General Discussion

General Discussionnecrophos role

necrophos role in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    I play necro pretty often but of one thing i am not sure entirely: what's his role? I mean he can semicarry but in late game teamfights he is easily killed, he can support but not as good as other supports, he is an anti tank and an anti-carry thanks to his ultimate however the ult without agh and at least lv 11 is garbage. I've got the feeling that he is just another jack of all trades master of none.

    Position 1-definetly not. Even if you go shotgun style(eth blade and dagon) it gets shutted down by bkb.
    2- could be but i really am skeptic. His farming potential is ok with dpulse but his stats gain is crap, and beaides that he also hasnt got any form of escape unless you build a dagger or a force staff.
    3- possibly but then again no form of escape+paper hero+dpulse small aoe
    4- the one with the highest possibility i guess. However he still needs expensive items like aghs and shiva to be relevant.
    5 - greatly unadvised. His ult is pretty much useless in late without aghs. And also his skillset is not 100% for supporting.

    His skillset is also kind of weird, being with mediocre dmg mediocre healing and mediocre utility. In the end how do you play nexro properly? How do you build him properly?(i was thinking about something like undying: a tanky healer with an useful ult)

    Fun fact:necro has the highest wr atm. Can somebody explain me why?(even i have a 70%wr with him and idk why)

    თემა შეიცვალა
    King of Low Prio

      mek + agh then smoke gank kill one then enjoy ez 4v5 rax

      Ples Mercy

        He is in the same category as huskar, tusk etc.

        He has no real role, he is a shitty carry, shitty support, shitty offlaner etc. Thats why you don't really see him in competetive play, since its very difficult to find a good use for him.

        Hex Sigma

          Yet funny enough has the highest winrate.


            His role is pretty simple: +650HP every 5secs in a 5v5 & scythe the enemy carry (whilst DOTing of roughly 100HP/sec)

            Needs to stay towards the back though obviously - is squishy to burst.

            Quick maffs

              Go Mid, push, win.

              He is a teamfight hero, if you build him right there is no way you are losing a team fight that happens beetween 15 min and 50 min in the game.

              He is the kind of hero that just 5 man until you get rax, if they try to stop your push you are probably going to win the fight.

              Do not support with him.

              People saying necro is a bad hero doesnt know how to play him


                I actualy go mid, ez to control.
                Go to gank, ez steal stacks with Q and the regen.
                Full hp enemy, use ulti (OMG U NUUB PLS UNSITALL) so legion can go near, ulti and win the duel.

                Repeat till the end of the game.


                Flat is Justice!

                  he has 58% winrate

                  no eye deer why

                  casual gamer

                    Go mid. Buy stuff like mek/euls/ghost/force if ur dying, otherwise EB/dagon/hex

                    Necro scales very well into the mid-late game if you can play him without feeding

                    Nageoire de sirène.

                      his role is to os ppl

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      SMIMUEL HYDENKO

                        You can run him as a supp if you know what you're doing AA them A LOT and make sure to put 2 in heartstopper while supporting, not his best role supporting very late lane hard carries and I don't reccomend it, but still an OK pick. Again, if you know what you're doing you can do anything with this guy. Damn good offlaner, fucking 1200 cancer aura is so sweet.


                          I never play him as a support because his heal is too weak, I play him as a carry by building armor and magic resistance items because if you build HP items, your heal will drop off hard. Necrophos' goal is to stay alive as long as possible in a team fight to deal a disgustingly high amounts of damage from his aura and Death Pulse and then finish off opponents with the Reaper's Scythe, Sadist helps you stay in fights if you kill an enemy.

                          And about his winrate... It's because of the +30% respawn timer his ult has, it's ridiculous:
                          Yes, I did win against a fed FV, he got 100+ seconds of respawn becuase of the Scythe and we GG pushed to win before it's too late

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          Hex Sigma

                            I always thought that the degen aura is kind of useless in late. Can someone provide me with some theory crafting in order to explain why is it so awesome?


                              his winrate is high because most dota games last 40-50 minutes.

                              Late game necro is a fucking monster if he isn't the only carry.

                              Hex Sigma

                                Regarding his item build i was thinking like this:
                                Early: wand, soul ring, and boots
                                Core: mek, treads/arcane?, bloodstone maybe
                                Late: definetly aghs(but i usually pick it up when the carry starts balling), and then situational either hex, or pipe of they have magical dmg, shiva if they have lots of magical dmg
                                The only problem that i see is the bloodstone. I mean it gives you everything but its expensive as hell.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  dont need soul ring


                                    and bloodstone not great value as he can't use the mana regen in its entirety. better something cheaper like euls to fulfill his mana needs.



