General Discussion

General Discussion[Discussion] Shadow Shaman

[Discussion] Shadow Shaman in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    I need a advice on how to improve my support play on him.Also, i would like to know what should be my starting items/core or rate my starting items/core. With the skillbuild i think im fine with it.

    Starting items : Tango, clarity x3, donkey,obs ward or (if someone bought donkey or wards) tango, clarity x3, donkey or wards, slave

    Core: Arcane, drums, Aghs, Euls( i havent made euls though )

    Skill build :


    i get Q at lvl 17 .. i dont know why .. i just like his long disables


      Put blink after arcane, also max his Q and W since shackle is not reliable but put one in it

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა


        Seldom there are cases where you can pull off a full shackle. Unless you're lane is really balling and you think you can go greedy with it, get either Q or W first. Usually Q is more desirable for the burst in lanes.

        Don't go drums. Aghs is also an item you get when you're balling. Otherwise stick with situational support items like Urn, Forcestaff or even a Mek.

        Retard Security Detail

          His Q is good burst and allows you to push lanes to drop wards on towers, dont neglect it.

          Kapitan Timba
            კომენტარი წაიშალა
            Kapitan Timba

              he is all i play. lol.. insanely fun hero. very tough to use as support

              Miku Plays


                its kinda hard for me to save for blink since i rotate a lot with this hero... so drums is my go to after arcane.. but ill try it one game

                @a mean wizard

                i always pull off a full shackle.. im committed to finish the channeling time of it. drums give me mana for my shackle & hex combo wile rotating... also i think drums give atk spd to mass wards as well when activated??

                ... TT.TT is this why i cant push quickly cause i dont get Q early. ...


                i think hes great at supporting/babysitting rather pushing the lane early.. at lvl 3 he can provide easy kills with long duration disables. maybe thats just what i think about him.

                Ples Mercy

                  So, you basicly don't skill one of the best (if not the best) early nuke in the game.

                  seems legit. Stats > Nuke, lets all stop skilling our nuke, so we have absolutely no kill potential and jerk off somewhere to be completely useless the whole game.


                    God.... why...


                      I'd say go for max nuke first, with 1 point in shackles and one in hex.

                      Nuke is great for clearing the creep wave before you ulti in tower, and also is good against most agility carries because they are squishy early.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        max the nuke! always


                          One point on Shackle is enough, max Q and W. 4 seconds is enough time to kill a hero (1 point on shackle and hex).
                          Get drums only if you're REALLY rich, otherwise keep the bracer, you don't need the stats nor the aura early game because most carries build drums anyways. You can get it lategame when your carry doesn't have a slot for it anymore.
                          Blink is a must on him since he really needs good positioning. You can skip it if your team already has an initiator, but I highly recommend it because of his shitty MS.
                          Your core should be Arcane Boots and Blink, you don't need anything else in order to be effective. Maybe an euls if you have LOTS of gold, but that's situational.
                          For lategame, refresher > aghs in every way.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            Another reason to level your nuke is that it gives you good neutral farming capabilities, so you can actually level up during periods of the game where you can't gank for reasons.
                            Now, if you're laning with an Ursa, things might be different.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                            Sugar Show

                              The worst way to play Shadow Shaman "Rastha" is as lane support, I have been playing him only as mid.
                              Max shackles and some points to Q, chiken is overrated early, add it at lvl7or 8. Rush bottle and when you get lvl6 buy wards/smoke and go to gank. Mid build: bottle,phase boots, eul scepter or blink dagger.


                                ^dude when u r fckin *k trash dont talk please.

                                You don't understand why u don't max shackle over sheep? BECUASE WHEN U USE SHACKLE U CANT MOVE, AND THE DISABLE CAN BE INTERRUPTED. Holy stop coming with ur stupid suggestion when u dont even understand how shit works

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Dire Wolf

                                  SS mid is strong but the problem is everyone views him as a support and thus in pubs you are probably going to be forced into lane support.


                                    dont listen to the other retard
                                    after maxing the nuke you max the sheep, mby skill shackle to level 2 somewhere while maxing it (AND JUST MAYBE)


                                      lets skip abilities in favour of stats on supports in the early to mid game, it's not like supports have abilities that are really strong at that point.

