Omni is really strong lategame, and once you get a soul ring it's easy to keep your lane partner healed up so the laning stage usually goes well for your carry.
IMO dazzle is one of the best supports in my trash tier, so many ways to punish bad positioning, and save your team from a bad position themselves. Enemies rarely consider the impact of your ultimate, and his ability to sustain a push as well as heal bomb shouldn't be underestimated
Venge, hands down. Even if you are seriously under leveled you can do a lot in ganks/team fights.
It is like she need lvl 10, 11 and you are good to go.
Also cm, but she is big creep
Veno can be such a pain in the ass, through whole game.
Lich, Dazzle, Pugna,
Ogre Magi, Jakiro, Disruptor, Sand King. All these guys have good to great laning phases and don't fall off late due to strong disables or team fight or push with the exception of ogre magi. He kind of falls off late but he is so freakin tanky early and good in lane it doesn't matter.
I think I just listed nearly every support. I guess all supports have potential to have huge impact depending on how well you play them. However I think Lina, CM, Shadow Shaman and Warlock are overrated. CM is amazing but suffers from same issues as shadow shaman, usually poor positioning leads to feeding and she just doesn't impact as much as she should. Lina has a skill shot most don't land, me included. Good lina's are awesome but few and far between. Warlock is the king of wombo combos but I feel that he is awful in lane. Chains is some decent dmg I guess. He has a heal. But no disables, runs out of mana fast.
Earthshaker is good for CC, you can pretty much control a fight alone if you get a good echoslam off
EDIT: i prefer earthshaker in the 4 role, as opposed to the 5 role, as he pretty much needs arcane boots and a blink dagger, and eventually a veil if you're doing good
plz dont pick tree, majority of players do not have the map awareness to make tree work the pick
For me jakiro. He is great at harassing, zoning and defending the carry. But don't count on his late game because he is not that good.
trash heroes, best impact supports are the ones with huge aoe ults, like warlock disruptor sand king earthshaker. tree is literally useless if your team is not very good
yeah but warlock just seems so weak in lane. Chains is ok, won't do much without a ton of dmg though, won't do much in lane. Upheavel cd too long at low levels, shadow word heal is really nice, dmg is too slow to really be effective early. Disurptor is nasty in lane, love him when people are good.
Watch this video by siractionslacks, its legit.
Lion/Lina should not be in this list as they need early levels to be truly effective. The objective of picking a "high-impact support" is to secure early game farm for your carry by either:
i. Providing an uncontested lane for your team's carry by zoning out the enemy team offlaner.
ii. Constantly ganking so that the enemy team heroes are forced to play defensively, thus losing out on last hits and experience.
To achieve this, supports with good disables/high nuke potential in the early laning phase (levels 1-5) are preferable. Think Veno/CM/VS etc. A roaming PotM is equally annoying, forcing the enemy team heroes to lane close to their creep wave, leaving them susceptible to in-lane harass. Although heroes like Lion/Lina have good disable/nuke potential, they hit their high note around levels 6-7, which leaves them better off pulling stacked camps (and ganking the lane when another support comes around) rather than running around the map before they skill their ultimates.
warlock shouldn't even be run as a support.
tree if you have good map awareness and you aren't a total dimwit (I.e. healing yourself while killing neutrals), again requires ton of map awareness.
visage, requires skill.
nyx, really good support especially vs popular picks these days, invoker and tinker.
any roaming support, i.e venge lion veno sd, that's basically wins you the mid with ganks.
had ton of games past week where people just left the games before minute 10 because mid was 0-3 and they start arguing who is to blame that other team has 2 roamers while their furion offlane and doom jungle eat boogers.
what not to play, any shit that's afk jungle. ench, cm, sk, enigma, because most people tunnel vision and just disregard what's happening around the map while they idle in forest.
omni is too level dependent and has shitty lane presence to be laned as safelane support. best way to play him is to run him mid or solo offlane with repel at level 1 and brown boots. When mid with 4-1-4 build, phase and oov can run around on map killing underleveled opponents creating space to farm for your teammates. Since omni inst a carry and doesnt scale with damage items you should get utility like mek, aghs, refresher, necro etc
and dont run him as trilane support, he is totally useless there and without levels he wont have any impact on the game whatsoever
earthshaker for sure. mastering fissue can lead to so many kills with no communication needed. as for omni well. my rule is: never ever pick him unlesss someone else has picked a standard position 5 support first. i play him mid sometimes. s.Ring-Phase-Drums-OoV core
Great video. Good advice for trench players. It didn't teach me much, but it confirmed many of my thoughts.
8:25 Buy wards early. If your teammates ignore them, never buy them again.
13:00 Keep your good teammates alive. Let your bad teammates die.
15:00 If a feeder disconnects, it's a good thing, not a bad thing. Better to be 4 vs. 5 than 4 vs. 6.
yea I was playing one match with Havoc and we had a magnus who could not hit a RP to save his life. He DC's and Havoc was able to micro him and we started to win every fight..............................sadly he came back :(
AA is my new favorite support. Very strong in the laning phase. High damage dealer from a safe distance once he reaches level 6. Not particularly item dependent. Defensively and offensively strong at all stages of the game.