                                      nope doesnt work



                                        I play him quite a lot but Im still relatively new. I actually hardly build aghs on him but suppose I could after getting basic stuff like wand/urn/mek, the last two for improved team heals. I also generally start out supporting with at least wards or cour, and if no one else does I will keep up warding most game. My low kd games are mostly when I play full support necro with jugg or another carry in lane so I will skip last hits altogether and dont get much farm.
                                        I pref build him tanky as others said, the longer you can stay alive in team fights the more chance of catching a low health carry for your ult and more heals you can do.

                                        I love Necro btw, awesome all-round hero in my opinion that can semi-carry if needed and brings a lot of healing power to the team with the right items.

                                        vermillion one

                                          refresh ethereal dagon



                                            Your skill build was shit. You max Heartstopper Aura last (but skill it first). Take Sadist for easy regen.

                                            Soul Ring is totally useless on Necrophos.

                                            Best build is as follows:

                                            W, Q, Q, E, Q, R / Q, E, E, E, R / W, W, W, stats, R / etc.

                                            Play him as a semi-carry core hero. He needs items to be effective. Tank him up with Treads and then go for a Mek or Pipe. Aghs is totally OP.

                                            You don't need a Bloodstone on him either. Late game items include Hex, Shiva's, Heart.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Look I have never played necro in ranked but I love having him on my team, he is strong as shit. Extremely tanky, heals everyone, he's basically a pusher. Yeah you don't want him to be your only carry but you can win with him as a carry. He is flexible enough to play support as well though, stick him in a lane and let him harass because he will regen nicely and do nice harass with heartstopper as well. OP himself said he has a 70% win rate on him so I don't get what this thread is about, he just wins games usually.


                                                in my local competitive scene i always used necrophos as one of my option to go when i used push line up build (viper/pugna/ss/jakiro/enchan/undying etc)

                                                put him in 1v1 safelane, good versus batrider(charge),centa(can zone out pretty well), darkseer.

                                                very good at 5 man push and teamfight(however when you versus great team pretty sure they didnt want to get drag to your tempo(5man war) unless they have bkb.)

                                                still its a viable pick in a optional situation, but i think his ulti really need a buff. 0,4 /hp is really shit. really really shit.


                                                  I don't think ult needs any more buffs. The stun goes through BKB. It's a free lock down and if they don't have magic immunity, whack on the a guy a little bit to secure the kill. Now that his ult forces an extra +30% respawn time, it's amazing.

                                                    კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                      garbage hero with high winrate why ? :D

                                                      Señor Mango

                                                        He is that one hero that is so shitty that u are required to b greedy and steal kills from the initials heroes on ur team.
                                                        However, he makes a great support hero because he can hold such good support items (mek,pipe,force staff arcane) his sadist stacks when denying creeps so that he cant heal his allies, problem is playing that role is rather boring And. Forces u to crave that carry potential necro has. Altho the struggle for that is getting there, he needs insane amount of farm and i meanhe needs like last hits on every creeps wave for him to come online as fast as possible and usually he makes awesome feed to the enemy soo...yah. But the most fun is achieving that carry role and reking nubs lol

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          Whenever i read necro and support in same sentence, i wanna puke.

                                                          Señor Mango

                                                            Necro carry.....the struggle is real


                                                              I think you can do fine on necro starting out buying at least wards..In the games I play (Im very new so with lots of idiots who will pick 4 carries and go with 2 to the jungle, like my last game we barely lost in the end) you basically ward for your own safety more than anything, especially if you have to solo the long lane. As you say your E skill works on denies as well and if youre laning with a somewhat decent carry its ok to give him the farm and just harass and go for early ganks/kills to get your gold. Necro is fine going online later as a semi-carry while you keep up basic warding throughout the game if needed. I kinda like that diversity in the hero, and your basic items (Mek, Urn sometimes cause I tend to start with two strength gloves, tango, mana and wards) combined with your aoe heal/damage spell do bring a lot to early teamfights until you build up your more carry-ish items.

                                                              ps. Yes I know Im not supposed to build Y&S on a Necro but I frigging love them, easy to build and gives some much needed movement speed/slow + stats so whatever :P

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                best position for necro is jungle :D
                                                                don't forget the quelling blade
                                                                you're with me?

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