General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout invoker

About invoker in General Discussion

    Forged Spirits 33% magic resistance removed
    Cold Snap damage reworked from the initial and secondary proc damage of 60/30 to 7xQuasLevel per proc
    Deafening Blast's Disarm is now dispelled when Magic Immunity is applied

    Icefrog is telling us something guys....

    A Q/E invoker is food. They are really easy to gank, and will not escape. A cold snap will not help you survive a 2+ gank - especially if there is Chen with a few creeps or Venge with a magic missile already flying in your face. They appear to be a one-trick pony that either snowball really hard with forged spirits push and sunstrike kills, or die horribly.

    To play with them, I feel the team puts a lot of pressure on the Q/E invoker to land sunstrikes and cold snap. They are very powerful tools, but the team tends to rely on them too heavily. A stressed invoker is not a good invoker.

    A Q/W invoker is impossible to gank. They are always at max health, and a well-placed tornado/EMP completely neutralizes a gank - or even turns it on you. In the mid game, EMP will make it really hard to fight or push into the Invoker's team.

    Playing with Q/W invoker is fantastic. They are good to gank with, the teamfight potential is great and a well-placed tornado can give you really nice pick-offs. If there is a Nyx, the enemy will NEVER have mana and WILL die to ganks.

    Overall, the Q/E invoker is very reliant on snowballing and is under a lot of stress. The Q/W invoker is a more even pace of play, he is useful all the way through and also seems to have a higher skill ceiling with the availability of utility spells like tornado and ghostwalk.

    why then, do people go exort? pls explain ;_;


      Because wexvokers are cancer.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        they sure are. but they are fucking awesome :D

          კომენტარი წაიშალა

            Invoker is considered well above average hero even after this nerf.
            so QQ invoker fanboys

            stop complaining hero with 50% winlose and 3.0kda
            start to complain hero with 30% winlose and 1.7kda

            you know average 3.0kda is much higher than most of heroes?

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              i dont know matter of preference i think

              Quick maffs

                Invoker is not OP, the only invoker i think it was OP was the one with that OP EMP

                Why nerfing the hero SO much ? why nerfing exort invoker again ? :/

                I think icefrog just doesnt like the hero

                King of Low Prio

                  invoker needs to be nerfed more


                    yeah i feel like emp shouldn't be in the game, but w/e he's not gamebreaking


                      QQ more my fellow underdogs. I will still ez uall!1!1!!


                        Invoker is OP.


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