Jakiro - Push tower very hard and low CD stun
Lion - Great of disabling, saps mana, devastating nuke
Windrager - Can disable 2 heroes in teamfight, great mobilty and pusher
Visage - double stun (familiar), great slow, great push, great against nuker (its skill 3 lv4 is hard to be nuked)
Dazzle - Low CD heal, great slow, grave for offensive or defensive in teamfight
Abaddon - Remove stun, slow enemy, and low CD heal
KoTL - Great lane push, ez for jungle control, giff mana, and free tele in fight
Chen - KoTL and Visage combined maybe, also can giff buff from creeps
SD - good for ganking, no need much items (arcane only for i think). But SD played as hard support in pro game
That's my favorites support
WD no one mentions him..the docta is op...i mean just look at his ult and his cask stun..quite annoying I might add. He's fairly easy..and like most supports, he can be food if you're not careful with him. I usually get like Q, W (to sustain in lane), Q, E, Q, then R
yeah i forgot that, another dat support hero who can kill, heal, and stun at same time
also its aghanim really make him can do fountain kill
In my opinion, bane is one of the highest impact supports in the game. It was noted above but without any distinct reason.
Being able to take out three heroes completely in a teamfight is unheard of. [Grip, Sleep, Enfeeble].
However he is heavily level dependent and is often seen as a very greedy "5" support. Bane is one of those supports where you truly don't need items, at all. On the otherhand we can see how strong bane can be with levels and farm/items back in the glory days where he was often run as a solo mid. Games tend to end with bane only having brown boots and a stick, generally you can use smokes to get in good positions using fog to your advantage for ganking. If you do find yourself with a bucket of cash blink and bkb are extremely strong on him
Anyways, bane requires a high level of gamesense and outstanding positioning for him to work at his potential.
hmm lets see
AA - Great magic damage early game. global nuke, op stun when combined with another stun.
Bane - single target lockdown while removing another enemy from the fight. very strong anti right click vs yet another carry. there you just raped 3 core/carries
Chen - Global healing, goon stun and slow if used properly. send ally to base before they die.
CM - global mana aura. everything else is a plus
Dazzle - What if your carry lives another 5 seconds no matter how hard they hit him? yeah
Disruptor - Great for chasing enemy heroes. good silence
EShaker - Great path block and stun. works well versus summoning heroes
IO - global gank, 20% damage reduction and attack speed for carry. meh slow
KotL - very good nuke early game. free tp and mana.
Leshrac - AoE stun, great pusher and good nuker
Lich - Good slow and armor. Awesome nuke when combined with aoe stuns
Lina - AoE stun. great single target nuke, can rotate to semi right click carry if needed
Lion - Stun + hex. Awesome single (multi) target nuke ultimate
Necrophos - heal and nuke together. AoE hp removal which removes alot of hp in long fights. prevent enemy from buying back
Omniknight - Healer. free bkb. What if we could become invulnerable vs their void/am/ls/<insert right click hero here> ?
pugna - Excelent versus casters like zeus and invoker. good pushing ability
SD - Remove someone from fight (Save ally or buy time) good nuke with poison. purge and amplify damage
SS - 5 second stun + hex. Great pusher, block an enemy with wards. effectively removing them from the fight for a few seconds
Silencer - global silence.
SkyWrath - Single target silence, Awesome nuke. good slow
Sven - AoE stun. move speed for allies. Can stay relevant and deal some damage by right clicking while having ulti on
Tide - Great AoE stun. meh slow and nuke. Tanky
VS - free extra damage for your allies. negative damage for enemies when she dies. disposition enemy and an average single target stun
Venomancer - Best level 1 slow in game. free scouting. aoe dot
warlock - Link damage across enemies. bkb piercing aoe stun. good damage with golems early game. good slow
WR - A difficult stun with potential to stun 2 enemies at the same time. good pusher
WD - good stun. Anti tank with maledict. broken game changing ultimate with aghs.
Treant - global damage block and heal. protect towers. AoE root preventing enemies from attacking. average slow
Jakiro - Long range stun, meh pusher. some slow. great long range dot if you can force the enemy to stay in place
Sand king - good stun. awesome AoE nuke with ultimate
Visage - good single target slow. game breaking small aoe stun. good nuke
Alchemist - meh AoE stun. negative armor for enemies
enigma - game breaking aoe bkb piercing stun. good pushing abilities. average single target stun
Nyx - great ganking ability. good stun. mana burn, return damage
Rubick - average stun with positioning. negative damage to enemy. ZOMG I STOLE BLACKHOLE!!!!
Undying - heal. slow and amplify damage. steal enemy strength
abaddon - Damage block, heal and slow on right click
Naga - Awesome initiation/getaway. bkb piercing net. (I knew i forgot something)
TL/DR: It doesnt matter that you are supporting with sven or rubick. What matters is you know how to play with your hero and your allies can use your supporting instead of letting your talents go to waste
naga - sick carry if game drag long
nyx - op in lategame too
sven - can carry into late too
alch - can carry late again
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We occasionally get threads like "How do I win more etc" and a common reply is :
-Pick an impact hero and go mid-
So, let's say you run support?
What are supports you feel impact the game the most in a 4-5 role?
Imho, the biggest impact lane supports are:
-Lich : denies EXP if played properly and has a slow and high impact nuke for ultimate.
-Crystal Maiden : Aura is very very broken
-Visage : Ez fb if experienced
-Tree : Heals and great slow / R