                                      very rarely should a support get points into attributes, because supports are strong due to their abilities, not their stats. even with points into attributes you're still going to be easy to kill because you're underlevelled, and you have no farm, at best you'll be 2 items behind the enemy cores. every point into stats delays your prime time by 1 level.

                                      the level and item disparity between a core and a support is also a reason not to get drum. positioning is more important and life saving to a support than stats are. force staff or blink will get you out of more bad situations than the 171 HP from drum will

                                      assuming shackle hits as many targets as possible, it will deal a total of 140 / 600 / 1300 / 2240 damage. the exponential scaling means it's better to max first as you get more value/benefit from putting the 2nd, 3rd and 4th skill points into it than the 2nd/3rd/4th points hex or shackle, which have linear scaling (+0.75s disable duration per level). in other words, max shackle first.

                                      anyways, if you are going for a dumb hex/shackles build, levelling hex is better because it's not channeled while the duration increase for levelling either disable are both 0.75s. not being channeled means you can attack, which is better than shackle's 40 magic DPS. and as dd said, if you get interrupted, then you lose out on disable duration if you didn't complete the channel.

                                      a longer duration hex also means you have a longer time to get away from a chasing enemy - you can't run away from someone if you have to channel shackles.

                                      e.g. if you get shackle interrupted as soon as it begins with a 0-2-4-1 skill build, you only have 2s of disable from hex. however with a 0-4-2-1 build, you still have a 3.5s disable from hex. not that either skill build is good, 0-4-2-1 is still shit, just less shit than 0-2-4-1.

                                      Sugar Show

                                        Tard and retard :28matches 25%wr -16matches 35% wr. Wonder why, also tard one can't even get positive wr with his avatar hero.
                                        Chicken early is overrated by the most of people who doens't know how to play Shadow Shaman or just are bad.

                                        ^Shackles depend mostly on player skills and "experience".


                                          No, landing a full duration Shackles depends on positioning, it has nothing to do with skill or experience with the hero but with the game in general.
                                          Chicken > Shackles in almost every situation. Maxing shackle is only useful for pick offs (going 2v1).
                                          While he's not a good lane support compared to others, he can do the job. I find better to have a weak lane support than a weak mid hero becaue, let's be honest, SS offers very little to the team compared to other mids if you're playing against competent oponents. He needs his bottle, but he can't control the runes due to his terrible MS. He's VERY easy to gank (285 MS, no escape), and if you're going for a shitty-maxshackle build you won't have your nuke to catch up in farm. He's very situational as a mid hero, unless you're playing on low skilled pubs.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                          Miku Plays

                                            hmmmm so its R> Q > W > E > U

                                            guess im gonna go for 3-2-1-1 build

                                            ... but does drums affect mass wards?

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              As lane support he is good if you lane with heroes that can actually kill the enemy offlaner in 3-4 sec of disable (Ex: ursa, tiny) or against solo offlaner. In 2v2 lane he sucks because he has low range on his abilities and is squishy.

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                fork + shackles max is legit if you skip arcanes and rush blink which can be pretty good against slippery carries like AM since they are often alone


                                                  Your build should be:
                                                  E > Q > W > Q > Q > R > Q.
                                                  After that, max out your hex.
                                                  Why going for a 4111 instead of a 3211? Because the 4 secs disable that gives you the first build (1 point on hex 1 on shackles) is enough to kill anyone. I'd only recommend the second build if you were the only one on your team with some kind of CC.
                                                  I'm pretty sure Wards are buffed by drums, but you don't need to get them because most likely your carry is gonna build it anyways. Even if he doesn't, the buff to the wards in minimal, you should be able to take the tower fast with or without drums if you're pushing with your team.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    "I find better to have a weak lane support than a weak mid hero becaue, let's be honest, SS offers very little to the team compared to other mids if you're playing against competent oponents."

                                                    Going mid lets you get a quick level 6 to ult the tower, probably kill it, then rotate. That's pretty much his entire existence mid, sort of like death prophet only SS can drop wards and leave and not be exposed to a gank there. I don't see getting ganked really being an issue, as long as you have a ward up and they don't do some crazy smoke or something you will be fine, all you need is xp range.

                                                    But I agree, I would prefer to have a carry mid like storm or something, just saying SS mid is better than in lane, but not as good as other mid options.

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