General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people not max chilling touch on AA?

Why do people not max chilling touch on AA? in General Discussion

    i see this a lot, even noticed purge in the TI4 qualifiers always maxed ice vortex first (i know he's bad but still). i dunno i guess if you have a coordinated team the slow and -mr would be useful but chilling touch is so fucking strong, even at level 1 a trilane can do 450 bonus dmg from autoattacks only, lvl 4 the cd is halved and that bonus dmg in a teamfight is potentially 2400 just from autoattacks


    თემა შეიცვალა


      Do i need to say anything else?


        maybe he has his reasons, look at this atrocious shit though

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          whats the point fo maxing it ?

          lvl 1 is more than enuff


            i dont think ice vortex is worth maxing early, also chilling touch cd at lvl 1 is more than his ult so it should def be maxed

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              anyone remember when people thought chilling touch was a crock of shit so took stats instead


                aa is picked for the slow and ulti

                sometimes for chilling touch in trilane too

                unless u do trilane chilling touch is worthless


                  i remember. got flamed when i picked it. you remember vaikkis IHRL :D


                    You noticed Purge on IT4 ? Woah. Thats suprising really. I'm not ironic.


                      well he's got a $50/hr coaching service so i watched 1 game to see what's up


                        Chilling Touch is definitely worth maxing first IMO. The damage increase is small, but the extra attack each level is a pretty big difference. Especially in a long team fight. A 5-man Chilling Touch is like 2k magic damage or something.


                          You max chilling touch, only in trilanes. Other than that, it is kinda wasted.


                            so how is ice vortex better on non trilanes


                              It's just OP with meepo at any stage of the game.


                                I think maxing ice vortex is lineup dependent. If you have a lot of magical damage + lack of slows then go for it. Ice vortex is probably better on non tri lanes because you won't utilize Chilling Touch that much anyway. Chilling touch is the most potent in the early game, other than that it's basically only good for supports or people with low damage. Using it on your carry mid-late is basically debuffing your carry.

                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                  I usually max in trilanes. It's broke. Like having DD at level 1 for your trilane. Sooooo imba...

                                  "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                    Cold feed is a pointless skill if you dont have another disable on your team. Unless u are laning with someone with a stun there is no reason to get Cold Feet any time soon.

                                    Flat is Justice!

                                      cus they self touch too much
                                      and it gets too cold


                                        why would you max ice vortex wtf? That is the last thing that should be maxed if maxed at all. Are you really going to spend 3 extra points on 15% extra slow (and magic resist debuff) that has increased mana cost per level???? the cooldown and duration are constant as well. It is the definition of value point.

                                        Its either max cold feet or max chilling touch, and a value point in ice vortex.

                                        -You max chilling touch in tri-lanes and in lanes where you have excellent team work rotations, and you have some lock down.

                                        -You max cold feet when your lane partner has a reliable stun, you are not going to have a 3rd person helping your dual lane, and you want to maximize zoning and harassing.

                                        -you max ice vortex in really niche situations with specific heroes.

                                        the only time i know of where you should be maxing ice vortex is in pubby games where chilling touch is just completely wasted on retards, and in games where you want to pull out the atos/euls +cold feet + vortex combo of cheese.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          Because 15% extra slow/magic dmg does actually matter. No idea why you're making 15% sound like nothing. (its fucking a lot)

                                          On the other hand, adding more points into chilling touch is seldom effective because seriously, how often do you pull off 6 attacks with a 20% aspd slow? Its more situational. Its definitely a good build but saying always do it over vortex is incredibly narrow minded.

                                          Vortex is the safer way to go especially, helping team in bursts and spamming 30% slows all around can be incredibly useful. And as people have said, no point maxing chilling touch if theres no stuns on your team.

                                          You get Stupid by playing...

                                            lol 0 chilling touch in until lv10?
                                            that's disgusting.
                                            I'm not even sure how this became popular build in dotabuff.

                                            it's suppose to be lv1coldfeet lv2 chilling touch lv3 ice vortex
                                            and max coldfeet/vortex then chilling touch

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              ^his builds are situational. You're not 'supposed' to have a fixed build.

                                              Personally, if you don't plan on getting chilling touch in the early levels, I'd rather not get them at all. Before chilling touch was widely used on AA (or before I realized the use of chilling touch), I'd max Q then W and get stats.

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