fault, but I lost one as viper (32-4), one as clinkz (25-2), another as viper (27-6), and one as tinker (20-1). Those in particular stood out as not really my fault.

                                                                King of Low Prio



                                                                  kanye went to uni

                                                                    I was trying to say that RTZ did actually make a smurf, but in a creative way. Maybe that was a little too abstract :p

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      RTZ made a smurf to fuck around on...............

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        'there are not any high rated players creating smurfs TO GET A HIGHER MM'

                                                                        Vanity  ツ

                                                                          That is probably because there is like 20 "high rated players" on those amazing us servers. I would assume that sampson has never been on european servers before. Also, I like his bold statements which he never back with any facts whatsoever.

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            please name one high MM player in the world made a smurf so he could achieve higher MM than his main.

                                                                            kanye went to uni

                                                                              Can anyone else who watches RTZ stream back me up on this? He said it looked impossible to get to 7k so he made a smurf (which, thinking about it, makes no sense, but that's what he did).

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                his 'smurf' is almost 1k MM lower than his main....

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  My god do you actually believe the shit that rtz says in his stream?

                                                                                  kanye went to uni

                                                                                    Yeah that's why I said it made no sense, but he did make it to get a higher MM so I'm still right ^^

                                                                                    Edit: Do you watch his stream?

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      no he was trolling his stream like he does every time he streams.......or do u think him saying 'we lost boys' after he missed a last hit is him being serious?

                                                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                                                        Sampson you've gotta stop strawmanning with your metaphors, you and I both know that's not the case or what I meant. It's a bad look bro.

                                                                                        Vanity  ツ

                                                                                          Should this even be a problem? I could probably find any lower 5k player that has made a smurf account and achieved a higher mmr score.
                                                                                          This obviously depends on if you consider lower 5k a "high rated player" or not. Obviously, if you are talking about 6k players trying to get smurfs with a higher score than 6k, it would be considerably harder than a 5k player scoring 5.5k.

                                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            I dont think you understand what a strawman argument is.....

                                                                                            my exact words where there are 0 high MM players making smurfs to try and obtain a high MM

                                                                                            your response was RTZ has a smurf so I guess you are wrong

                                                                                            You did not read my whole statement and made some stupid conclusion.

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              ok show me One 5k MM player who made a smurf to obtain a higher MM.

                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                the only 5k+ MM players making new accounts are the ones selling them

                                                                                                Vanity  ツ

                                                                                                  Sampson is all about making people angry by trolling or typing bullshit again. And I can not remember bringing up rtz, unless you are responding to someone else, which would be nice to know.

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    I asked you to show me ONE 5k+ player who made a smurf to increase his MM. You are saying I am typing bullshit but you cant refute my claim and your only response is 'Sampson troll blah blah blah'

                                                                                                    Vanity  ツ

                                                                                                      Altaoda, a Russian streamer made himself a smurf account to play ranked with a higher mmr.

                                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                                      Vanity  ツ

                                                                                                        But I am tired of typing on my tablet on a computergame forum at 3am. Let us discuss further tomorrow if you feel like doing so...

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!