General Discussion

General DiscussionMidas > BFury on PA

Midas > BFury on PA in General Discussion
casual gamer

    Cheaper, gives levels, gives gold while fighting/pushing. PA has a reliable farming tool and a good animation so it's not hard to get a good Midas timing.

    King of Low Prio


        no survivability > ganked > feed > lose
        i think that ._.


          Pa can pressure the game early like weaver
          I dont think she needs midas unless your team needs to go late with a doom or tinker etc.
          Bfury is already a bad choice go dominator->yasha

          Polkadot Piranha

            Why would you get midas on a hero that excells at early fighting - that is fighting with few items?

            Quick maffs

              Why do people get lifesteal so early ? Guys, is 20 hp or less that you get from a normal hit and a little more from a crit, wasting 2k gold just to have regen while farming is a bad idea too.

              In my opinion i see midas like 2k gold, so when you are playing you must think " would any other 2k gold item help me in the next 20 minutes ? "

              2k gold is a drums or a yasha

              Flat is Justice!

                Anything > Bfury pa



                  funny, dk and vg must be scrub teams for losing to it

                  dont diss an item because pubs are shit at using them well, sometimes they are situationally good.


                    pa benefits from the levels midas gives quite a bit

                    battlefury is also great as it gives her a way to flashfarm and the cleave is just ridiculous with crits

                    both are fine just pubs usually rush them or are unable to properly farm them when this hero should be getting it at a relatively stable timing that doesnt really change through the games cause of dagger last hitting.


                      Midas into bfury best build

                      Quick maffs

                        ^My friend actually does that with void

                        its sad

                        Dire Wolf

                          My friend does too, every game, every single damn game, midas and battlefury. Then he wonders why we lose at 30 mins in. Guys I was just about to finish farming daedulus! Comon!

                          casual gamer

                            Bfury arguably better item in pro dota than in pubs simply because it excels in clearing stacks. I rarely would go hotd bfury as that's 6500 gold and 0 hp

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                            Bumbum Tantam

                              Pa needs presence, Phase, Dominator,BKB
                              Assault, Satanic, MKB, Divines


                                You don't just get midas because you think its good on a hero. It's going to be good in some games and bad in others, and being able to say no to a farming item when you can fight is key to playing the carry role.
                                Important thing to keep in mind when you have a midas in a game is to watch for kills you missed because you bought that item, or perhaps points in the game where you would have survived from having more mana or hp or even damage and instead died.
                                Honestly though, you should avoid playing PA until she gets some serious buffage

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Quick maffs


                                  guys the lifesteal is almost nothing


                                    I think, PA is one of a few heroes for which Battlefury is a good item overall, not just for farming purposes. She has a lot of exceeding damage, so an idea of spreading this damage is actually good.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    Quick maffs

                                      Ok, people who says that PA actually does damage are the ones getting crits

                                      Wish i were you guys


                                        phase drums vlads is the best build for pubs


                                          Well, you're not going to say, you're don't get ANY crits. But these are two whole different things - to get a crit on an enemy with 50 HP while you have Battlefury and while you don't.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            bfury if freefarm/safety with team

                                            phase drums if pub.

                                            Quick maffs

                                              well i crit a lot of creeps and bots


                                                I actually like BF on PA a lot, since it gives you good dmg and a lot of regen so you can keep farming lanes or jungle withouth having any lifesteal. It also gives you chance to aoe crit, which can do serious dmg if you manage to pull it off. Treads, BF, BKB if needed, then usually Vlads or Dominator, basher, AC and Abysall. But that's just my preference. Havent tried out Mjolnir yet, but could be quite deadly since PA benefits a lot from aspd.

                                                As for midas - it's situational. But Midas>BF is in my opinion stupid. Both would be ideal, if you had a really good start.

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                casual gamer

                                                  Specifically, I will almost always take Midas over bfury as a farming item because the levels and gold often create or accelerate a snowball in the mid/late game. Bfury delays the timing of BKB, making it IMO a very dangerous choice if you don't have far superior early game (undying or something)

                                                  Also common pa items like basi/lifesteal solve regen issues for far cheaper.

                                                  If my goal is to fight early, I'm not going to build Midas, I'll go smth like drums aquila. I just don't think going bfury is advisable unless you're mid stacking ancients, have an offlaner like BM/tide stacking ancients, or are building hotd to stack ancients.


                                                    Doesn't give damage, which is all she needs.

                                                    Plus, with crits she farms faster with BFury than midas.


                                                      Midas is always situational, with the enemy team's composition being the deciding factor on whether or not to pick one up. A Midas usually repays itself within 20-30 minutes, so only pick one up if you're against a lineup that allows the game to drag on that long.

                                                      Personally, I prefer drums + armlet on PA (BKB is pretty much a must unless you're against a really bad lineup that has no nukes/disables). Her real strength is in the mid game, before MKBs come online. Minor CCs can be dealt with by being picky about which fights to join before you get your BKB up.

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